Internet industry party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag. Photographed by Dalian News Media Group reporter Xue Lin for this newspaper (Dalian News Media Group reporters Xu Xiaonan and Yang Xu) “I volunteer to join the Communist Party of Ch

Party members working in the Internet industry reviewed the oath of joining the Party in front of the Party flag.

Photographed by Dalian News Media Group reporter Xuelin

According to this newspaper (Dalian News Media Group reporter Xu Xiaonan Yang Xu) "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China... I am always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people and will never betray the party." Yesterday afternoon, during the interview, In response to the bright red party flag, the party building leaders of the city's Internet companies, Internet industry party members, and Internet Big V party members solemnly raised their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party at the construction site of Dalian Metro Line 5 Barracuda Bay Station. Party members followed the red footsteps in the clank oath, further strengthened their ideals and beliefs, and drew strength for progress from the glorious history of the party.

On the occasion of the July 1st Party’s birthday, yesterday, the Cyberspace Administration of the Municipal Party Committee and the Dalian Internet Industry Party Committee launched a joint building activity for Internet enterprise party organizations and some self-media party organizations, allowing Internet enterprise employees and Internet celebrities to become ordinary party members , Ordinary people's identity experience Dalian's new process of urban construction and development has further enhanced the initiative and creativity of consciously integrating into the overall revitalization and development of the city. At the same time, in order to further promote the construction of Internet social work in Dalian, better unite and contact local Internet celebrities, and build a strong team of Internet celebrities, the Municipal Cyberspace Administration of China and the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee jointly organized the "E-Road I Love Dalian Witness" Two First, visit the district's ' high-quality development of '.

In the next step, the Dalian Internet Information Department will further strengthen party building guidance for Internet companies, Internet self-media, and Internet celebrity teams, guide the Internet industry to give full play to its advantages, and be a witness, feeler, practitioner, and active disseminator of positive energy in the urban development process. It will create a good public opinion atmosphere for the construction of Dalian's "Two Pioneer Districts" and help the city's revitalization and development.

Source: Dalian News Network