Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos

2024/06/1918:04:33 international 1567

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public opinion around the world. Zeng Ying, a reporter from a Chinese media in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast, and she could not continue. The pear blossoms bring rain, and he spoke highly of "Abe's great contribution to Sino-Japanese friendship." It is the words and performance of this Chinese journalist stationed in Japan that have become the target of public criticism. As soon as the video came out, it aroused heated discussions across the Internet. Countless netizens accused her of forgetting her roots and couldn't tell whether she was Chinese or Japanese. Some even ridiculed her that she was crying at the wrong grave.

After that, Zeng Ying still insisted on her own views and was still fighting with netizens online. But what was surprising was that Xiao Ying, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University, Xiao Ying, jumped out to support Zeng Ying and praised her. While defending her own values ​​and ideals, she also stated that she believed that in the future historical review, more Chinese people would learn to admire this Chinese woman who sticks to her conscience and reason. At the same time, Professor Xiao also scolded netizens: Ms. Zeng Ying’s feelings are impossible for brainless coelenterates and inhuman Internet rabies to understand.

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

As a professor, if you just support Zeng Ying, it is understandable to express your opinions and reasons. You can only say that you have the same understanding as Zeng Ying, and have feelings for the former Japanese Prime Minister, and for Abe’s death. , your sorrow, pain, and mourning are the business of people like you.

However, Xiao Ying, as Tsinghua University a well-educated, knowledgeable, well-educated and well-respected old philosophy professor in his 60s, took advantage of the opportunity to support Zeng Ying, but he was like this Being disrespectful to the elderly, he even called netizens "brainless coelenterates" and "internet rabid dogs". It is really beneath his identity, let alone an old man in his 60s. It is extremely disgraceful, even for someone my age. People are ashamed of you.

Everyone knows that those who curse are incompetent, ignorant and shameless. You are reasonable. Can you show your talent and knowledge by scolding people here?

As a professor, scolding others here is undoubtedly like "spitting on one's face", and the spittle will eventually fall on one's own face. Why bother? Wouldn’t it be nice to have the time and energy to study your major properly?

Professor Xiao, for some unknown reason, seems to insist on going against the majority of netizens. He will stand up to support and praise any netizen who opposes him.

After the poisonous textbook incident was exposed by netizens, when netizens were denouncing Wu Yong, the author of the primary school mathematics textbook illustrator, Xiao Ying, a professor at Tsinghua University , stood up and tried to clear up and defend Wu Yong.

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

said: I don’t think the pictures in this textbook are ugly, and I don’t think these pictures will have adverse effects on the learning and education of primary school students. He also said, “In an era of open innovation, we cannot use this method in teaching material design. A kind of allergy to looking at ugliness. "

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

I said Professor Xiao Ying, you are quite old, let alone a professor, you are an ordinary old man. We should wash the floor with a certain level and class. When expressing your opinion, always give your reasons and convincing evidence. Are the issues such as "exposed genitals", "breast assault", "Japanese military aircraft" and "flag upside down" in the illustrations just aesthetic issues? Anyone with a little bit of cultural knowledge and sense of right and wrong can see it. Even a three-year-old child can tell the difference between right and wrong.

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

Recently, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe has become the focus of public attention around the world. Zeng Ying, a Chinese media reporter in Japan, was choked up several times when talking about Abe in a live broadcast and could not go on, and the pear blos - DayDayNews

Professor Xiao, as an expert and scholar, said in a condescending tone: These pictures have two characteristics. First, they adopt an exaggerated cartoon style, and second, they focus on expressing the innocence and childishness of children. Beauty and ugliness are relative and changing. We cannot use the so-called classic version as a standard to measure today's teaching material design.

I really don’t know if Professor Xiao is blind and can’t see it, or is he deliberately talking nonsense? I wonder if his own children and grandchildren will agree with his views after reading these illustrations? Even if you are old and blind, you can't be so serious and confident. You should face the facts and use your brain that does not have " Alzheimer's disease ".

Xiao Ying publicly expressed his support for poisonous teaching materials, which once triggered a crusade from netizens. Unexpectedly, he stood up to support Zeng Ying this time. He really does not deserve to be a role model.

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