Recently, a 52-year-old Bologna man was arrested in Bologna on suspicion of financing terrorism. Italy Today reported that radicalism in the western Balkan Peninsula across the sea from Italy has been increasingly active in recent years, and Italian anti-terrorism departments hav

Recently, a 52-year-old Bosnian man was arrested in Bologna on suspicion of financing terrorism.

Italy Today reported that the western region of the Balkan Peninsula across the sea from Italy has been increasingly active in radicalism in recent years, and the Italian anti-terrorism department has also continued to monitor Islamic terrorist organizations in the region. It is against this background that a 52-year-old Bosnian man in Italy recently attracted the attention of the Gendarmerie Special Operations Team (Ros).

Video screenshot of the Italian Gendarmerie Bureau

After investigation, it was found that the man lived in Bologna, held a legal identity document, was a construction worker and ran an individual company in the construction industry. The police found that he had obvious Islamic radical and extremist tendencies and was related to an Islamic leader in the Balkans. The imam has been sentenced for recruiting jihadists in northern Italy in 2014.

investigation found that the Bosnian man has been financing terrorism since 2014. He usually chooses an unknowing third-party intermediary to transfer funds to Bosnia or Albania, and the amount has reached more than 50,000 euros. These funds are ultimately used by terrorist organizations to recruit new fighters and expand terrorist forces.

(original in Italian, translated by: Shasha, editor: Chenshuo, please see the label for the source of the image, please indicate the Italian author: oushitalia when reprinting)