On July 13, staff at Khao Yai National Park in Thailand received news that a baby elephant about one year old fell into a 2-meter-deep cement pit near Sarika District, Nakhon Nayok Province and was unable to move. Due to the rainy weather, the staff immediately rushed to the scen

On July 13, staff at Khao Yai National Park in Thailand received news that a baby elephant about one year old fell into a 2-meter-deep cement pit near Sarika District, Nakhon Nayok Province and was unable to move. Due to the rainy weather, the staff immediately rushed to the scene to check.

According to the local village chief, a herd of elephants was discovered around 01:00 in the morning that day. There were about 30 elephants in this herd and they often move around here. He added that there were several baby elephants in the herd. While passing by, one baby elephant lost its footing and fell into a cement pit. The mother elephant was guarding the elephant, making it impossible for the villagers to come forward to rescue the baby elephant.

Video of a Thai baby elephant falling into a mud pit -

Subsequently, the staff and volunteer team of Khao Yai National Park immediately formulated a rescue plan for the baby elephant. The staff on site were divided into three groups. The first group was responsible for guarding the baby elephants at a distance. The area about 1 km away from the incident was to prevent the female elephant from calling its companions; the second group was responsible for injecting the female elephant with anesthetic and observing the female elephant's behavior at any time; the third group was responsible for helping the baby elephant escape from the cement pit.

With the joint efforts of everyone present, the baby elephant was successfully rescued from the cement pit. The mother elephant also regained consciousness and then returned to the forest together. Everyone present was very happy.