According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i

2024/07/0218:23:32 international 1898

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate in peacekeeping in Haiti. In the end, the Chinese proposal was voted on It was passed unanimously with a vote of 15:0.

At the same time that China proposed the draft resolution, United Nations Secretary-General Guterres also issued a call to extend the mandate of the United Nations General Office in Haiti for one year. In this regard, the United States and Mexico expressed their hope to extend it by 15 months. In March, China did not support an extension of 15 months.

Since China proposed a draft resolution, member states launched an active debate, and the vote on extending the mandate of the mission was also postponed, and the results of the two resolutions will be reached together. In addition, the relevant resolutions on Haiti also include sanctions on individuals. According to US diplomats, the US will basically not object if sanctions are appropriate.

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i - DayDayNews

In fact, the relationship between the United States and Haiti is also a colonial and colonized relationship in a certain sense. This is a abnormal relationship established by the United States to maintain its power in the Americas. This is not only true for Haiti, a Latin American country, but also includes Haiti. Panama has a canal that connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

It's just that the superior geographical location of Panama has determined that the United States will not let it fall into chaos, and Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America after all. Although the United States often provides it with assistance, it is not necessarily for the purpose of stabilizing the situation.

Because of this, Haiti can be said to be one of the biggest factors of instability in Latin America. Long-term development will inevitably pose a serious threat to the security of the region, so the United Nations will set up a comprehensive office here.

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i - DayDayNews

In fact, the relationship between Haiti and the United States is more than that. Due to the special geographical location of Haiti, its long-term unrest is equivalent to the United States having a bargaining chip to check and balance Latin America and South America by exporting unrest, so the problem in Haiti is not difficult to solve. , but someone doesn’t want to solve it.

What's more, the United States regards Latin America and South America as a "back garden" and will never allow the region to unite or become stronger. Therefore, it needs a pact that can create unrest at any time. This has been the case since when the economic crisis broke out. Latin and South American countries often Being harvested by the first wave of the United States is enough to see.

Since the United States does not want to see the situation in Haiti return to stability, why did it still vote in favor of China’s draft resolution on sanctions? In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, it saves money, worry and effort. After all, the implementation of the resolution relies on the input of the United Nations, which is naturally supportive.

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i - DayDayNews

Similarly, now that the United Nations mission to Haiti has expired, the Secretary-General has taken the initiative to propose an extension. The United States naturally wants to extend the time a little longer, so that it can invest less in materials and materials for Haiti, and there is no need to be pretentious. So worried about the violent conflicts in the latter country.

Of course, China made the proposal about Haiti at this time. On the one hand, it is to fulfill its obligations as a member of the Security Council and fulfill its responsibility to maintain the stability of the regional situation. On the other hand, it is because maintaining the stability of the situation in Haiti is to maintain the stability of Latin America. The stable situation in the region and South America provides guarantee for Chinese enterprises and investments in the region.

In addition, China actively promotes the stability of the situation in Haiti and is also safeguarding its own interests. You must know that The authorities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, recognize the Taiwan region and established a so-called "friendly relationship" under the "gold-dollar diplomacy" of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities. , Therefore, stabilizing the situation of seabed and creating a basic guarantee for its economic development is a means to eliminate the so-called "diplomatic countries" in Taiwan.

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i - DayDayNews

Just imagine if the country's situation is stable and it can attract enterprises or capital investment from other countries to develop the economy, who would be willing to approach the DPP authorities to get a small profit from the three melons and dates in the name of "friendly countries". Of course, it must be said that the DPP authorities are not at all an obstacle to the stability of the situation in Shanghai. Fundamentally speaking, the United States is still the culprit for the unity and strength of Latin America and South America.

In order to weaken regional power and protect its dominant position, the United States will definitely try every means to cause trouble. Just like its vote in favor of the extension of the mission, it itself is a manifestation of its confidence in being able to intervene in the situation in Latin America for a long time.

However, the long-term interference of the United States in the politics of Latin America and South America will eventually lead to resistance. Now Argentina has applied to join BRICs countries, Nicaragua has resumed diplomatic relations with China, and many countries have boycotted the Summit of the Americas hosted by the United States. It proves that there are signs of "resistance", which shows that the behavior of the United States cannot be supported at all, and it can only be abandoned in the end.

According to the latest news from domestic media, China recently proposed a draft resolution on sanctions involving Haiti at the United Nations Security Council, requiring an embargo on small arms to Haiti, sanctions on Haitian gang leaders, and sending personnel to participate i - DayDayNews

Because of this, it is not advisable to regard a certain region as a "backyard". Respecting the sovereignty and interests of countries in various regions is what a major country should do and is in line with its obligations as a permanent member of the Security Council. Therefore, if the United States If you still choose to treat Latin America and South America as your own, you will inevitably suffer the consequences.

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