Recently, a horrific tragedy occurred in San Antonio, Texas, USA - an 18-wheel truck was abandoned on a remote roadside, and 50 bodies were found in the compartment...

Behind the frequent immigration tragedies lies the bloody "American Dream."

Recently, a horrific tragedy occurred in San Antonio, Texas, USA - an 18-wheel truck was abandoned on a remote roadside, and 50 bodies were found in the compartment....

"Help, help!"

A desperate cry for help came from a truck on the roadside in San Antonio, USA, and the cry for help became weaker and weaker.

There was no driver on the truck, and it seemed that he had abandoned the truck and fled. Good Samaritans passing by quickly called the police.

Police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene one after another. They opened the door of the truck and were horrified by what they saw.

The sweltering carriage was filled with corpses.

bodies, 2 bodies, 3 bodies... Finally, the chief of the San Antonio Fire Department announced that they had found a total of 46 bodies.

And some hospitalized patients are in critical condition or dead. Together with the 46 corpses on the truck, at least 51 people have died, including 39 men and 12 women.

Mexico Foreign Minister Ebrard said on social media: 22 of the dead were from Mexico, 7 were from Guatemala, 2 were from Honduras, and the identities of the remaining 19 people have not yet been confirmed.

Two of the sisters from Guatemala became victims of this tragedy.

They had previously said: "In order to help poor families, we are willing to risk going to the United States to realize the 'American Dream'.

A heat wave has swept San Antonio, where the temperature has reached 37.4 degrees Celsius for 17 consecutive days. On the day of the incident, The temperature soared to 9.4 degrees Celsius. Beside the pile of corpses, some conscious people were huddled in the corner by the car door, groaning in pain.

The municipal worker touched the boy closest to the door. His body temperature was so high that it was "hot to the touch" .

It was unbearably hot and stuffy inside the carriage.

Although the cause of death is still under investigation, it is not difficult to speculate. These deceased people were probably suffocated to death.

It is speculated that these deceased people may be illegal immigrants. This is also one of the most serious immigrant deaths in the United States in recent years.

Although the reason why the deceased came to the United States is still under investigation. But similar scenes can't help but bring Mr. Huahua's mind back to three years ago -

In the early morning of October 23, 2019, 39 bodies were discovered in the refrigerated container of a truck in an industrial park in England.

The same truck was littered with bodies, and the death toll was also staggering.

On May 13, 2003, 19 immigrants were found dead in the back compartment of an 18-wheel truck in southern Texas. The youngest deceased was only 9 years old, and the oldest was 91 years old.

Truck driver Tyrone Williams smuggled these illegal immigrants through the border checkpoint for $7,500 per person, but he did not open the truck. The cooling system caused the temperature inside the car to soar to 78.3 degrees Celsius.

At that time, people in the rear compartment were holding on to the insulation and screaming for help, but Williams did not stop. Upon arrival in Victoria, Texas, the immigrants were found dead of extreme heat, dehydration, and asphyxiation.

In July 2017, a truck carrying 39 illegal immigrants was investigated in the parking lot of a Walmart supermarket in San Antonio. There was no water or air conditioning in the car. 10 people had died, and the rest were in a state of dehydration and heatstroke. Some people even suffered irreversible brain damage .

Regarding the party responsible for the recent case in San Antonio, Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted angrily: "These deaths should be recorded on Biden .

This is the result of his open border policy.”

Although the impact of this case is very bad, we all understand that this is not the first case, and it will not be the last. In order to enter the United States, a large number of Mexicans enter the United States through various methods every year.

On the US border San Antonio has also become a "paradise" for illegal immigrants .

In order to achieve the purpose of immigrating, these people will be hidden in tractors, large trucks or even coffins by smuggling gangs to avoid inspection, and eventually come to the interior of the United States, work here for a period of time, and then successfully obtain "political asylum" Permanent Residency in the United States.

For every Mexican immigrant who successfully enters the United States, the person responsible for smuggling can receive US$500, while the higher-ups in the gang can receive US$5,000 to tens of thousands of US dollars.

Such incidents can't help but make us sigh. Finally, to borrow the words of San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg:

"They have families...probably trying to find a better life."

"This is simply a terrible human tragedy. ".