On July 4, reporters learned from the political and legal system service guarantee production safety press conference held in Dongying City that from January to June, the number of safety production accidents and deaths in the city dropped by 29.73% and 29.17% respectively year-o

2024/05/2402:37:32 international 1520

Dazhong Newspaper · Dazhong Daily Client 2022-07-04 22:28:52

On July 4, reporters learned from the political and legal system service guarantee production safety press conference held in Dongying City that from January to June, the number of safety production accidents and deaths in the city dropped by 29.73% and 29.17% respectively year-o - DayDayNewshtml On July 4, reporters learned from the press conference on political and legal system services to ensure production safety held by Dongying City that from January to June, The number of safety production accidents and deaths in the city decreased by 29.73% and 29.17% respectively year-on-year, and no major or above accidents occurred. In recent years, the Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have firmly established the concept of safety development, tightened the responsibility for safety production, and resolutely adhered to the bottom line of safety production. The city's safety production situation has continued to be stable. It took the lead in building a provincial-level safety development demonstration city and was awarded Ping An China. Build a model city.

On July 4, reporters learned from the political and legal system service guarantee production safety press conference held in Dongying City that from January to June, the number of safety production accidents and deaths in the city dropped by 29.73% and 29.17% respectively year-o - DayDayNews

Municipal and legal agencies across the country should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law, give full play to the functions of political and legal agencies, make full use of legal weapons, promptly discover and accurately crack down on illegal activities, and build a solid legal barrier for safe production. The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has included production safety in the safety construction assessment and the "Safety Dongying Index" system, deployed and carried out the investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards, organized and carried out safety creation activities such as safe enterprises, safe markets, safe scenic spots, etc., and promoted safety creation activities at all levels. The department tightens its responsibilities for production safety. The political and legal authorities and the emergency management department jointly formulated and promulgated the "Implementation Measures for the Linkage between Administrative Law Enforcement of Work Safety and Criminal Justice in Dongying City" to establish a direct connection between production safety law enforcement and judicial work to promote the efficient handling of cases involving work safety. The judicial organs have studied and formulated the "Ten Measures to Serve and Guarantee Work Safety", increase the punishment of cases that endanger production safety, and punish 21 types of suspected production safety crimes and other related crimes promptly and severely in accordance with the law. The procuratorial organs perform the functions of arrest approval, prosecution and legal supervision in accordance with the law, severely crack down on criminal crimes that endanger production safety, actively carry out public interest litigation in the field of production safety, and promote the traceability of production safety through measures such as issuing procuratorial recommendations. Since 2019, the city's procuratorial organs have reviewed and approved 96 criminal cases involving 269 people endangering production safety, and reviewed and prosecuted 141 cases of 568 people. The public security organs have severely cracked down on production safety-related crimes, deepened the "escort police officer" mechanism to prevent and resolve hidden risks, and innovatively created an integrated intelligent supervision model for hazardous chemicals road transportation that is leading in the country and promoted throughout the province. There has been no major accident in the city for more than 1,700 consecutive days. Major road traffic accident. Judicial administrative organs focus on the guiding role of typical cases, strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law in the field of work safety, and create a strong social atmosphere. (Reported by Dazhong Newspaper·Dazhong Daily Client Reporter Li Guangyin)

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