Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands has become the first airport in the world to reduce the number of flights by 12% in a bid to reduce pollution and make aviation more sustainable. The decision has been taken by the country’s government cabinet and informed of the House of Repre

Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands has become the first airport in the world to reduce the number of flights by 12% in a bid to reduce pollution and make aviation more sustainable. The decision has been taken by the country's government cabinet and informed of the House of Representatives in a letter signed by Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Mark Habers.

Minister Habers informed the House of Representatives of the Cabinet's decision to reduce the maximum number of aircraft allowed to and from Schiphol Airport to 440,000 flights per year. The minister also emphasized that reducing the number of aircraft takeoffs and landings will reduce noise pollution and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, (super)particulate matter and other harmful substances. However, he said he was aware that the decision would have a significant impact on the aviation sector, with the reduction in flight numbers still in effect until the end of 2023.

The decision was criticized by many, including Olivier Jankovec, managing director of Airports Council International (ACI Europe), who said "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is about turning the Netherlands into a reason for being bigger," insisting that the government's decision to reduce capacity and the reduction of airports will inevitably make the Netherlands smaller. During the first week of the month, the Netherlands also limited the number of passengers that could depart from its airports each day to tackle long queues and canceled flights. The decision will be in effect until the end of July, but could be extended if current concerns about the influx of passengers at the airport are not addressed.

In a separate statement released on June 29, Schiphol Airport authorities have asked passengers to carry as little luggage as possible and to show up at the airport at least four hours before their flight to allow airport staff to disperse crowds as they become more Good and stimulates smooth flow around check-in counter and security controls.