Nanyang Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau conducted research and guidance on the medical security work of the Tanghe County Medical Community. On the afternoon of July 1, Ma Chizhao, Party Secretary and Director of the Nanyang Municipal Medical Security Bureau, led a team to Tan

Nanyang Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau conducted research and guidance on the medical security work of the Tanghe County Medical Community

On the afternoon of July 1, Ma Chizhao, secretary of the party group and director of the Nanyang Municipal Medical Security Bureau, led a team to Tanghe County to investigate medical security work. Li Zhongyang, Deputy County Mayor of Tanghe County Government, Zhao Qunmei, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Wang Honglei, Director of the Medical Insurance Bureau, Ma Shuzhe, Secretary of the Party Committee of the County Medical Community and Director of the Health Commission, Li Fuwang, Director of the General Hospital, and other relevant personnel accompanied the investigation.

First of all, the research team came to the Xiezhuang Village Clinic of Guotan Branch of Tanghe County Medical Community General Hospital to conduct a detailed investigation on the village-level outpatient coordination and the implementation of general diagnosis and treatment fee policies.

Later, at the Guotan Branch of the Tanghe County Medical Community General Hospital, Liu Guolun, the director of the hospital, briefed the hospital on the use and management of medical insurance funds, the construction of six major centers, the sinking of experts, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and other medical community operations. The research team made a detailed report.

At the Medical Community General Hospital, President Li Fuwang made a detailed report to the research team on the construction of the county’s medical community, especially the medical security work. He said: Since January 1 this year, within the county’s medical community, A series of measures have played a good role in the management of internal funds of the medical community. At the same time, the medical insurance system's reasonable supervision of medical insurance funds and dynamic adjustment of service prices have played a very good role in promoting the smooth operation of the medical community, and timely guided us to use big data comparison and inspection in rational diagnosis and treatment and rational use of drugs, and to conduct "three The "reasonable and standardized" diagnosis and treatment model has played a great role in promoting and cracking down on unreasonable diagnosis and treatment behaviors. The medical system is currently operating in a standardized manner. As the county general hospital, we must deliver high-quality, high-quality, and high-level medical services to the people through the upper link, lower link, and middle strength, and truly build a people's hospital that the people trust, feel assured, and have excellent quality.

Ma Chizhao, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Nanyang Municipal Medical Security Bureau, and his party fully affirmed the achievements and effectiveness of Tanghe County’s medical security services. The research team emphasized: Strengthen the study of policy documents such as the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the Use of Medical Security Funds", increase the intensity of medical insurance publicity, and make the medical insurance policy that benefits the people deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; strengthen the construction of grassroots medical insurance service sites, improve service capabilities, and give full play to good services The role of the site is to truly open up the "last mile" of medical insurance services for the people, allowing the people to handle medical insurance services conveniently and conveniently. With concrete actions and measures, we will seek more benefits and solve more people's livelihood worries, so that the people can have a greater and more direct sense of gain, happiness, and security, continuously improve the county's medical security level, and accelerate the county's Make due contributions to the high-quality development of health services and to promote the construction of a healthy Tanghe!

Source: Tanghe County People’s Hospital