Zhumadian Daily News (Correspondent Ding Feng) In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will further promote the "Capacity and Style Building Year" activities, educate and guide party members to keep in mind their original as

Zhumadian Daily News (Correspondent Ding Feng) In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will further promote the "Capacity and Style Construction Year" activities, educate and guide the majority of party members to keep in mind their original aspiration and mission, forge ahead and create a welcoming atmosphere for the 20th National Congress of the Party. In the strong atmosphere, on June 27, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau organized a Party Day event with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Forever Forging ahead with the Party on a New Journey". Hu Xiaoli, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Bureau, participated in the event and gave a themed party education class to all party members with the theme of "Establishing the 'Four Benchmarks', Tempering 'Loyalty', and Answering the 'Must-Answer Questions' to Live Up to the Expectations of the Party and the People" for all party members. All party members and cadres of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau participated in this theme party day event.

During the event, Hu Xiaoli, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, led all party members and cadres of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau to review the oath of joining the party. The comrades lined up in front of the bright red party flag. They raised their right hands high, clenched their fists, and solemnly swore to accept the baptism of the party again with full spirit. The solemn oath demonstrated their ideals and beliefs.

After taking the oath, Hu Xiaoli gave a vivid party lesson to all party members and cadres of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau with the title of "Establishing the "Four Benchmarks" to Temper "Loyalty" and Answer the "Must-Answer Questions" to Live Up to the Expectations of the Party and the People".

On how to be loyal to the party and answer the "must-answer questions" that live up to the expectations of the party and the people, Hu Xiaoli pointed out in the party class that first, we must correctly understand the connotation of loyalty to the party in the new era from the "three dimensions". Loyalty to the Party is the consistent strict requirement of the Communist Party of China for party members. Loyalty to the Party is an objective need to complete the Party’s historical mission in the new era. Absolute loyalty is the essence of building a team of high-quality professional cadres. The second is to look at the "four capabilities" and accurately grasp the new era standards of loyalty to the party. Can we adhere to the leadership of the party, resolutely achieve " two safeguards", and consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics, and actions; can we resolutely implement the party's theory, line, principles, and policies to the letter? Implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee; whether you can strictly abide by the Party's political disciplines and political rules, and be a politically sensible and honest person; whether you can insist on putting the cause of the Party and the people above all else, consciously implement organizational decisions, and obey Organizational arrangements. The third is to set "four benchmarks" and answer "must-answer questions" that live up to the expectations of the party and the people. We must always maintain a high political position and set a benchmark in firm belief and loyalty to the party; we must always strengthen our efforts in entrepreneurship and set a benchmark in emancipating our minds and taking on responsibilities; we must always raise the temperature of people's livelihood and well-being, and in fulfilling our purpose , set a benchmark for serving the people diligently; always know the standards for doing things as an official, and set a benchmark for being strict with oneself and being honest and honest.

Finally, Hu Xiaoli pointed out in the party class that in the new era, as party members and cadres, we must put the party’s political construction first, strengthen the loyalty and quality of party members and leading cadres, and always maintain loyalty to the party, gratitude to the people, and Be enterprising in the cause, revere the laws and disciplines, and have the Party, the people, responsibilities, and discipline in mind. Only in this way can we forge ahead on the new road to exams and deliver excellent answers.

Through this theme party day activity, the majority of party members of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau once again accepted the encouragement and baptism of the clank oath, clarified the political responsibility and mission of being a Communist Party member, and inspired the party members' sense of pride, honor and loyalty to the party The work enthusiasm for the scientific and technological undertakings has greatly enhanced the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of the grassroots party organizations and party members of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau. Comrades have expressed that as Communists in the new era, we must fulfill our oath of joining the Party with practical actions, play the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members with a fuller spirit, and devote ourselves to technological innovation, optimization of the business environment and high-quality development and other tasks, and welcomed the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.