Report from our newspaper (Reporter Xie Li) At the group discussion of the 13th Beijing Party Congress, Sun Shuo, a representative of the 13th Beijing Party Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Xicheng District Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the District

Report from this newspaper (Reporter Xie Li) At the group discussion of the 13th Beijing Party Congress, Sun Shuo, a representative of the 13th Beijing Party Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Xicheng District Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the District Government, and District Mayor, said that in The high-quality development of in the context of reduction is an important feature of the capital's modernization. This road is difficult to walk, but there is much to be achieved.

Sun Shuo said that transformation is the most important keyword in the past five years, including development transformation, thinking transformation, structural transformation, etc., and Xicheng must also think about how to develop with high quality in the context of reduction, "This is the way to go It is indeed difficult. In 2015, when Xicheng District was at its peak, the total number of enterprises and self-employed entities in the district was more than 98,000. Now it is 67,000, a decrease of more than 30,000. "

So, in the context of reduction. Is it possible to find high-quality development in the future? Sun Shuo's answer was "There is a lot to be done". He said: "Take the approval for an area of ​​350,000 square meters, with a tax revenue of 60 million yuan that year. The first building to be released was Tianhao City, which covered an area of ​​10,000 square meters. In the second year after the transformation, , the tax revenue created is 120 million yuan, and the transformation of 10,000 square meters is already twice the tax revenue of 350,000 square meters, so there is great potential."

Sun Shuo pointed out that the current Desheng , Malian Road, Xinjiekou in Xicheng. There is room for transformation and upgrading, and the number of bungalows will also need to be reduced in the future. "We do not support the business format of single door and single store, front store and factory. It is not in line with the functional positioning of Xicheng. What Xicheng needs is the entry of chain, brand and high-end industries in order to achieve high growth. Quality development."

Sun Shuo emphasized that Xicheng will also take immediate handling of complaints as a starting point to continue to build a high-quality and balanced public service system. In Sun Shuo's view, the problems that ordinary people cannot solve mainly focus on two aspects:

The first category is caused by the incompatibility of laws and regulations. In this regard, Xicheng District launched the "Should, Can, and What to Do" reform last year. "That is to say, when we encounter the urgent difficulties and worries of ordinary people, we must first make a judgment: first say whether this matter should be done. If it should be done, we will then say whether it can be done; if it can be done, what should we do? If not , let’s figure out what to do. Don’t just stop doing it just because you’re afraid of getting into trouble.” Sun Shuo said. The second category of

is issues left over from history. "Everything left over from history must be filled with contradictions that vary greatly, and they may cause trouble at the first touch. However, at this time, we need to put the correct view of political achievements and the supremacy of the people in front." Sun Shuo said, "It is difficult to apply for a real estate certificate." "As an example of the solution to this long-standing problem left over from history, "In the 'Monthly Question', it is precisely because of the courage of fault tolerance that tens of thousands of people are happy to get their house ownership certificates."

In addition, Sun. Shuo is also very concerned about the employment issue of graduates: "Children in Xicheng District must ensure that everyone has a job this year! If there are those who cannot find a job immediately, we must use the power of the district government to connect with large enterprises and let them work in the enterprises. If you have this kind of working experience in a large enterprise, you will be able to better enter society. If the unemployment problem is not solved, it will be a great disillusionment for families. Xicheng District must support all college graduates. ”

Photography/our reporter Wei Tong