According to AFP, since mid-June, Western aid to Ukraine has shown a significant downward trend, which may lead to changes in the situation in Donbas. Although the United States has mobilized more than 40 countries to participate in the Ukraine Defense Group meeting, these countr

According to AFP , since mid-June, Western aid to Ukraine has shown a clear downward trend, which may lead to changes in the situation in Donbass . Although the United States has mobilized more than 40 countries to participate in the Ukraine Defense Group meeting, these countries have a very vague attitude towards "aid targets", and no leader of any country can give Zelensky a clear and timely commitment. French media believe that the attitude of many countries is "wait for the wind". These aid commitments only remain in the commitment stage and cannot help Ukraine truly solve its troubles unless they can all adopt practical support like the United States.

html On the 29th, the NATO Summit was held in Madrid, Spain. The main topic at the meeting was how to help Ukraine win, or to make Putin pay the maximum price; The leaders of NATO member states updated the organization's latest strategic document again after 10 years, and appeared in the document together with Russia Among them is China; it lists Russia as "the most important and direct threat" and describes China as "challenging the security, interests and values ​​of NATO ". Even Sino-Russian cooperation is defined as "undermining the rules." based international order." Even the European media couldn't help but comment that the meeting had strayed from the theme from the first part. Instead of reading "real concerns and determination to solve the problem" about Ukraine, it paid more attention to China than necessary.

Zelensky delivered a speech at the meeting that day. He once again repeated the remarks that "Ukraine now urgently needs direct weapons assistance and economic assistance to counter Russia's military actions." This time Zelensky asked for a larger list. In addition to asking for the previous assistance to be implemented as soon as possible, he also said that Ukraine urgently needed modern weapons and modern artillery to break Russia's offensive. Zelensky told all participating countries that Ukraine needs a lot of funds to support military missions. They cannot make money by selling resources and exporting goods like Russia, so Ukraine needs about US$5 billion every month.

Zelensky’s next remarks were quite threatening. He warned the West that it must understand some consequences. For example, if Western countries fail to provide sufficient emergency assistance, Russia will eventually have a direct war with the West. Some analysts believe that Zelensky tried to expand the impact of this conflict, but he faced a group of "smart politicians and leaders" who worked very hard to control and prevent the situation from changing; in other words, they We are very confident that even if Ukraine fails in the end, the military operation will not affect the West. This is because NATO has followed Russia's requirements to avoid all possibilities of escalation, including assisting Ukraine with advanced weapons, long-range rocket launchers, etc.

Therefore, at the meeting that day, no country guaranteed to provide Ukraine with sufficient funds. A video previously revealed that there has been a serious food shortage on the Ukrainian front line. Many soldiers even brought Western-aided weapons to exchange cans with the Russian army. You can imagine how poor their treatment was. Canadian sniper Vali , who fought in Ukraine a few months ago, also said that his troops and the Ukrainian army usually eat at civilian homes through "acquaintance introductions", and the food conditions are very poor, which also reveals Corruption in Ukraine is very serious.