In order to further promote the creation of the "five-star" branch, in recent days, Hancheng Street, Xinye County has taken the creation of the "five-star" branch as the entry point, taking the improvement of human settlements as the main position to test the organizational stren

2024/07/0316:44:32 international 1072

In order to further promote the creation of "five-star" branches, in recent days, Seoul Street in Xinye County has taken the creation of "five-star" branches as an entry point, taking the improvement of human settlements as the main position to test the organizational strength, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of grassroots party branches, and proactively As a result, continuous efforts and precise publicity have achieved good results in that the human settlement environment is co-constructed and shared by everyone.

In order to further promote the creation of the

In order to further promote the creation of the

Precise planning and clear goals. After the establishment of the "Five-Star" branch was fully launched, Seoul Street insisted on party building to lead the improvement of the human settlements environment. Based on the previous work on the improvement of the human settlements environment, combined with the "co-building and sharing of stars" creation standards, a special team was organized to conduct inspections of the human settlements environment within the jurisdiction. Work objectives, tasks and measures are re-refined. Based on the grid management led by party building, a working model of "branch + party members + grid members + volunteers + residents" was established to mobilize party members and residents to comprehensively clean up the accumulated buildings inside and outside the community, on both sides of the road, and in front of and behind the houses. Garbage, industrial and domestic waste, and centralized rectification of the problems of disorderly piles and disorderly construction on roads, public areas, and in front of and behind houses.

In order to further promote the creation of the

In order to further promote the creation of the

Strengthen publicity and involve all people. 9 supervision groups headed by members of the street team went deep into 9 communities to guide each community to determine the goals and specific measures for establishing a "five-star" branch in the community, and communicated the creation of a "five-star" branch to each branch and every employee Party members and residents. Utilize themed party days, party members’ conferences, electronic screens, publicity boards, WeChat groups and other carriers to mobilize the public’s sense of ownership in participating in the improvement of the living environment through multiple channels, and create a “everyone participates in environmental improvement and builds a beautiful and pleasant environment” throughout the street. "Homelike" atmosphere.

In order to further promote the creation of the

In order to further promote the creation of the

Party building leads the way and builds cohesion. relies on the mechanisms of "party members' joint households, cadres' sponsorship, branch consultations" and "resident group reports, community processing, street settlement" to give full play to the battle fortress role of grassroots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and organize party members, cadres and residents to gather together Carry out general cleaning, general cleaning, and general rectification, and mobilize party members and cadres to become the "vanguard" of grassroots governance. Through regular selection of activities such as "Five Beautiful Courtyards" and "Star Civilized Households", a "combination punch" of improving the living environment is carried out to empower the high-quality creation of "Five-Star Branches" through co-construction and sharing.

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