Henan Legal News All-Media Reporter Cheng Yucheng Correspondent Ma Dianli Peng Xin Jiang Conghui/Text and picture To promote the in-depth development of the "Capacity and Style Construction Year" activities, comprehensively improve the political and professional quality of police

2024/06/1812:01:33 international 1897

Henan Legal News All-Media Reporter Cheng Yucheng Correspondent Ma Dianli Peng Xin Jiang Conghui/Text and picture To promote the in-depth development of the

Henan Legal News All-Media Reporter Cheng Yucheng Correspondent Ma Dianli Peng Xin Jiang Conghui/Text and Picture

In order to promote the in-depth development of the "Capacity and Style Construction Year" activities, comprehensively improve the political and professional quality of police officers, effectively change the work style, and promote fairness, integrity, and service core values ​​of civil justice. On the occasion of celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Party Committee of the Chuanhui District Court held an essay solicitation activity for the Year of Capacity and Style Building.

Henan Legal News All-Media Reporter Cheng Yucheng Correspondent Ma Dianli Peng Xin Jiang Conghui/Text and picture To promote the in-depth development of the

The theme of this activity is "What should I do to be the first to excel and build an image?" and requires all police officers to focus on the four aspects of "improving capabilities, forging style, working hard, and striving to be the first to excel" from how to base themselves on their jobs and improve their abilities. We will start with a major discussion on improving judicial capabilities and changing work styles. All police officers of the hospital actively participated and submitted articles enthusiastically. A total of 223 essays were received, and 2 special prizes, 4 first prizes, 6 second prizes, 10 third prizes and 10 excellence awards were selected.

On July 11, the Chuanhui District Court held a commendation meeting to solemnly commend the winners and issue honorary certificates and prizes. Xu Lin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Dean, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Members of the Party Leadership Group and all police officers attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Sun Xianxin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President. Yang Haixia, member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Political Department, read out the list of winners in the essay contest of the Year of Capacity and Style Building, "What should I do to create a first-class image and strive for excellence?"

Henan Legal News All-Media Reporter Cheng Yucheng Correspondent Ma Dianli Peng Xin Jiang Conghui/Text and picture To promote the in-depth development of the

At the meeting, Dean Xu Lin fully affirmed and praised the commended comrades. He hoped that everyone could turn this event into a new starting point, further strengthen the awareness of innovation and excellence in mind and spirit, and continuously create new achievements. Focusing on "What should I do to be the first to strive for excellence and establish an image", Dean Xu put forward four requirements:

First, we must implement digital and efficient office work. Handle cases in an open, transparent, rigorous and standardized manner, fairly and efficiently, and improve the modernization and standardization of agency management. Build smart buildings, comprehensively strengthen digital monitoring, and promote the standardization of the behavior of various litigation subjects in the trial area.

The second is to create a good hospital atmosphere with clean and upright style. We will continue to cultivate a good hospital style of seeking truth and being pragmatic, clean and upright, and positive throughout the hospital. All police officers must strictly enforce political discipline, establish a solid bottom line of integrity, and set an example of seeking truth and being pragmatic, and working hard. Establish a correct view of political performance and honor, be consistent in appearance and deeds, be consistent in words and deeds, be a down-to-earth person, work conscientiously, and achieve extraordinary results in ordinary positions.

The third is to cultivate a team of cadres who are united and cooperate. Every hospital leader and department head should, while performing their assigned work and department responsibilities, enhance their sense of collaboration and spirit of collaboration, be tolerant of police officers, and refrain from demanding complete blame. Only when the whole hospital is united and has a strong sense of unity can we further improve work execution, better complete tasks, overcome problems, and ultimately achieve overall advancement of work and better and faster development.

The fourth is to cultivate a positive work attitude. We must always maintain the drive to be proactive, strive for excellence, and work hard, find gaps among advanced benchmarks, set higher goals, do more practical work, step out of the comfort zone, improve combat effectiveness, and inspire people to start a business. It is necessary to take the launch of the capacity-building and style-building year activities as an opportunity to promote a major improvement in the political quality of police officers, a major change in judicial style, build a first-class model agency, establish a good image of Sichuanhui Court, and present outstanding achievements to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China!

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