Click the "blue text" above to follow us! On the afternoon of July 15, the Bobai County People's Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2022. Luo Sa, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of Bobai County Court, attended the meeting and delivered a

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On the afternoon of July 15, the Bobai County People’s Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2022. Luo Sa, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of Bobai County Court, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Ye Ming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President, presided over the meeting, and all police officers of the court attended the meeting.

01.Experience introduction

At the meeting, the criminal tribunal of the hospital, the Affiliated City People's Court, the Enforcement Bureau, the Wangmao People's Court, and the judicial police brigade came to the reporting table to introduce their experience. Focusing on the department’s work highlights, they reported on the completion of the work in the first half of the year, existing problems and next work plans, achieving the purpose of exchanging and summarizing experience, improving business work capabilities, promoting work quality and efficiency, and fully creating a loyal performance of duties. , a working atmosphere of learning and catching up.

02. Summary of work

Luo Sa summarized the work of the court in the first half of 2022 focusing on five major aspects: "strengthening trial functions", "promoting one-stop construction", "strengthening trial management", "party building brand building" and "forging a strong court team". Summarize. Luo Sa pointed out that in the first half of the year, the court accepted a total of 5,670 litigation cases and enforcement cases (including 1,230 old cases), and concluded 4,144 cases. The number of cases closed increased by 31.64% year-on-year. The case closure rate was 1,073.09%, year-on-year. An increase of 10.84%; the settlement ratio was 93.54%, an increase of 26.13% year-on-year. Certain achievements have been achieved, but there are still some problems and deficiencies in the work.

03. Work arrangements for the second half of the year

will be done well in the second half of the year. Luo Sa emphasized that first, continue to carry out the theme education of " two establishments " and effectively transform the deep understanding and consensus of the "two establishments" into resolute actions. to the practical actions of " two safeguards", and transform scientific ideas into practical results in promoting the high-quality development of court work. The second is to pay close attention to the quality of cases and improve the quality and efficiency of trials. Vigorously increase the application rate of small claims litigation procedures, and normalize case quality evaluation and trial situation analysis to effectively improve the quality of case handling. The third is to accelerate the creation of "Model Courts for Practical Affairs for the People" and "Model People's Courts" to meet the diverse judicial needs of the people, actively promote rural revitalization, and better serve and ensure economic and social development. The fourth is to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control with a sense of responsibility of "always worrying", insisting on the responsibility to defend the territory, the responsibility to defend the territory, and the responsibility to defend the territory, completely blocking the chain of epidemic transmission, and resolutely eliminating hidden risks of epidemic transmission.

author | Chen Ying

picture | Li Yan

graphic editor | Li Yan

review | Chen Wei Liang Hongyan

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