Xintianshui News According to the Gangu County Media Center, on June 29, the Gangu County CPPCC held a special consultation symposium on the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Cao Mingzhong, secretary and chairman of the party group of the county CPPCC, attended the mee

Xintianshui News According to Gangu County Financial Media Center On June 29, the Gangu County Political Consultative Conference held a special consultation symposium on the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Cao Mingzhong, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Group of the County Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Bingchun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate, attended the meeting , Vice Chairman of the County CPPCC Ma Qingping, Jiang Wen, and Guo Yousheng attended the meeting. Vice Chairman of the County CPPCC Wei Jie presided over the meeting. CPPCC members who participated in the preliminary research and heads of relevant departments attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the County Health Bureau reported on the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the county. Some members of the CPPCC made exchanges on the problems and suggestions found during the field survey. The heads of relevant departments who participated in the meeting discussed the issues raised by the members during the survey. Answered.

Cao Mingzhong pointed out that in recent years, with the strong support of the county party committee and county government, our county has integrated traditional Chinese medicine into the overall development of the county and coordinated planning. The county’s traditional Chinese medicine policy and mechanism system has been continuously improved, and the accessibility of traditional Chinese medicine services has been greatly improved. Improvement, the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating epidemic diseases have been effectively brought into play, and traditional Chinese medicine has achieved a series of new results. We must further deepen our ideological understanding, seize the great opportunity when the country promotes the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine, give full play to our advantages, strengthen our weaknesses, and push the work of traditional Chinese medicine in our county to a new level to better serve and protect the people.

Cao Mingzhong emphasized that all relevant departments must find the direction for the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine to provide stronger support for creating high-quality life and promoting high-quality development of . They must improve the traditional Chinese medicine service system, build a strong traditional Chinese medicine talent team, and Promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, vigorously promote the integrated development of traditional Chinese medicine and modern science, accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, cultivate and expand a number of leading enterprises and industrial clusters, and promote the characteristic, large-scale and integrated development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry. It is necessary to improve the green standardized production level of Gangu Chinese medicinal materials, comprehensively promote the standardized planting of Chinese medicinal materials, popularize the application of ecological planting technology, and improve the quality of medicinal materials. It is necessary to improve the level of traditional Chinese medicine brand marketing, implement the "Ganwei" brand marketing strategy, implement the strategy of supporting the excellent and strengthening the strong, promote the clustered development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, create a local enterprise brand with widespread influence and significant competitiveness, and drive and lead the high-quality development of the industry. Committee members should observe and collect existing problems in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, perform their duties, put forward better opinions and suggestions, and make new and greater contributions to building a happy, civilized, harmonious, beautiful and modern New Gangu.