In order to thoroughly implement the work deployment of building a "3+1" theoretical arming system and solidly promote the activities of "learning theories, understanding ideas, seeing action, and creating first-class" activities to be effective, the Luozhuang District Highway Ce

In order to thoroughly implement the work deployment of building the "3+1" theoretical armed system, and solidly promote the activities of "learning theory, understanding ideas, seeing action, and creating first-class" activities to achieve results, Luozhuang District Highway Center has taken multiple measures to empower "learning and understanding" "See innovation" to ensure learning results and understanding of principles.

Carry out a daily "Learning Breakfast" activity

Luozhuang District Highway Center carries out a daily "Learning Breakfast" activity of "Learning theories, understanding ideas, seeing action, and creating first-class", stimulating a strong learning sentiment among the cadres and workers of the center . The young party members of the center played a role model and took the lead, actively participated in the recording of recitations, combined with the "Learning Breakfast" activity, extended a series of activities such as "Breakfast I Come to Read", enriched the learning form, created a strong learning atmosphere, strengthened the learning effect, and set off theoretical A new upsurge in learning.

held joint study activities between departments

In order to strengthen the linkage between departments, enhance the interaction between cadres and staff, and promote the integrated development of the work of each department, the center held the "Learning and Creation" joint study activities between departments, focusing on "learning to promote action and clarifying the direction. With the mission goal of “Consolidating the Foundation and Gathering Strength through Learning”, various departments carry out joint learning with each other, promote innovation through learning, and promote development through innovation. Through learning, we can emancipate our minds, innovate our thinking, strengthen our beliefs, and gather our strength to promote the central party building work and business work. Deep integration and innovation.

launches youth theoretical study improvement project

Party branch organized youth theoretical study group to carry out concentrated study. The central preacher gave a lecture on "Adhere to Four "Learning" and Four "Searching" to Promote the Healthy Development of Highway Work" for the study group, telling everyone that they should learn through Learn theory to identify the original intention and mission of work; learn history to identify the source and motivation of work; learn standards to identify the key points and breakthrough points of work; learn advanced skills to identify gaps and weaknesses in work. The publicity activities further inspired young party members and officers to start their own businesses and strive to be first-class in everything they do.

carried out learning and exchange activities.

branch party members combined their actual work to talk about their insights, experiences and experiences, describe their study and implementation work, and exchange personal experiences. Some comrades made exchanges and speeches at the meeting.

Cadres and employees of the center have expressed that in their future work, they should use learning to promote knowledge and learning to promote practice, better guide practice with the theoretical knowledge they have learned, and constantly improve their theoretical literacy , style efficiency, and business capabilities, and meet high standards and strict requirements. Ensure that the activities are effective, contribute to the development of the highway industry, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results. (Reported by Du Zhuangyan)