Global Times: On Independence Day, the United States should reflect on how to manage itself. But on the eve of Independence Day, American news reports took up a lot of space, such as the death of a black driver who was shot "at least 60 times" by the police, and a 10-year-old gir

Global Times: On Independence Day, the United States should reflect on how to manage itself

Global Times: On Independence Day, the United States should reflect on how to manage itself

July 4 this year is the 246th Independence Day of the United States. But on the eve of Independence Day, American news reports took up a lot of space, such as the death of a black driver who was shot "at least 60 times" by the police, and a 10-year-old girl who was raped and became pregnant and had to have an abortion across state lines. They heard that They should not exist in a "civilized developed society", but these are indeed concrete symptoms of the crisis that American society is currently facing.

In his Independence Day speech a year ago, US President Biden stated with "confidence" that "the United States is coming together." However, one year later, what people see is a more divided, confused and chaotic America. It is obvious that the deep-seated problems accumulated over a long period of time in the United States are reaching a period of concentrated outbreak. Issues such as mass shootings, political polarization, the gap between rich and poor, ethnic conflicts, fierce party disputes, and women's rights have all reached a shocking level under the superimposition and intensification of the COVID-19 epidemic and severe inflation. .

Recently, three consecutive judgments of the Federal Supreme Court have further opened up the social wounds of gun violence and women’s abortion rights in the United States, and exposed serious differences within Washington on the issue of climate change. They are generally considered to be a serious threat to liberal democracy. Violation is a regression of human rights and civilization, making many people feel uneasy, angry and even afraid. Others assert that a new culture war and values ​​war have de facto occurred in the United States. From the outside, the United States is now like a swinging giant with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and it may lose its balance at any time and stomp all over the earth.

Protesters (left) in front of the White House and protesters in front of the Federal Supreme Court taken on July 3. Source: Xinhua News Agency

Despite this, the United States is still trying its best to recharge its so-called "leadership" image. Recently, Biden's diplomatic footprint has traveled more than 10,000 kilometers from the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, the United States, to the G7 Summit in Elmau Castle, Germany, to the NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain. However, although the U.S. government strives to demonstrate "leadership" to the outside world, the bigger question for the world is whether the United States still has the ability to lead itself?

In recent years, what the United States is most keen on is transferring risks and conflicts to other countries. Many Washington elites regard attacking other countries, including China, as a magic weapon to cover up internal conflicts and inspire social loyalty. As a result, criticizing China has become Washington's "political correctness" and scolding China has become a strategic need of the United States. But facts have proven time and again that the United States cannot really "shift" its problems away. What is diverted is only the limited energy of Washington's decision-making circle, which should be concentrated on solving the domestic problems of the United States. This has led to the accumulation of various problems in the United States, which has caused trouble to itself and the world.

On July 4, 2021, in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, U.S. President Biden delivered a speech at the U.S. Independence Day celebration at the White House. Pictured are the people at the scene.

On this special day of Independence Day, we sincerely advise the United States to take care of their own affairs first and stop meddling in other people's business. This is good for the United States and good for everyone. In fact, the domestic situation in the United States has sent a strong signal to Washington that cannot be ignored. The functional dislocation and imbalance in the internal governance of the United States must be corrected as soon as possible. Washington likes to blame others, but it cannot blame others. In other words, since the United States is "sick", it should obediently "take medicine" instead of forcing others to "take medicine." The "medicine" of the United States belongs to itself, and the biggest opponent of the United States is also itself.

American Independence Day poster.Picture source: Visual China

" Global Times " published a signed article by experts "urging the reform and opening up of the United States" 10 years ago, believing that the United States is Arrogance (arrogance), Aggression (arrogance), and self-Appreciation (narcissism) As a "3A" country, the United States should promote "reform and opening up" to resolve internal problems. Otherwise, not only will its own society not be well governed, but it will also drag down or even endanger the world. At that time, this article also aroused a wave of cynicism from Western public opinion. Looking back now, these are undoubtedly criticisms of the United States, but the arrogant American elites did not listen and missed a 10-year "window period."

In the final analysis, the status and influence of the United States in the international world depend on the level and ability of its domestic governance, not on how ostentatious it is internationally. The dire situation in the United States has not only failed to convince the public, but also made its allies feel discouraged. If a person experiences symptoms similar to those in the United States, they should first see a psychiatrist. But it’s more complicated than a fundamental adjustment to the American state. If Washington uses its fierceness to suppress China to solve practical domestic problems in the United States, I believe the effect will be much better. This is where “America First” should focus most. (This article is an editorial of the Global Times. The original title is: On Independence Day, the U.S. authorities reflect on how to manage themselves)

Editor in charge: Zhu Xuesen SN240

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