Red Net Moment News, July 4 (Correspondent Li Yan) “Through the organization of this knowledge and meeting test, cadres and employees have become clearer about the goals, tasks, methods and paths of building a clean Jiahe, and the work ideas for building a clean and honest agency

Red Net Moment News July 4th (correspondent Li Yan) “Through organizing this should-know-what-should-meeting test, cadres and employees have a clearer understanding of the goals, tasks, methods and paths for the construction of a clean Jiahe, and the work ideas for the construction of a clean and honest agency have become clearer. It is clear, and at the same time, it will be of great help to the next section to carry out supervision work on the construction of clean Jiahe.” On July 1, the Jiahe County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision organized all cadres and workers to conduct a test on the construction of clean Jiahe , and the results were obvious. This is a microcosm of Jiahe County ’s in-depth promotion of the clean and honest Jiahe Construction Month.

The Jiahe County Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee organized all cadres and workers to carry out the knowledge and skills test for the clean and honest Jiahe construction.

June this year is the intensive publicity month for the construction of clean Jiahe. The county follows the working mechanism of party committee leadership, disciplinary inspection commission promotion, industry leadership, department responsibility, and social participation. The construction of multiple clean units goes hand in hand and continues to strengthen the promotion of party style and clean government. Strengthen efforts to innovate the methods and methods of corruption education, the whole county resonates with the same frequency and sings the "Integrity Song", and the "Integrity Flowers" compete to bloom on the road of the construction of Corruption Jiahe.

Establish a strong awareness of "incorruption"

"To build a clean Jiahe, we must firmly grasp the overall goals of 'clean cadres, clean government, clean politics, and clean society'..." On June 19, the Clean Jiahe Conference was held in Jiahe County. At the construction work promotion meeting, County Party Committee Secretary Huang Zhong reiterated and interpreted the relevant requirements.

Jiahe County insists on incorporating integrity publicity and education into the overall layout of integrity construction. The Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection respectively studied the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of a Culture of Integrity in the New Era". The main leaders of the county party committee have preached the importance of building a clean and honest Jiahe at various meetings many times, explained the steps and measures for building a clean and honest Jiahe, and organized members of the leadership team of the departments in charge to carry out collective anti-corruption talks to consolidate the main responsibilities for the construction of a clean and honest Jiahe and take the lead. Establish a strong sense of "honesty". The County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued the "Work Plan on Strengthening the Publicity of the Clean Jiahe Construction", clarified the content and methods of publicity, compiled the "Test Paper on What to Know and Competence in the Clean Jiahe Construction", strengthened training and guidance, donated relevant books, distributed promotional materials, and vigorously advocated "Integrity" consciousness.

All departments at all levels in the county educate and guide party members and cadres and national public officials to consciously abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, Party disciplines, and the Constitution, laws and regulations by carrying out special studies, warning education, themed party days, propaganda on Party disciplines and regulations, and tests on what they need to know and do. Strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules, establish the rule of law thinking, and firmly root the awareness of "integrity" in the hearts.

Digging deep into the "incorruptible" element

"In major matters, procedures must be followed, democratic centralism must not be forgotten, and standards must be followed." "According to the law and regulations, black-box operations cannot be trusted and are fair." In the past few days, teachers' apartments in Xincheng District, Jiahe County, No. 7 The construction units of seven projects under construction, including the Middle School and Zhuquan Erwan Primary School, their supervision units, and project supervisors each received special "Integrity Reminder Cards" from the Discipline Inspection Commission of Jiahe Zhudu Group, the owner unit.

"Integrity Reminder Card" is simply produced. The content is compiled based on the division of leadership responsibilities of the project construction unit and its supervision unit and the characteristics of each position. It is cleverly expressed in the form of Jiahe Folk's " three sentences and half ", which is both practical and catchy. It is easy to understand, educational and entertaining. It has been widely welcomed by business owners and employees, and effectively promotes the construction of clean enterprises.

Jiahe has produced numerous celebrities and wise men in the past dynasties, and has a profound cultural heritage. The county actively explores the "integrity" elements in historical celebrities and cultural landscapes, and absorbs the essence of "integrity" in family rules, family traditions, and folk culture to make the promotion of clean Jiahe construction more vivid and vivid.The Jiahe County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision filmed the story of the "Three Don'ts" family tradition of the founding general Xiao Ke into a micro video and widely broadcast it; the local government built an Integrity Plaza in Xiaojietian Village, the former residence of Xiao Ke, and designed an exhibition with incorruptible elements in the tourist reception center; Longtan Town relied on Futang Village 's lotus base, which means incorruption, to create an incorruptible small amusement park; Wenjia School combined the culture of "gentleman education" to open an incorruptible cultural park, create an incorruptible cultural wall, and open an incorruptible bookshelf Waiting for the "Internet celebrity" check-in area on campus; Xinglang Town nine-year school, the lyrics of clean fast are widely sung on campus... By fully exploring the "clean" element, we cultivate the spirit of jointly building a clean Jiahe. strength.

Create an "incorruptible" atmosphere

"Be as fair as water in dealing with things, and be as honest as ice as an official" "The more officials are honest, the more people will be blessed"... Recently, I walked into the streets, alleys, squares and gardens of Jiahe County. In the pavilions and pavilions, you will find "Integrity" slogans everywhere, and "Integrity" elements can be seen at all times, making people feel upright and full of pride.

In order to create a strong atmosphere during the month of intensive publicity activities, Jiahe County has set up anti-corruption construction publicity boards in the county and township main roads, squares, parks and other traffic arteries and key locations. Villages, communities, and government agencies, enterprises and institutions with independent courtyards have also set up posters. Propaganda windows, production of publicity boards, and full use of markets, streets, stations, building walls, electronic displays and other carriers to post promotional slogans, hanging, scrolling and broadcasting propaganda slogans for clean construction. The collection activity of anti-corruption cultural works of "Incorruptible Jiahe You and We Build Together" was launched for the whole county, and the awareness of anti-corruption was deeply rooted in the soul, internalized in the heart and externalized in actions through the appeal of excellent cultural works. Schools in the county have widely spread the seeds of integrity by setting up integrity classes, integrity class meetings, and carrying out interest activities such as integrity speeches, integrity essay writing, integrity paper-cutting, and integrity calligraphy and painting, which have greatly enhanced the appeal, appeal, and penetration of the integrity culture.

Jiahe County Wenjia School launched an honest paper-cutting activity.

Cadres and employees of the Jiahe County Integrated Media Center stopped to watch in front of the "Integrity Jiahe Construction" publicity board. In order to increase the coverage and influence of the anti-corruption propaganda,

has set up the "Incorruptible Jiahe Construction" column in mainstream media such as, Jiahe TV, Zhudu Jiahe, etc., and published and broadcast relevant information on the construction of party style and clean government and the construction of Incorruptible Jiahe in important pages and prime time. News; major media under the County Media Center regularly broadcast or publish public service advertisements on clean culture; the "Jiahe Qingfeng" WeChat public account launches a "Integrity Jiahe Construction" publicity collection; various departments and units use WeChat public accounts, WeChat groups and other new media Extensively publicize the culture of honesty and integrity, and require cadres and employees to download the clean computer desktop. By proactively combining offline and online anti-corruption propaganda articles, we have created a good atmosphere of advocating honesty and integrity in the whole society and created a beautiful image of honesty and integrity. Cultural "Jiahe Business Card".

"In the next step, our county will continue to carry out comprehensive publicity on the construction of clean Jiahe from multiple angles and levels. It plans to build an anti-corruption cultural education base and strive to build a county-wide anti-corruption cultural education platform to ensure the political, disciplinary and social effects of publicity and education. "Unify each other," said Long Biao, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiahe County Party Committee, Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Acting Director of the County Supervisory Committee.