Dazhong Newspaper·Dazhong Daily Client 2022-06-30 10:22:15 On the occasion of July 1st, in order to consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education and improve the political theory level of all party members in the college, Shandong Transportation Technici

Dazhong Newspaper · Dazhong Daily Client 2022-06-30 10:22:15

On the occasion of July 1st, in order to consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education and improve the political theory level of all party members in the college, Shandong Traffic Technician College launched an online knowledge competition with the theme of "Welcoming the New Journey of the 20th National Congress".

This knowledge competition is open to all in-service party members of the college and lasts for five days. The content covers theoretical knowledge such as party history, party constitution , party discipline and rules, party building work, etc. It is scientifically arranged, rich in content, and wide in coverage, fully testing the party members’ understanding of Understanding and mastery of party-related knowledge. During the competition, each party branch carefully organized and mobilized, demonstrating a tacit teamwork spirit and cohesion; all serving party members actively participated, creating a strong atmosphere of "competition to catch up"; everyone through "competition to promote learning" and "side competition" Through the method of "learning while learning", I found out my own learning deficiencies, and at the same time gained a deeper understanding of the party's theoretical knowledge.

At the award ceremony, the 30 individual first, second and third prizes and 10 organizational awards selected in this knowledge competition were commended. At the same time, the "Learning Masters" of the Sixth Reading Festival and the "Learning Models" of the 2021 Studying Power were commended.

(reported by correspondent Da Qingjun)