Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom.

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Ando Toshiyoshi was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. In April 1927, he served as a member of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters. In March of the following year, he was promoted to infantry colonel and captain of the 13th Infantry Regiment, and participated in the invasion of Shandong, China. In March 1930, he served as chief of staff of the Fifth Infantry Division. In May 1932, he was appointed as the military attache of the Embassy in the United Kingdom and was promoted to Army Major General in August. In April 1936, he served as the commander of the Fifth Independent Guards of the Japanese Kwantung Army and was promoted to Army Lieutenant General. In May 1938, he was appointed as the division commander of the fifth division of the Japanese invaders. In November, he was appointed as the commander of the 21st Group Army of the Japanese invaders. In February 1940, he was appointed commander of the South China Front of the Japanese invaders. In January 1944, he was promoted to Army General. In September, he was appointed commander of the Tenth Front of the Japanese Army in Taiwan. In December, he was also appointed as the Governor of Taiwan. On April 19, 1946, he committed suicide in fear of crime in the Japanese war criminals prison in Shanghai, China. He was the top general of the Japanese invaders who committed suicide in China after Japan surrendered.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨After Japan surrendered, he was detained in Shanghai and committed suicide by taking poison in prison.

was educated in aggression and expansion since childhood and was cruel by nature. After the emperor announced his surrender, he was extremely dissatisfied and ordered his men to destroy weapons and equipment on a large scale; he tortured and killed American pilots

Japan People consider cherry blossoms as their national flower. Among the popular ancient mottos in Japan, there is "Sakura is king among flowers, and soldiers are noble among people." Because "when the cherry blossoms bloom brilliantly, it is the day when they wither and fall; the same is true for the samurai. When he serves on the battlefield, it is the most glorious ending of his life."

Their praise of cherry blossoms is also the "praise of death".

Historically, Japan has long shown off the spirit of "Bushido". This is a habit they inherited from the Ezo people (indigenous people in northern Japan), a kind of "carp spirit" that favors righteousness over life.

They said: "Carp is one of the fish that fights the most fiercely and for the longest time, and once caught, it can face the butcher's knife calmly."

In the eyes of ancient Japanese samurai, and even later militarist and fascist soldiers, cherry blossoms and carp are role models for them to follow and role models for life. This is one of the reasons why Japanese officers and soldiers risked their lives on the battlefield of the invasion of China.

They believe that "if you have the courage to take control of your own life, you can take control of the lives of others" (Samurai Precepts), so they can do any cruel atrocities.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨Ando Toshiyoshi (1884-1946), Japanese army general, war criminal

On the day of Ando Toshiyoshi's 10th birthday, his father handed over a copy of "The Samurai's Disembowelment and Neck Cutting Action" printed in the first year of Keio in Japan (1865). He wrapped the booklet in a new cover and asked Liji to kneel face to face with him. After performing the samurai etiquette, he very solemnly handed the booklet into his hand.

According to the provisions of the "Essay": Sometimes the person who performs the "disembowelment" needs a close friend to stand behind him to help. When the suicidal person is unable or difficult to complete all the actions after inserting the dagger into the abdomen, the person's head is immediately cut off. Cut it down.

The vast majority of people who perform "cesarean operations" can complete all actions resolutely, decisively and neatly without the help of others. The purpose of Rikichi Ando's hard training is to become such a samurai one day.

In May 1938, division commander Ando Toshiyoshi was ordered to lead the Fifth Division and participated in the later Xuzhou Battle and the Henan-Shandong-Anhui Border Battle. On September 19, the Fifth Division was incorporated into the 21st Group Army and participated in the Battle of Guangzhou.

While the Japanese army captured Guangzhou, Ando Rikichi led the Fifth Division into the Pearl River Bay, and began to fight upstream along the Pearl River under the escort of the navy. They successively captured Humen and Lanshi, and advanced along the waterway to the area west of Tanzhou . and issued an order at 15:00 on October 25:

One part of the Pearl River Detachment was responsible for the security mission of the Humen Fortress, and the main force cooperated with the navy to continue upstream on the Pearl River. Operation; Foshan detachment occupied Foshan from Tanzhou via Zini, Chencun , Shiwan ; after the left detachment and other units occupied key areas near Sanshui, they took on the task of guarding Xijiang; the main force of the division came from Tanzhou advances to Foshan via Zini and Chencun.

In early November, the Fifth Division completed the above combat tasks and cut off the supply lines to Hong Kong and Macau. After Toshiyoshi Ando served as the commander of the 21st Army, on February 8 of the following year, he ordered Major General Shojiro Iida to command the Taiwan Mixed Brigade to begin the operation to capture Hainan Island. On March 27, another force was ordered to "sweep" the area west of Guangzhou and occupied Jiangmen, Xinhui and other places.

In early April, the Chinese army launched an offensive to regain Guangzhou. Ando Rikichi ordered the main forces of the 104th Division and the 18th Division to block the Chinese army's attack respectively. The battle ended on the 28th. Ando was ordered to command the 21st Army in late June. In coordination with the Navy's Fifth Fleet, he launched an attack on the Shantou and Chaozhou areas.

html In late August, the Chinese army once again launched an attack on the Japanese army that occupied Guangzhou. Ando ordered the two divisions to switch to counterattack operations on September 1, and the battle ended on the 9th.

Ando also ordered part of the 18th Division to capture the Shenzhen and Shatoujiao areas in the middle of the year. At the end of the month, the 20th Independent Brigade of the Chinese Army launched an operation to regain Shenzhen. Ando immediately sent reinforcements to counterattack, and the operation lasted until mid-October.

On October 14, Ando Toshiyoshi was ordered to capture Nanning and cut off the international supply line in southwest China. Ando led the headquarters personnel to set out from Guangzhou and entered Qinxian County in mid-November. After conducting combat deployment, he ordered the commander of the Fifth Division Imamura Jun to act as his command, and then captured Nanning City on the 24th.

After that, they successively captured Gaofeng Pass, Kunlun Pass, Longzhou, Zhennanguan (today's Friendship Pass) and other places.

Ando Rikichi is a war madman who likes to use various poison gas bombs. In the above operations, the troops were ordered to use poison gas bombs many times, causing heavy casualties to the Chinese army and people.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture 丨 Masao Nakamura, who was promoted to Army Major General in March 1939, was killed in the Battle of Kunlun Pass on December 25 of the same year

At this time, the Chinese army launched a counterattack against Kunlun Pass. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses, and the commander of the brigade Masao Nakamura was killed. . Ando ordered the main force of the group army to reinforce Kunlun Pass one after another, and the battle became more brutal.

On the night of January 3, 1940, the Japanese troops guarding Kunlun Pass were exhausted. Ando ordered the Japanese troops to use poison gas wantonly. The Chinese army, fearless of life and death, continued to charge and finally regained Kunlun Pass.

At the same time as the Battle of Guinan, Ando also ordered the 104th Division, 107th Brigade and other units to launch Operation Ongying on November 20, 1939. At the end of December, Wengyuan, Yingde and other places were captured. After

Ando Toshiyoshi personally formulated the " Binyang Battle Guidance Plan", he flew to Nanning on January 23, 1940 and directly commanded the battle. htmlAt the end of January, he sent an encouragement telegram to all the corps:

The victory or defeat of this battle will be the decisive battle tomorrow (February 1). He hopes that all officers and soldiers will work hard and win.

With the strong support of the aviation force, the Japanese army successively captured Binyang and Zouxu in early February. At 10 o'clock on the 4th, Ando entered Binyang City.

In the three months after the formation of the South China Front, Ando commanded the Japanese army to conduct the first West Route Operation, Jiangbei Operation, East Route Operation, and the Second West Route Operation.

htmlAt the beginning of May, Ando was ordered to carry out operations to support the Yichang , and ordered the 38th Division to advance north to contain the Chinese army and capture Liangkou. Subsequently, four divisions of the Chinese army launched attacks on the front and rear of the Japanese army. On the 28th, Ando ordered one of each of the two divisions to launch a counterattack, causing huge casualties to the Chinese army.

At the same time, Ando also directed the landing operations to capture Fuzhou and Wenzhou. On April 21, the Japanese army captured Fuzhou and other places. In early May, Ando ordered his troops to capture Jiazi Port and Jieshi and carry out "mopping up". After cutting off the Xiangshao Highway, on the 10th, he ordered the main forces of the 18th and 38th Divisions to launch offensive operations from three sides with Huichuan as the target.

After listening to the emperor's unconditional surrender edict, Ando Rikichi, then commander of the Tenth Taiwan Front and governor of Taiwan, simply couldn't believe his ears. He felt that the voice sounded like the emperor's voice, but as a senior general, he thought The first word is "A soldier never tires of deceit." Could this be some kind of trick played by the United States? He never believed that two atomic bombs could scare the emperor out of his wits!

So, he immediately called the base camp to inquire. After receiving a positive reply, he called the base camp again and requested that it be forwarded to His Majesty the Emperor, expressing deep regret for the Emperor's unconditional surrender edict. He also said in the telegram:

... I believe that Japan should not take the initiative to give up the last chance to fight, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. This is neither the character nor habits of the Emperor, nor the national character and habits of the Empire of Japan, nor the nature and habits of Japanese soldiers. If the emperor takes the initiative, Japan will be put to death by other countries and live in a corner of the world forever, or even become a colony, and will never recover. The "eights and one universe" in the imperial edict of Amaterasu Kammu, the first emperor of Japan, will forever become history, using force to "open up thousands of miles of waves and spread the country's authority in all directions", "unify the world into one country, and use the emperor's will as the will of the world." "The basic national policy of "will disappear from now on...

Unexpectedly, he actually received a reply in military language and secular language:

Today you will get a message from the emperor, the Japanese government and the base camp in the news broadcast. The world’s official answer! Please don’t send any more telegrams about “it doesn’t hurt to stand and talk”! This is the last reply from the base camp to you. It will most likely be the order appointing you as the person responsible for the surrender of Taiwan.

After all his efforts became a soap bubble, he began to implement his second step plan: immediately issue an order to let the troops hide weapons and equipment (including tanks and artillery) and food, and destroy aircraft, warships, and armored vehicles. , cars, etc.; military factories that cannot be hidden, especially chemical weapons (poison gas) factories, should be blown up and burned, and traces should be eliminated as much as possible; only damaged and worn-out weapons and equipment should be left for transfer.

Its purpose is, first, to prepare for a comeback one day; second, to eliminate evidence of guilt to the greatest extent and reduce guilt; third, to prevent the weapons and equipment of the Empire of Japan from being used by enemy countries.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture 丨 After Japan surrendered, the Japanese invaders in Taiwan were ordered to destroy weapons and equipment. This was after they threw arms into the sea.

After the order was issued, the Japanese troops in Taiwan began to carry out large-scale criminal activities of hiding and destroying weapons and equipment. Some troops even Weapons and equipment that are difficult to hide are transported to the sea and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Although these criminal activities have also been discovered in mainland China, most of them are spontaneous actions by various troops and some officers and soldiers. Incidents of criminal activities carried out in accordance with unified orders like in Taiwan are rarely discovered.

Lieutenant General Hitomi Hidezo, the division commander of the 12th Division of the Japanese Tenth Front Army in Taiwan, was stationed in Kaohsiung , Pingtung, and Fengshan areas. After Japan surrendered, the 151st Division of the 62nd Army of the Chinese Army stationed in Guangdong Province was ordered to be stationed in Tainan, Kaohsiung and other places as surrender troops. Hidezo Hitomi, the commander of the

division, showed great obedience and respect to the surrendered troops. He took the initiative to relocate all his troops to remote areas and strictly managed them. All personnel who went out wore armbands issued by the Chinese military. When encountering Chinese soldiers on the road, they saluted and reported first. ; He did everything he was ordered to do by the Chinese military, such as repairing cars, tanks, building roads, etc., and did it to perfection.

On the surface, Hidezo and his subordinates strictly requested instructions and reported everything for fear that the Chinese military would be dissatisfied. But this is just an ugly show. Secretly, they followed Ando Rikichi's orders, not only destroying and hiding weapons, equipment, and food everywhere, but also secretly massacred 13 American prisoners of war.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews51 Division Commander Lin Weichou once wrote:

Many middle and senior Japanese generals were not reconciled to the failure. In addition to declaring that they would "come to Taiwan again in twenty years," they also carried out large-scale sabotage of weapons, equipment and concealed materials.They... use caves in various places, or original cave warehouses, to store large amounts of rice, canned food, medicine, gasoline, ammunition and other supplies, and then secretly seal the cave entrances... Countless hiding spots have been discovered in Kaohsiung County alone. There are hundreds of places: 67 caves, 264 warehouses, and 43 fuel depots, hiding a large amount of weapons and equipment, ammunition, chemical weapons, gasoline, poison gas, and other military supplies.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨American pilot captured by the Japanese army

According to the notification from the US military liaison group, a few days before Japan surrendered, a US military plane crashed near Kaohsiung Port. 13 US Air Force personnel were captured by the Japanese army after parachuting. Please ask the 62nd Army for help. Trace their whereabouts.

Army Commander Huang Tao made an explanation to Lin Weichuan. Lin Weichou immediately summoned people to see Xiu San and asked about the matter. People deny it when they see it, and they don't know anything when asked. Lin Weichou took out photos of the crashed US military plane and the pilots, but others still claimed that "the US military may have mistaken the crash location."

Lin Weichou led the investigation team to conduct a lot of work, but due to the widespread offensive and defensive alliance among the Japanese army, the case was never solved. Later, a Taiwanese who served as a Japanese translator exposed the crime of killing US military pilots.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨Lin Weichu (1905-1998), also known as Jiquan

Lin Weichu immediately led his troops to search, and finally unearthed the bodies of 13 American soldiers on the embankment a few kilometers away from Kaohsiung Port. Although the body has decomposed, the brown hair, US military uniform and metal clothing are still irrefutable evidence.

After further verification, the order to kill the American prisoners of war was secretly issued by Renmi after the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender. As a result, Lin Weichuan immediately ordered the arrest of Renjian Xiuzan.

In fact, this crime was also carried out under the instructions of Ando Rikichi.

At that time, Hitomi Hidezo called and asked Ando Rikichi: "What should we do with the 13 US military prisoners we hold here?"

"What do you think?" Ando Rikichi felt that he was knowingly asking.

"Your Excellency, Commander, do you mean to prepare for the handover in accordance with international practice?"

"I mean to handle it in the simplest way." "Kill?" Hitomi Hidezo asked again.

"Don't you think they are not enemies? Before the Chinese army reaches Taiwan, we should do everything we can as soon as possible!" Ando Rikichi shouted.

"Hai! Get your humble job done immediately."

"You must do it without being noticed..."

In early April 1946, the Chinese military detained Taiwan's former senior Japanese generals in the Taipei Japanese War Criminals Detention Center .

After Hidezo Hizoro learned that they were going to be escorted to Nanjing as war crime suspects, he secretly took the poison potassium cyanide hidden in the corner of his clothes on the night of the 13th and committed suicide out of fear of crime. He was the only Japanese Army Lieutenant General to commit suicide in Taiwan after the war.

poison gas bombs were often used when invading mainland China, and the "disbandment ceremony" triggered armed conflicts. Ando ordered the massacre of Taiwanese officers and soldiers; he took poison in a mainland prison, and the hara-kiri practice he had practiced since childhood was useless.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨The last Japanese governor in Taiwan Ando Toshiyoshi signed the surrender document

After Japan surrendered, Ando Toshiyoshi held a grand "Disarmament Ceremony" banquet in Taipei in early September to declare that the Japanese troops stationed in Taiwan had completed their historical mission and were ready to disarm, disband, and wait for disposal.

Rikichi Ando thought that in the future, Taiwan would no longer be a Japanese territory, and Taiwanese officers and soldiers would no longer be Japanese. He felt very uncomfortable. The sullenness in his heart had to be spread on the Taiwanese officers and soldiers.

At the banquet, he arranged for Japanese officers to drink fine French wine, and Taiwanese officers to drink inferior local wine. This kind of discrimination against Taiwanese military officers aroused their strong dissatisfaction, which triggered an armed conflict. Officers from both sides drew their guns and shot at each other. This was the famous "Taipei Banquet Massacre" in Taiwan at that time, which caused a sensation throughout Taiwan and caused strong dissatisfaction among the Taiwanese people.

Originally, the shooting did not endanger the small banquet hall of the senior generals.


Ando Toshiyoshi was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. In April 1927, he served as a member of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters. In March of the following year, he was promoted to infantry colonel and captain of the 13th Infantry Regiment, and participated in the invasion of Shandong, China. In March 1930, he served as chief of staff of the Fifth Infantry Division. In May 1932, he was appointed as the military attache of the Embassy in the United Kingdom and was promoted to Army Major General in August. In April 1936, he served as the commander of the Fifth Independent Guards of the Japanese Kwantung Army and was promoted to Army Lieutenant General. In May 1938, he was appointed as the division commander of the fifth division of the Japanese invaders. In November, he was appointed as the commander of the 21st Group Army of the Japanese invaders. In February 1940, he was appointed commander of the South China Front of the Japanese invaders. In January 1944, he was promoted to Army General. In September, he was appointed commander of the Tenth Front of the Japanese Army in Taiwan. In December, he was also appointed as the Governor of Taiwan. On April 19, 1946, he committed suicide in fear of crime in the Japanese war criminals prison in Shanghai, China. He was the top general of the Japanese invaders who committed suicide in China after Japan surrendered.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨After Japan surrendered, he was detained in Shanghai and committed suicide by taking poison in prison.

was educated in aggression and expansion since childhood and was cruel by nature. After the emperor announced his surrender, he was extremely dissatisfied and ordered his men to destroy weapons and equipment on a large scale; he tortured and killed American pilots

Japan People consider cherry blossoms as their national flower. Among the popular ancient mottos in Japan, there is "Sakura is king among flowers, and soldiers are noble among people." Because "when the cherry blossoms bloom brilliantly, it is the day when they wither and fall; the same is true for the samurai. When he serves on the battlefield, it is the most glorious ending of his life."

Their praise of cherry blossoms is also the "praise of death".

Historically, Japan has long shown off the spirit of "Bushido". This is a habit they inherited from the Ezo people (indigenous people in northern Japan), a kind of "carp spirit" that favors righteousness over life.

They said: "Carp is one of the fish that fights the most fiercely and for the longest time, and once caught, it can face the butcher's knife calmly."

In the eyes of ancient Japanese samurai, and even later militarist and fascist soldiers, cherry blossoms and carp are role models for them to follow and role models for life. This is one of the reasons why Japanese officers and soldiers risked their lives on the battlefield of the invasion of China.

They believe that "if you have the courage to take control of your own life, you can take control of the lives of others" (Samurai Precepts), so they can do any cruel atrocities.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨Ando Toshiyoshi (1884-1946), Japanese army general, war criminal

On the day of Ando Toshiyoshi's 10th birthday, his father handed over a copy of "The Samurai's Disembowelment and Neck Cutting Action" printed in the first year of Keio in Japan (1865). He wrapped the booklet in a new cover and asked Liji to kneel face to face with him. After performing the samurai etiquette, he very solemnly handed the booklet into his hand.

According to the provisions of the "Essay": Sometimes the person who performs the "disembowelment" needs a close friend to stand behind him to help. When the suicidal person is unable or difficult to complete all the actions after inserting the dagger into the abdomen, the person's head is immediately cut off. Cut it down.

The vast majority of people who perform "cesarean operations" can complete all actions resolutely, decisively and neatly without the help of others. The purpose of Rikichi Ando's hard training is to become such a samurai one day.

In May 1938, division commander Ando Toshiyoshi was ordered to lead the Fifth Division and participated in the later Xuzhou Battle and the Henan-Shandong-Anhui Border Battle. On September 19, the Fifth Division was incorporated into the 21st Group Army and participated in the Battle of Guangzhou.

While the Japanese army captured Guangzhou, Ando Rikichi led the Fifth Division into the Pearl River Bay, and began to fight upstream along the Pearl River under the escort of the navy. They successively captured Humen and Lanshi, and advanced along the waterway to the area west of Tanzhou . and issued an order at 15:00 on October 25:

One part of the Pearl River Detachment was responsible for the security mission of the Humen Fortress, and the main force cooperated with the navy to continue upstream on the Pearl River. Operation; Foshan detachment occupied Foshan from Tanzhou via Zini, Chencun , Shiwan ; after the left detachment and other units occupied key areas near Sanshui, they took on the task of guarding Xijiang; the main force of the division came from Tanzhou advances to Foshan via Zini and Chencun.

In early November, the Fifth Division completed the above combat tasks and cut off the supply lines to Hong Kong and Macau. After Toshiyoshi Ando served as the commander of the 21st Army, on February 8 of the following year, he ordered Major General Shojiro Iida to command the Taiwan Mixed Brigade to begin the operation to capture Hainan Island. On March 27, another force was ordered to "sweep" the area west of Guangzhou and occupied Jiangmen, Xinhui and other places.

In early April, the Chinese army launched an offensive to regain Guangzhou. Ando Rikichi ordered the main forces of the 104th Division and the 18th Division to block the Chinese army's attack respectively. The battle ended on the 28th. Ando was ordered to command the 21st Army in late June. In coordination with the Navy's Fifth Fleet, he launched an attack on the Shantou and Chaozhou areas.

html In late August, the Chinese army once again launched an attack on the Japanese army that occupied Guangzhou. Ando ordered the two divisions to switch to counterattack operations on September 1, and the battle ended on the 9th.

Ando also ordered part of the 18th Division to capture the Shenzhen and Shatoujiao areas in the middle of the year. At the end of the month, the 20th Independent Brigade of the Chinese Army launched an operation to regain Shenzhen. Ando immediately sent reinforcements to counterattack, and the operation lasted until mid-October.

On October 14, Ando Toshiyoshi was ordered to capture Nanning and cut off the international supply line in southwest China. Ando led the headquarters personnel to set out from Guangzhou and entered Qinxian County in mid-November. After conducting combat deployment, he ordered the commander of the Fifth Division Imamura Jun to act as his command, and then captured Nanning City on the 24th.

After that, they successively captured Gaofeng Pass, Kunlun Pass, Longzhou, Zhennanguan (today's Friendship Pass) and other places.

Ando Rikichi is a war madman who likes to use various poison gas bombs. In the above operations, the troops were ordered to use poison gas bombs many times, causing heavy casualties to the Chinese army and people.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture 丨 Masao Nakamura, who was promoted to Army Major General in March 1939, was killed in the Battle of Kunlun Pass on December 25 of the same year

At this time, the Chinese army launched a counterattack against Kunlun Pass. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses, and the commander of the brigade Masao Nakamura was killed. . Ando ordered the main force of the group army to reinforce Kunlun Pass one after another, and the battle became more brutal.

On the night of January 3, 1940, the Japanese troops guarding Kunlun Pass were exhausted. Ando ordered the Japanese troops to use poison gas wantonly. The Chinese army, fearless of life and death, continued to charge and finally regained Kunlun Pass.

At the same time as the Battle of Guinan, Ando also ordered the 104th Division, 107th Brigade and other units to launch Operation Ongying on November 20, 1939. At the end of December, Wengyuan, Yingde and other places were captured. After

Ando Toshiyoshi personally formulated the " Binyang Battle Guidance Plan", he flew to Nanning on January 23, 1940 and directly commanded the battle. htmlAt the end of January, he sent an encouragement telegram to all the corps:

The victory or defeat of this battle will be the decisive battle tomorrow (February 1). He hopes that all officers and soldiers will work hard and win.

With the strong support of the aviation force, the Japanese army successively captured Binyang and Zouxu in early February. At 10 o'clock on the 4th, Ando entered Binyang City.

In the three months after the formation of the South China Front, Ando commanded the Japanese army to conduct the first West Route Operation, Jiangbei Operation, East Route Operation, and the Second West Route Operation.

htmlAt the beginning of May, Ando was ordered to carry out operations to support the Yichang , and ordered the 38th Division to advance north to contain the Chinese army and capture Liangkou. Subsequently, four divisions of the Chinese army launched attacks on the front and rear of the Japanese army. On the 28th, Ando ordered one of each of the two divisions to launch a counterattack, causing huge casualties to the Chinese army.

At the same time, Ando also directed the landing operations to capture Fuzhou and Wenzhou. On April 21, the Japanese army captured Fuzhou and other places. In early May, Ando ordered his troops to capture Jiazi Port and Jieshi and carry out "mopping up". After cutting off the Xiangshao Highway, on the 10th, he ordered the main forces of the 18th and 38th Divisions to launch offensive operations from three sides with Huichuan as the target.

After listening to the emperor's unconditional surrender edict, Ando Rikichi, then commander of the Tenth Taiwan Front and governor of Taiwan, simply couldn't believe his ears. He felt that the voice sounded like the emperor's voice, but as a senior general, he thought The first word is "A soldier never tires of deceit." Could this be some kind of trick played by the United States? He never believed that two atomic bombs could scare the emperor out of his wits!

So, he immediately called the base camp to inquire. After receiving a positive reply, he called the base camp again and requested that it be forwarded to His Majesty the Emperor, expressing deep regret for the Emperor's unconditional surrender edict. He also said in the telegram:

... I believe that Japan should not take the initiative to give up the last chance to fight, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. This is neither the character nor habits of the Emperor, nor the national character and habits of the Empire of Japan, nor the nature and habits of Japanese soldiers. If the emperor takes the initiative, Japan will be put to death by other countries and live in a corner of the world forever, or even become a colony, and will never recover. The "eights and one universe" in the imperial edict of Amaterasu Kammu, the first emperor of Japan, will forever become history, using force to "open up thousands of miles of waves and spread the country's authority in all directions", "unify the world into one country, and use the emperor's will as the will of the world." "The basic national policy of "will disappear from now on...

Unexpectedly, he actually received a reply in military language and secular language:

Today you will get a message from the emperor, the Japanese government and the base camp in the news broadcast. The world’s official answer! Please don’t send any more telegrams about “it doesn’t hurt to stand and talk”! This is the last reply from the base camp to you. It will most likely be the order appointing you as the person responsible for the surrender of Taiwan.

After all his efforts became a soap bubble, he began to implement his second step plan: immediately issue an order to let the troops hide weapons and equipment (including tanks and artillery) and food, and destroy aircraft, warships, and armored vehicles. , cars, etc.; military factories that cannot be hidden, especially chemical weapons (poison gas) factories, should be blown up and burned, and traces should be eliminated as much as possible; only damaged and worn-out weapons and equipment should be left for transfer.

Its purpose is, first, to prepare for a comeback one day; second, to eliminate evidence of guilt to the greatest extent and reduce guilt; third, to prevent the weapons and equipment of the Empire of Japan from being used by enemy countries.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture 丨 After Japan surrendered, the Japanese invaders in Taiwan were ordered to destroy weapons and equipment. This was after they threw arms into the sea.

After the order was issued, the Japanese troops in Taiwan began to carry out large-scale criminal activities of hiding and destroying weapons and equipment. Some troops even Weapons and equipment that are difficult to hide are transported to the sea and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Although these criminal activities have also been discovered in mainland China, most of them are spontaneous actions by various troops and some officers and soldiers. Incidents of criminal activities carried out in accordance with unified orders like in Taiwan are rarely discovered.

Lieutenant General Hitomi Hidezo, the division commander of the 12th Division of the Japanese Tenth Front Army in Taiwan, was stationed in Kaohsiung , Pingtung, and Fengshan areas. After Japan surrendered, the 151st Division of the 62nd Army of the Chinese Army stationed in Guangdong Province was ordered to be stationed in Tainan, Kaohsiung and other places as surrender troops. Hidezo Hitomi, the commander of the

division, showed great obedience and respect to the surrendered troops. He took the initiative to relocate all his troops to remote areas and strictly managed them. All personnel who went out wore armbands issued by the Chinese military. When encountering Chinese soldiers on the road, they saluted and reported first. ; He did everything he was ordered to do by the Chinese military, such as repairing cars, tanks, building roads, etc., and did it to perfection.

On the surface, Hidezo and his subordinates strictly requested instructions and reported everything for fear that the Chinese military would be dissatisfied. But this is just an ugly show. Secretly, they followed Ando Rikichi's orders, not only destroying and hiding weapons, equipment, and food everywhere, but also secretly massacred 13 American prisoners of war.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews51 Division Commander Lin Weichou once wrote:

Many middle and senior Japanese generals were not reconciled to the failure. In addition to declaring that they would "come to Taiwan again in twenty years," they also carried out large-scale sabotage of weapons, equipment and concealed materials.They... use caves in various places, or original cave warehouses, to store large amounts of rice, canned food, medicine, gasoline, ammunition and other supplies, and then secretly seal the cave entrances... Countless hiding spots have been discovered in Kaohsiung County alone. There are hundreds of places: 67 caves, 264 warehouses, and 43 fuel depots, hiding a large amount of weapons and equipment, ammunition, chemical weapons, gasoline, poison gas, and other military supplies.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨American pilot captured by the Japanese army

According to the notification from the US military liaison group, a few days before Japan surrendered, a US military plane crashed near Kaohsiung Port. 13 US Air Force personnel were captured by the Japanese army after parachuting. Please ask the 62nd Army for help. Trace their whereabouts.

Army Commander Huang Tao made an explanation to Lin Weichuan. Lin Weichou immediately summoned people to see Xiu San and asked about the matter. People deny it when they see it, and they don't know anything when asked. Lin Weichou took out photos of the crashed US military plane and the pilots, but others still claimed that "the US military may have mistaken the crash location."

Lin Weichou led the investigation team to conduct a lot of work, but due to the widespread offensive and defensive alliance among the Japanese army, the case was never solved. Later, a Taiwanese who served as a Japanese translator exposed the crime of killing US military pilots.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨Lin Weichu (1905-1998), also known as Jiquan

Lin Weichu immediately led his troops to search, and finally unearthed the bodies of 13 American soldiers on the embankment a few kilometers away from Kaohsiung Port. Although the body has decomposed, the brown hair, US military uniform and metal clothing are still irrefutable evidence.

After further verification, the order to kill the American prisoners of war was secretly issued by Renmi after the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender. As a result, Lin Weichuan immediately ordered the arrest of Renjian Xiuzan.

In fact, this crime was also carried out under the instructions of Ando Rikichi.

At that time, Hitomi Hidezo called and asked Ando Rikichi: "What should we do with the 13 US military prisoners we hold here?"

"What do you think?" Ando Rikichi felt that he was knowingly asking.

"Your Excellency, Commander, do you mean to prepare for the handover in accordance with international practice?"

"I mean to handle it in the simplest way." "Kill?" Hitomi Hidezo asked again.

"Don't you think they are not enemies? Before the Chinese army reaches Taiwan, we should do everything we can as soon as possible!" Ando Rikichi shouted.

"Hai! Get your humble job done immediately."

"You must do it without being noticed..."

In early April 1946, the Chinese military detained Taiwan's former senior Japanese generals in the Taipei Japanese War Criminals Detention Center .

After Hidezo Hizoro learned that they were going to be escorted to Nanjing as war crime suspects, he secretly took the poison potassium cyanide hidden in the corner of his clothes on the night of the 13th and committed suicide out of fear of crime. He was the only Japanese Army Lieutenant General to commit suicide in Taiwan after the war.

poison gas bombs were often used when invading mainland China, and the "disbandment ceremony" triggered armed conflicts. Ando ordered the massacre of Taiwanese officers and soldiers; he took poison in a mainland prison, and the hara-kiri practice he had practiced since childhood was useless.

Overview: Toshiyoshi Ando was born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in 1883. He graduated from the 26th batch of the Japanese Army University in 1914 and served as deputy military attaché of the Embassy in the United Kingdom. - DayDayNews

Picture丨The last Japanese governor in Taiwan Ando Toshiyoshi signed the surrender document

After Japan surrendered, Ando Toshiyoshi held a grand "Disarmament Ceremony" banquet in Taipei in early September to declare that the Japanese troops stationed in Taiwan had completed their historical mission and were ready to disarm, disband, and wait for disposal.

Rikichi Ando thought that in the future, Taiwan would no longer be a Japanese territory, and Taiwanese officers and soldiers would no longer be Japanese. He felt very uncomfortable. The sullenness in his heart had to be spread on the Taiwanese officers and soldiers.

At the banquet, he arranged for Japanese officers to drink fine French wine, and Taiwanese officers to drink inferior local wine. This kind of discrimination against Taiwanese military officers aroused their strong dissatisfaction, which triggered an armed conflict. Officers from both sides drew their guns and shot at each other. This was the famous "Taipei Banquet Massacre" in Taiwan at that time, which caused a sensation throughout Taiwan and caused strong dissatisfaction among the Taiwanese people.

Originally, the shooting did not endanger the small banquet hall of the senior generals.Rikichi Ando heard the gunshots and said to Major General Tanaka Toru, commander of the Japanese Taiwan Infantry Second Regiment: "Go and see, what happened?"

At this time, some Japanese officers shouted: "Taiwanese officers killed people. La!"

Ando Rikichi ordered angrily: "Shoot all the troublemakers!" After hearing the order, Tanaka Tooru excitedly pulled out his pistol and rushed to the grand banquet hall, shouting: "Second Coupon. All troops and gendarmerie were mobilized, some of them are dead!" When Toru Tanaka ran quickly to the headquarters compound, a Japanese officer reported to him: "The Taiwanese officers have killed several people!"

"What an untamed beast!" He said, shooting at the Taiwanese officers in the courtyard, killing three or four of them in succession.

At this time, the Second Regiment and the Gendarmerie had surrounded the Tenth Front Army Headquarters compound. Ando Rikichi ordered in slanderous language: "Arrest all the Taiwanese officers, and those who disobey will be shot on the spot!"

During the arrest process, the Japanese military police shot five or six more people on the spot and arrested dozens of Taiwanese officers. .

In this conflict, more than 30 Japanese officers were shot dead by Taiwanese officers, and more than 20 Taiwanese officers were shot dead. At that time, a Taiwanese officer raised his gun and wanted to kill Tohru Tanaka. One of his friends suddenly raised his pistol and said, "You don't want to live anymore?" The bullet hit the ceiling, allowing Tohru Tanaka to escape death. .

The officer who fired the gun said angrily: "Japan has surrendered, why do they still dare to bully us like this?"

"If you endure it any longer, the rabbit's tail will not grow anymore!"

Tanaka Toru and the military police captain were asking Ando Toshiyoshi When asking for instructions on how to deal with these Taiwanese officers, Ando told them about a past event 26 years ago.

It was October 26, 1919. General Akashi Genjiro, the governor of the Japanese invaders in Taiwan and the commander of the Taiwan Army, was returning to Taiwan from Japan on a warship. When it entered Taiwan, it hit a reef and sank. He fell into the water and died.

A few days later, a Taiwanese newspaper published a fable called "Dialogue between a Shark and a Robber," which fictionalized a dialogue between a shark on the Taiwanese coast and a Japanese officer who fell into the water, and finally ate the Japanese robber.

Toshiki Ando concluded: "The Taiwanese people's hatred of the Japanese Empire is long-standing, deep-rooted, and irreversible. We must strictly interrogate, dig out the people behind the scenes, and then execute them all."

Just as these Taiwanese officers were being tortured As the torture continued, Chinese surrendered officials and troops flew to Taipei. Ando Rikichi had to order the immediate and secret release of Taiwanese officers. This armed conflict ended.

But this could not cover up their crimes. The Chinese military escorted Toru Tanaka to Nanjing on suspicion of war criminals and detained him in the Japanese War Criminals Detention Center. Later, Toru Tanaka was sentenced to death by the Chinese military court. On April 7, 1948, in Nanjing Yuhuatai was shot.

In 1941, the Donggang Incident broke out in Taiwan, which shocked the Japanese government and the public. For more than a year, intellectuals such as doctor Fengshan County, founder of the Taiwan Cultural Association Wu Haihai, Tainan County lawyer Ou Qingshi and Guo Guoji , to propagate and encourage the people of Taiwan to stage an anti-Japanese uprising in order to prepare for the Chinese army's landing operations in Taiwan.

This matter was reported by the spies acting as Japanese lackeys. After taking office, Ando Rikichi paid great attention to it and determined to catch it all to avoid future troubles. The Japanese Military Police and the Second Infantry Regiment were arranged to conduct a secret investigation. After grasping the basic situation, the commander of the

Regiment Major General Tanaka Toru continued to summarize the situation and reported to Ando Rikichi when the time was right. Cooperating with the military police, more than 200 intellectuals were arrested in one fell swoop and tortured. Eight people died tragically under torture, and dozens were left with lifelong disabilities.

The Japanese authorities attempted to "reform the Japanese state system" and use it to suppress the Japanese government. On the charge of "Taiwan's independence from Japanese rule", 12 of them were sentenced to fixed-term or life imprisonment. While serving their sentences, 4 more people were tortured to death and 2 died.

Ando Rikichi ordered Tanaka Toru to lead his troops to participate in the suppression of Nantou, Zhushan and other places. In the people's resistance to the cruel rule of the Japanese army, hundreds of people were arrested, tortured, brutally persecuted, and eventually all died.When Toru Tanaka led his troops back to Taipei, Toru Ando hosted a banquet in honor of him, praised him highly, and announced on the spot that he would award Tanaka Toru a third-class Golden Medal.

According to incomplete statistics from relevant post-war institutions in Taiwan, in the nearly four years since Ando Toshiyoshi served as the commander of the Japanese military in Taiwan, the Japanese army arrested, imprisoned, and killed more than 80,000 Taiwanese people, committing crimes against the Taiwanese people. The unforgivable crime.

On October 1, 1945, Zhang Tingmeng, a Chinese Air Force officer, was ordered to carry the Chinese flag and fly to Taipei Airport in a single plane to fly the national flag to the Japanese Governor-General in Taiwan. Ando Toshiyoshi tried his best to stop it, saying: "The Chinese military should fly the Chinese flag after holding a surrender ceremony."

Zhang Tingmeng argued hard, claiming that Zhang Tingmeng argued hard, claiming: "After the Japanese government officially announced its unconditional surrender, Taiwan has returned to Chinese territory, and the Chinese government has the right to fly the Chinese flag at any time and anywhere in Taiwan. "

Ando Toshiyoshi's conspiracy failed, and Zhang Tingmeng finally raised the Chinese flag high above the Taiwan Governor's Office.

At 9:00 on October 25, the Chinese military held a surrender ceremony for the Japanese troops in Taiwan in Taipei City. Toshiyoshi Ando took off his hat and bowed to the Chinese surrendered official Chen Yi, and then took off the saber he was wearing and presented it to the Tenth Front Army stationed in Taiwan. All 160,000 Japanese officers and soldiers surrendered and then signed and sealed the surrender document.

This ended the 50-year history of Japan's occupation and rule of Taiwan since the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1894.

In mid-April 1946, Ando Toshiyoshi was identified as a suspected war criminal by the Chinese military court. He was escorted from Taipei to the mainland and imprisoned in the Japanese War Criminals Detention Center in Shanghai. He was fully aware of the seriousness of his sins. In order to avoid the trial of the Chinese people, he committed suicide by taking poison on April 19th. He was the top Japanese general who was killed in China's self-determination.

Before his death, Ando Toshiyoshi wrote a suicide note to General Okamura Neiji, the former commander-in-chief of the Japanese China Expeditionary Force, expressing his helpless and deep regret for the outcome of the war. He also claimed that due to the limitations of prison conditions, he felt ashamed that he could not end his life by "caesarean" suicide like the samurai, and regretted that his decision was too late. He also said that he should die in Taiwan, where the emperor's decree was issued, rather than in a prison in mainland China. His militaristic and bushido spirit remained with him until his death.

When Toru Tanaka led his troops back to Taipei, Toru Ando hosted a banquet in honor of him, praised him highly, and announced on the spot that he would award Tanaka Toru a third-class Golden Medal.

According to incomplete statistics from relevant post-war institutions in Taiwan, in the nearly four years since Ando Toshiyoshi served as the commander of the Japanese military in Taiwan, the Japanese army arrested, imprisoned, and killed more than 80,000 Taiwanese people, committing crimes against the Taiwanese people. The unforgivable crime.

On October 1, 1945, Zhang Tingmeng, a Chinese Air Force officer, was ordered to carry the Chinese flag and fly to Taipei Airport in a single plane to fly the national flag to the Japanese Governor-General in Taiwan. Ando Toshiyoshi tried his best to stop it, saying: "The Chinese military should fly the Chinese flag after holding a surrender ceremony."

Zhang Tingmeng argued hard, claiming that Zhang Tingmeng argued hard, claiming: "After the Japanese government officially announced its unconditional surrender, Taiwan has returned to Chinese territory, and the Chinese government has the right to fly the Chinese flag at any time and anywhere in Taiwan. "

Ando Toshiyoshi's conspiracy failed, and Zhang Tingmeng finally raised the Chinese flag high above the Taiwan Governor's Office.

At 9:00 on October 25, the Chinese military held a surrender ceremony for the Japanese troops in Taiwan in Taipei City. Toshiyoshi Ando took off his hat and bowed to the Chinese surrendered official Chen Yi, and then took off the saber he was wearing and presented it to the Tenth Front Army stationed in Taiwan. All 160,000 Japanese officers and soldiers surrendered and then signed and sealed the surrender document.

This ended the 50-year history of Japan's occupation and rule of Taiwan since the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1894.

In mid-April 1946, Ando Toshiyoshi was identified as a suspected war criminal by the Chinese military court. He was escorted from Taipei to the mainland and imprisoned in the Japanese War Criminals Detention Center in Shanghai. He was fully aware of the seriousness of his sins. In order to avoid the trial of the Chinese people, he committed suicide by taking poison on April 19th. He was the top Japanese general who was killed in China's self-determination.

Before his death, Ando Toshiyoshi wrote a suicide note to General Okamura Neiji, the former commander-in-chief of the Japanese China Expeditionary Force, expressing his helpless and deep regret for the outcome of the war. He also claimed that due to the limitations of prison conditions, he felt ashamed that he could not end his life by "caesarean" suicide like the samurai, and regretted that his decision was too late. He also said that he should die in Taiwan, where the emperor's decree was issued, rather than in a prison in mainland China. His militaristic and bushido spirit remained with him until his death.

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