(Li Baozhen) On the morning of July 14, the Luntai County CPPCC organized a special study meeting on the Party Style and Clean Government Construction Education Month. Zhu Quanli, a member of the Party Committee of the County CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Branch, and Director of

2024/06/2721:28:32 international 1988

(Li Baozhen) On the morning of July 14, the Luntai County CPPCC organized a special study meeting on the Party Style and Clean Government Construction Education Month. Zhu Quanli, a member of the Party Committee of the County CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Branch, and Director of  - DayDayNews

(Li Baozhen) On the morning of July 14, the Luntai County CPPCC organized a special study meeting on the Party Style and Clean Government Construction Education Month. Zhu Quanli, a member of the Party Committee of the County CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Branch, and Director of the Office, presided over the study meeting, and cadres and employees of the CPPCC organs participated in the study meeting.

All cadres and workers of the County CPPCC studied the " Constitution of the Communist Party of China ", " Communist Party of China Principles of Integrity and Self-Discipline", " Communist Party of China Disciplinary Punishment Regulations ", " Communist Party of China Accountability Regulations " and other contents.

Zhu Quanli, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the County CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Branch of the agency, and Director of the Office, held a talk on integrity with all cadres and employees of the agency at the study meeting. He emphasized that we must always maintain a firm political character, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". We must always maintain a high-spirited work style, an upright and honest party member, and a united and enterprising image of the CPPCC. The

meeting emphasized the need to carry out the Party Style and Clean Government Construction Education Month activities in a solid manner, attach great importance to it, strengthen coordination, and carefully organize and carry out a series of unique, popular, and effective clean government education activities; it is necessary to improve the position, strengthen learning, and truly achieve Learn to understand and practice, internalize it in the heart, and externalize it in action. We must take multiple measures to strengthen publicity, spread the concept of integrity, tell good stories of diligence and integrity, and convey the energy of integrity; we must strictly manage, strengthen discipline, and effectively implement The institutions should form a culture in which the capable ones are promoted and the mediocre ones are demoted, and the CPPCC organs should be built as first-class institutions. The

meeting required that all cadres and workers should deepen their study and understanding, effectively integrate their thoughts and actions into the spirit and decision-making arrangements of the plenary sessions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures, and counties, and unremittingly and persistently promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption, so as to Greater determination and greater intensity will be required to implement it. It is necessary to transform learning results into practical actions, always pay attention to restraining oneself with disciplines and rules, earnestly perform duties, do all work better, and ensure that the work of the County CPPCC is stable and long-term in the correct political direction.

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