As two neighboring world-class powers, China and Russia maintain close cooperation in many fields such as economy, and Russia and India also have quite frequent exchanges on arms trade and other levels.

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As two neighboring world-class powers, China and Russia maintain close cooperation in many fields such as economy, and Russia and India also have quite frequent exchanges on arms trade and other levels. However, due to the impact of previous territorial disputes, bilateral relations between China and India have deteriorated significantly. However, new news recently came. Some Indian media stated their position in the report, believing that China and Russia are of great significance to India's future, and China, Russia and India may start new cooperation in this regard.

China, Russia and India will have to cooperate?

According to recent news from India's "Free Press", China, Russia and India may face a situation where they have to cooperate in the future, because from a geopolitical perspective, cooperation between these three countries is of great significance. Some experts emphasized that China has a deeper understanding of this cooperation, because during this period, the extreme actions of the United States and NATO and the Russia-Ukraine conflict accelerated the entire process. For the United States, Russia has always been a very important competitor. Its main goal is to destroy the relationship between Russia and European countries such as Germany. This is also the main reason why the United States actively interferes with the "Nord Stream 2" natural gas pipeline project. This method will win over more countries and isolate Russia.

Although the United States succeeded in achieving this goal through its own actions, it failed to deal a serious blow to Russia. Instead, many European countries suffered from the increased burden of energy consumption. For Russia, as an important energy exporter, it can still make huge profits for itself even if it sells natural gas and roommates at discounted prices. But Western countries have been severely weakened by sanctions against Russia. China and India both have huge demands in energy consumption, which is also of key significance to Russia.

The exchanges between countries are getting closer

In addition, at the recent BRICS summit, cooperation between China and India seems to be further promoted. According to experts, the United States has actively promoted so-called free trade in the past, but now China is promoting the principle of free trade, and the United States is trying to interfere with this and maintain its dominance on a global scale in such an extreme way.

It is on this basis that the Indian media expressed their opinion that India's future will largely depend on China and Russia, not the United States. This speech is undoubtedly very undesirable for the United States. If related issues become reality, the United States' position in the Asia-Pacific region will be further weakened, and it will face greater challenges in the process of advancing the "Indo-Pacific Strategy." obstacles.