On June 28, Yichuan County held a 2022 provincial model worker and municipal labor medal, certificate, and worker pioneer symposium in the 1622 conference room of the administrative center. Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee Shang Wenlong attended the meeting and deli

On June 28, Yichuan County held a 2022 provincial model worker and municipal labor medal, certificate, and worker pioneer symposium in the 1622 conference room of the administrative center. Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee Shang Wenlong attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yang Jianzhong, Chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, the vice chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions read out the commendation decision of the Yan'an Federation of Trade Unions. Shang Wenlong, deputy secretary of the county party committee, awarded medals and certificates of honor to model workers and advanced collectives. All honorary winners made exchange speeches.

On behalf of the county party committee and the county government, Shang Wenlong expressed warm congratulations to the commended model workers and advanced collectives, paid high respect to the workers fighting on all fronts, and put forward several hopes. First, we should learn and promote the spirit of model workers. , inspire the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the officers. All departments at all levels in the county should carry out in-depth activities to learn from model workers, vigorously promote the concepts of hard work, honest work, and creative work, so that the concepts of the most glorious, noble, great, and beautiful labor become common practice in yichuan. It is necessary to innovate publicity methods, expand publicity channels, vigorously publicize the deeds of advanced model workers, and guide the county's cadres and workers to follow model workers and advanced models at all levels as examples and contribute labor wisdom in promoting the high-quality development of Yichuan's economic and social development. The second is to cherish the honor of model workers and play a leading role. All model workers and advanced collectives must cherish their honors, be modest and prudent, carry forward their achievements, make persistent efforts, and strive to become a bright banner that will never fade in all walks of life. We must continue to strengthen our studies, master more skills, and strive to become an expert in this industry. It is necessary to focus on industrial transformation, investment promotion, project construction, urban and rural development, ecological protection, people's livelihood security, etc., and drive the people of the county to concentrate their wisdom, strength, enthusiasm and creativity on their own work, and on promoting the development of the county's economy. We must actively participate in various civilization-building activities, vigorously promote social integrity, and lead the trend of the times. The third is to vigorously promote the spirit of model workers and gather the majestic power of forge ahead. All departments at all levels in the county should give full play to the important power and guiding role of model workers, vigorously promote the excellent qualities of model workers who love their jobs, work hard, work hard, and selflessly contribute, and vigorously promote model workers who keep up with the times, study diligently, study hard, and The spirit of hard work that dares to be the first, vigorously promotes the fine style of model workers who are strict with themselves, consider the overall situation, positive, and united and cooperates, guides the enthusiasm and creativity of all aspects to promote reform and promote development, and gathers the momentum to move forward and overcome difficulties. Great strength. Trade union organizations at all levels in the county should pay attention to the growth and progress of advanced model figures from all aspects, and earnestly protect them politically, support them at work, and care about them in life.