The stretcher in the crematorium melted and a large number of floating corpses appeared in the Ganges River. How miserable will India be under the epidemic?

htmlOn May 11, the Indian media exposed an appalling tragedy about the epidemic.

Since May, more and more corpses have appeared on the mother river of India, the Ganges. It's hot in India, and dense flies are swarming over blisters-decomposed corpses, the relatively "fresh" corpses that make the stray dog's meal.

According to the statistics of relevant persons, as of May 10, the number of corpses washed up by the waves on the banks of the Ganges reached 200. Among them, the most floating corpses were found on the border of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. of more than 100 bodies washed ashore. It is very likely that these bodies are poor people who have died from the new coronavirus. The local government stated that the found floating bodies will be buried or cremated.

The reason for this phenomenon is the shortage of crematoriums. With the outbreak of the mutated new coronavirus in India, there are countless casualties, and the actual death toll far exceeds the official count. According to a CNN reporter, more than 100 to 150 bodies are being transported to crematoriums every day, while the official local figure is only 8-10. Family members of the deceased lined up outside the crematorium, and many of the metal stretchers used to carry the deceased to the crematorium were burned. The supply of wood is 3-4 times the usual, and the crematorium takes this opportunity to drive up the market price. Just to let the funeral personnel remove the body from the hospital or home, they need to pay 2000 rupees. The price of cremation is even more expensive in India. Some middle-class families can't afford . The Ganges River is their last hope for these families that have been torn apart by the new crown.

There was a phenomenon of "throwing corpses" in the Ganges a long time ago, but at that time it was not corpses, but ashes .The Ganges is the holy place in the hearts of Hindus. The ancient Ganges gave birth to Indian civilization. Many Hindus' lifelong wish is to go to the Ganges to worship. They think that bathing in the Ganges water can wash away the filth from the body. . Hindus believe in cremation. They believe that after a person dies, their ashes are sprinkled into the Ganges River. The Ganges River can wash away all the sins of the world, purify their souls, and lead to the next life. Now, cremation is a luxury for the Indian people under the epidemic. Basic education in India is extremely lacking, and a large number of Indian families lack basic common sense. They believe that throwing the body into the Ganges River can wash away the filth on the deceased and reduce the impact of the epidemic.

But this is definitely not the case. It is these religious customs that make the Ganges the biggest source of transmission for the outbreak in India. In April this year, Hindu believers in India ignored the impact of the epidemic and insisted on holding the Big Hut Festival. According to statistics, more than 7 million people bathed in the Ganges River during the Dahu Festival, and the impact was the ferocious outbreak of the new crown epidemic in late April. This time, many corpses with the new coronavirus were thrown into the Ganges River, which undoubtedly added another difficulty to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

At present, the Indian crematorium is working overtime to dispose of these bodies washed ashore by the waves. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Indian government has been criticized by a lot of the international community. The Indian government is still as silent as possible about the situation of the epidemic in India. Make dumb . At present, India is at the critical stage of the election . Many politicians are still canvassing for their elections, ignoring the development of the epidemic. Currently, more than 40 countries in the world have discovered that foreigners from India are carrying the variant new crown virus. The current behavior of the Indian government not only Is it irresponsible for one's own country, or irresponsible for the world.