During this period, Western countries represented by the United States actively provided assistance to Ukraine, and in this way started a "great power game" with Russia. Judging from the current situation, Russia's advantage on the frontal battlefield is still quite obvious. Unde

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Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it has had a huge impact on the regional and international situation. During this period, Western countries represented by the United States actively provided assistance to Ukraine , and in this way started a "great power game" with Russia. The actions of Western countries have put considerable pressure on Russia, and its legitimate interests have also been violated. Judging from the current situation, Russia's advantage on the frontal battlefield is still quite obvious. Under this premise, the United States and Western countries are trying to take dangerous actions and continue to intervene in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

There are still a large number of mercenaries in Ukraine

According to previous information revealed by the Russian Ministry of Defense , the Lugansk civilian armed forces have received help from the Russian army, and now the city of Severodonetsk has been completely controlled. As the situation in Ukraine continues to worsen, the local Ukrainian army has also chosen to retreat from Severodonetsk in order to avoid greater losses. In fact, Ukrainian President Zelensky also gave a speech, claiming that Russia's attacks on the frontal battlefield have brought considerable pressure on Ukraine. He hopes that the United States and Western countries can provide Ukraine with more air defense weapons to help Ukraine reverse the current situation. unfavorable situation.

In addition, in order to strengthen its military power, Ukraine not only called on Western countries to provide military assistance, but also recruited a large number of overseas mercenaries. Recently, there was news that the United States has also recruited mercenaries on a large scale, and this The action has been met with clear warning from Russia. It is reported that Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova recently gave a speech, announcing that Russia requires the US government to take action to end the extreme behavior of the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States of recruiting mercenaries. Zakharova also emphasized that if American citizens go to Ukraine to participate in military operations, their own life safety will face serious threats, and there may even be more serious international consequences later.

The U.S. Embassy resumes operation

It is reported that the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has resumed operation after being closed for a period of time. In order to ensure that the normal operation of the embassy is not affected, the U.S. Department of Defense is planning to send U.S. troops to Ukraine.

In fact, the United States and other Western countries have made many speeches claiming that they will not send military forces to directly intervene in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. However, as the assistance provided by these countries to Ukraine continues to increase, this conflict has evolved into a conflict between Russia and Western countries. a "proxy war".