These words were issued by him from the perspective of the West in order to safeguard the interests of the West’s dominance of the world structure, so they have limitations. The purpose is to call on Western countries to act in unison on issues against Russia, which requires unit

British Prime Minister Johnson said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that the current situation requires "strategic endurance." He added: "Imagine if we allowed Putin's government to prevail. This would bring chilling lessons. Economically, it would represent a long period of instability and anxiety around the world." He spoke from a Western perspective in order to safeguard the interests of the Western-dominated world structure, so there are limitations. The purpose is to call on Western countries to act in unison on issues against Russia, which requires unity and endurance. Let’s discuss what the world structure after Russia’s victory means to Europe?

Perhaps we can find some answers from history. Historically, Russian tsars have always had the ambition to dominate Europe and Asia . Half of the Russian national emblem is a dragon-slaying knight. Half of it is double-headed eagle , with one head staring at Europe and the other arrogantly looking at Asia. It expanded crazily from a small country from west to east until it stopped at the coast. Its territory was expanded by an unprecedented 400 times from the small principality of Moscow. , established a vast empire across Asia and Europe. 's earth-eating nature has been integrated into his national blood. Russia's history of expansion is also a history of blood and tears for its neighboring countries! Such historical impressions have left a deep imprint on the minds of its European neighbors, making them feel fearful and vigilant. Russia considers itself the cultural master of the Orthodox Church and competes with Europe, which is dominated by Catholicism. In addition, Russia was ruled by the Mongol Empire for more than two hundred years. Europeans believe that they have Mongolian blood in their blood. There is a widely circulated saying in the West: "Tear off a Russian's face, and you will become I found a Tatar ", which is another name for Mongolia, the barbaric nomadic people in ancient China. This shows how Europeans reject Russia from the bottom of their hearts. They don't regard him as a similar white European at all. They use Chinese proverbs to call them non-self. Depending on the race, their hearts must be different. double-headed eagle Russia has a tradition of expanding and exporting influence to neighboring countries when it is strong. In the 19th century, bourgeois revolution broke out in Europe and feudal royal families collapsed. Only the British and Russian royal families were left. Due to the Russian Czar Alexander I personally restored Europe The royal family was thus called the "Savior of Europe" by European countries. Russia's prestige reached its peak under the leadership of Alexander I. This was a glory that Russia had not experienced in hundreds of years. Russia has since become the leader of the European Feudal Dynasty Alliance, leading the European feudal dynasties to unite to strangle the bourgeois revolution and become the "gendarme" of Europe. After the founding of the Soviet Union, the double-headed eagle national emblem was incompatible with the communist values ​​it advocated and was abolished. After Yeltsin's appearance, it was picked up again and remains today.

The world after the disintegration of the Soviet Union is ultimately a world dominated by Western countries led by the United States. They are at the top of the pyramid and make rules around the world to serve their interests. All countries must abide by the rules they have set. The United States and Western countries Enjoying the maximum benefit cake under this rule, other countries can only prosper and perish. How can Russia, which is proud of its glorious history and rebellious, survive by relying on others? The iron-blooded Putin launched the Ukrainian war with one order and took up the banner of anti-American hegemony without hesitation. Its essence is to overthrow the world dominated by the United States and the West. pattern. You might as well make a bold guess. In the long run, Russia, which is known as a fighting nation, will further stimulate its domestic populism if it wins Ukraine . Russia, which has been hit with chicken blood, will not stop and will use Ukraine as an example. The springboard has been advancing westward, seizing the Baltic Sea and opening up the coveted western sea channel among the three countries, heading southward the Balkan Peninsula opening up the much-coveted southward seaport, and driving straight into Poland and reaching the heart of Europe, Germany.The trembling Europe will have no choice either to fight to the end and become the "cannon fodder" of the United States, or to surrender and become Russia's "back garden." Once the United States loses its dominance in Europe, it means losing global hegemony and degenerating into a regional power. Russia will once again become The "gendarme " of Europe, Russia eventually established an empire comparable to that of Tsar Alexander the Great . This means that Europe will lose its buffer zone and face the "polar bear" security threat! Europe will not be able to ignore the existence of a behemoth with a nuclear stick! Europe will involuntarily become a wrestling field between Russia and the United States! Europe will lose its dominant position and influence on the world political stage and become a loose alliance of vassals. As the leader and beneficiary of the current world order, it is only natural that Europe, whether it is sparing no effort to support Ukraine or desperately counterattacking and sanctioning Russia, frequently engages in suicidal behavior that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred itself. There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only eternal interests. What warning does it give us under the great changes unseen in a century?!​