In order to further improve the effectiveness of political supervision, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Changji Detachment adheres to a problem-oriented approach, actively explores new ideas and methods, and creates a "political supervision mind map" to systematize an

2024/05/2312:39:32 international 1579

In order to further improve the effectiveness of political supervision, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Changji Detachment adheres to a problem-oriented approach, actively explores new ideas and methods, and creates a "political supervision mind map" to systematize and diagram the tasks of supervision and performance, and promote the implementation of political supervision. thin.

In order to further improve the effectiveness of political supervision, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Changji Detachment adheres to a problem-oriented approach, actively explores new ideas and methods, and creates a

Targeted efforts, key points, and clear directions. The detachment's Discipline Inspection Commission held a work seminar and exchange meeting around the key work points to study and deploy political supervision of key work tasks. It used mind maps to sort out the deployment of political supervision work, determine the task list, identify the entry point for supervision, establish a problem ledger, and supervise There are seven steps in establishing a long-term mechanism for rectifying problems, carrying out "looking back" on problem rectification, and consolidating the results of "looking back" for rectification. The prescribed actions for each link of supervision work are intuitively displayed through the mind map booklet, so as to form a system of doing things according to orders and using regulations. Quan’s work is closed loop.

Precise supervision, improve quality and efficiency, and ensure implementation. The detachment's Discipline Inspection Commission keeps a close eye on the key links and key areas of the "Political Supervision Mind Map", carries out precise supervision and real-time feedback, urges the rectification of problems, and maintains the bottom line of discipline. At the same time, two working mechanisms of "special supervision" and "normal supervision" have been established to coordinate and cooperate with each other to resolutely promote political supervision of key tasks and tighten discipline pockets. Since 2022, the Changji detachment has carried out special political supervision 5 times, including " Winter Olympics security", "food management", "fire law enforcement", "combat training safety", "corps party committee inspection and rectification 'Looking back'", during the Spring Festival Regular supervision and inspections were conducted 6 times on important nodes such as May Day, Labor Day, and Dragon Boat Festival, and 290 problems were discovered and supervised to be rectified. This promoted the normal release of supervision signals from the Discipline Inspection Commission and effectively improved the quality and efficiency of political supervision.

In the next step, the detachment’s Discipline Inspection Commission will regularly update and improve the mind map booklet based on the actual supervision work, and apply it to political supervision to catch up on regular issues and effectively promote political supervision work to achieve new breakthroughs and achieve new results.

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