On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Chengduo County Party Committee went to the Party Education Base of the Bridge Guarding Class in Cheng

2024/05/2703:06:33 international 1318

- The Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee launched the themed party day activities

in order to further strengthen the party spirit education of party members and cadres in government agencies, encourage party members and cadres to understand the traditional spirit, inherit the red gene, and draw on the strength of progress. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Chengduo County Party Committee went to the Party Education Base of the Bridge Guarding Class in Chengduo County to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and the Time for Struggle".

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Chengduo County Party Committee went to the Party Education Base of the Bridge Guarding Class in Cheng - DayDayNews

All team members listened to the bridge-keeping stories told by the old members of the bridge-keeping class, and deeply understood the "bridge-keeping spirit" of the bridge-keeping class militiamen who have loyally guarded the " First Bridge at the Source of the Yangtze River" for more than 40 years, and with " We will carry out red song singing, review the oath of joining the party, and commend advanced party members” to engrave the great spirit of party building into the depths of our minds, inherit the “red gene” from the local imprint, and practice the “red original intention” in serving the people.

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Chengduo County Party Committee went to the Party Education Base of the Bridge Guarding Class in Cheng - DayDayNews

requires all personnel to continuously integrate "red power" into their posts and daily life. First, loyalty to the party must be cast into the blood of the soul. Polish the political background of absolute loyalty to the party, constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, strengthen the " four consciousness", strengthen the " four self-confidence", and achieve " two safeguards" ", and always be a firm believer and faithful practitioner of " establishes ". Second, we must build a solid ideological foundation for clean and honest politics. Treat integrity as an eternal "talisman", get used to exercising power under the "magnifying glass" and "spotlight", guard the political, power, communication, life and family relationships, build a tight defense line of integrity and self-discipline, and buckle up integrity The “first button” for entering politics. Third, we must concentrate our efforts and take responsibility. Taking hard work as the vane of progress and the motto of struggle, with a sense of mission of "the heavy responsibility is on our shoulders", a sense of responsibility of "can't worry", and a sense of urgency of "getting it done right away", we will carry forward "loyalty to the party, justice and integrity, rooted in Yushu, The Yushu organization spirit of "unity and forge ahead" will welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with fuller enthusiasm, higher morale and more outstanding results.

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Organization Department of the Yushu Prefecture Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Chengduo County Party Committee went to the Party Education Base of the Bridge Guarding Class in Cheng - DayDayNews

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