On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of July 1, the unveiling ceremony of the "Quanzhou Central Business District Urban Party Building Alliance" was held in the Quanzhou Silk Road Legal District, becoming another

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of July 1, the unveiling ceremony of the "Quanzhou Central Business District Urban Party Building Alliance" was held in the Quanzhou Silk Road Legal District, becoming another important milestone in Central Business District party building. So far, the alliance has attracted 30 grassroots party organizations to join.

Gao Jinquan, deputy secretary of the district committee, director of the district government, and commander of the Fengze District Headquarters of Quanzhou Central Business District, Lin Qingfu, deputy secretary of the district committee, executive deputy commander of the Fengze District Headquarters of Quanzhou CBD, members of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, Yang Huamin, director of the Organization Department and deputy commander of the Fengze District Headquarters of Quanzhou CBD, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Donghai Street, director of the office, and organizational member, head of the party organization of member units of the Quanzhou CBD Urban Party Building Alliance, and Quanzhou Central Business All party members of the Party Branch of Fengze District Headquarters attended the unveiling ceremony.

Entrusted by Huang Wensheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Secretary of the District Party Committee, Gao Jinquan, on behalf of the four teams of the District , expressed heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who care about and support the prosperity and development of Quanzhou Central Business District. He pointed out that establishing an urban party-building alliance in the central business district and exploring a penetrating party-building model of "headquarters party committee-building party organization-enterprise party branch" is not only a responsibility to "respond to the people's call" under the guidance of party building, It is also a concrete practice of "government and enterprise cooperation" resonating at the same frequency.

Gao Jinquan pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the brand power of the party building alliance, based on reality, explore new ideas and new methods in terms of mechanism co-building, team co-operation, event co-organization, brand co-cultivation, etc., and plan a group of distinctive, resounding and insightful As a carrier of practical results, we can create results, strengthen our characteristics, build a brand, and explore an experience and practice that can be replicated and promoted. To enhance the leadership of the Party Building Alliance, member units of the Party Building Alliance must strengthen daily communication, deepen exchanges and cooperation, promote the deep integration of party building work and business work, and truly achieve consultation, sharing, and win-win results; actively publicize and promote the Central Business District to attract more The entry of large projects and high-end talents will speed up the solution of the problem of "business spirit equals popularity, and popularity equals business spirit", and promote the organic integration of industry and city people. It is necessary to improve the service capabilities of the party building alliance, integrate industry resources and strength, help solve hot and difficult problems, and improve the sense of gain and satisfaction of the majority of enterprises and citizens.

Gao Jinquan emphasized that the district committee and district government and the Quanzhou Central Business District Fengze District Headquarters will continue to provide good services and promote the gathering of more policies, funds, talents and other elements to help the central business district become bigger, stronger and better. It is necessary to take the establishment of the urban party-building alliance as an opportunity to move forward, move in the same direction, twist into a rope, and work together to accelerate the development of the central business district into the most high-end, fashionable and dynamic Maritime Silk Road famous city demonstration area and sample area.

Subsequently, Gao Jinquan, deputy secretary of the district committee and district mayor, and Yang Qingbo, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Quanzhou Rural Commercial Bank, jointly unveiled the party building alliance. Chen Zhou, deputy leader of the party-mass working group of Fengze District Headquarters of Quanzhou Central Business District, read out the "Party Building Alliance Declaration". Yang Qingbo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Quanzhou Rural Commercial Bank, and Qiu Changpu, Secretary of the Joint Party Branch of Vanke ITC Center, respectively, made speeches and unanimously stated that they must follow the Party with firm confidence and work together to promote the prosperity and development of the Central Business District.

Under the oath taken by Yang Huamin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, Director of the Organization Department, and Deputy Commander of the Fengze District Headquarters of Quanzhou Central Business District, those attending the event faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the Party..

It is reported that this year, the district committee and district government have thoroughly implemented the city's two-wheel drive of "strengthening industry and revitalizing the city", taking the prosperity and development of the central business district as the "number one project", and comprehensively launching project construction, investment promotion, quality improvement, and talent introduction. , functional supporting and other tasks have been unanimously recognized by all levels and all sectors of society. Especially in terms of party building, the headquarters has established a system for linking party members and cadres to work in headquarters buildings and residential areas, and proactively delivers policies and services to customers to help companies solve practical difficulties and problems, allowing companies and citizens to personally feel the role of party organizations and party members. and strength.

source: see Fengze