Recently, the United Front Work Department of Jiangyang District Committee organized grassroots United Front cadres from all over the region to visit the Jiangyang United Front Historical and Cultural Exhibition Hall. More than 40 people participated in the event, including Unite

Recently, the United Front Work Department of Jiangyang District Party Committee organized grassroots United Front cadres from all over the region to visit the Jiangyang United Front Historical and Cultural Exhibition Hall. More than 40 people participated in the event, including United Front Committee members of various streets and towns, personnel handling United Front work and ethnic and religious work, and responsible comrades from the district committee’s United Front Work Leading Group, Ethnic and Religious Work Leading Group, and Taiwan Work Leading Group member units.

Wang Jing, executive deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangyang District Committee and director of the District Taiwanese Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, gave a detailed introduction to the construction and operation of the Jiangyang United Front Historical and Cultural Exhibition Hall.

There is a twists and turns and bizarre story behind each exhibit. The cadres stood in front of every display cabinet and every display board, and were deeply attracted by the precious cultural relics, documents, pictures, etc. that have a long history and rich content. Through the detailed explanations of the commentators, everyone had a deeper understanding of the history, culture, characters and deeds of Jiangyang United Front. The unique United Front History and Culture Exhibition Hall also received unanimous praise from everyone.

This visit and study further opened up the ideas of grassroots united front cadres to participate in the construction of grassroots united front characteristic positions, and strengthened their confidence and determination to do a good job in grassroots united front work. Everyone expressed that they will combine what they learned during this visit with the actual work, so as to learn from each other and apply what they have learned, look beyond the United Front to look at the United Front, dig deep into the unique resources of the United Front, and effectively promote the continuous development of new ideas and practices in work. There are constantly new creations and breakthroughs in performance, and we draw the largest "concentric circles" to truly become an expert in united front work at the grassroots level and contribute to "strive to become one of the top 100 in the country and build a happy Jiangyang ".

Jiangyang United Front History and Culture Exhibition Hall was unveiled and opened in May 2022. It is the first United Front History and Culture Exhibition Hall in Luzhou . It adheres to the principle of "walking together with one heart and one mind" and takes the history of the United Front as the theme. Through exhibition boards and showcases, It combines cultural relics, documents, objects, texts, pictures, etc. to display the history, culture, and deeds of the United Front from multiple angles, showing the unique characteristics of Jiangyang. It is a new position and platform for the learning and education of the United Front in the entire region.

(Contributed by Haidi, United Front Work Department of Jiangyang District Committee)