The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action.

2024/05/2221:36:33 international 1022

The United Nations Security Council is the only body with the authority to take enforcement action under the United Nations Charter. It can conduct peacekeeping operations, implement international sanctions, and can authorize military action.

At the same time, the one-vote veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council has also made some countries that emerged after World War II salivate. They have been calling for reform of the United Nations Security Council and demanding "membership".

On July 4, Russian Ambassador to China Denisov stated that it is necessary to increase the proportion of Asian, African, and Latin American countries in the Security Council. At the same time, he also named India and Brazil to join the Security Council. Be open-minded.

Denisov believes that the current United Nations Security Council has actually become a stage for Western countries to implement propaganda. Absorbing more countries from the region into the Security Council can make it more democratic and help break Western hegemony.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

However, Denisov also emphasized that Russia will not support Germany and Japan entering the Security Council, because the current Security Council itself is dominated by Western countries, and the participation of Germany and Japan will make the reform of the Security Council meaningless.

In fact, Denisov’s proposal is not new. The current general direction of the Security Council reform is to expand the representativeness of the Security Council.

There are many countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and their populations exceed those of Western countries. They also have rapidly developing economies such as India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, and they should have a stronger voice in international affairs.

In fact, there is no objection to increasing the number of members of the Security Council. What is really controversial is the veto power.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

The United Nations was established during World War II at the initiative of China, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. At that time, in order to balance the interests of the major victorious powers, the principle of "unity of major powers" was adopted. As long as one permanent member voted against, the Security Council The draft resolution will be shelved.

itself is an institution used by the major victorious countries to maintain the post-war world order. Those countries that became independent after World War II and have not made outstanding contributions to the world's anti-fascist war are not qualified to have a veto power.

If this principle is changed, it will damage the legitimacy of the existence of the United Nations and turn the United Nations into a loose organization like the former League of Nations.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

Many countries that hope to become permanent members of the Security Council have misunderstood the meaning of the "one-vote veto" to a certain extent, the most typical of which is Japan.

Over the past few decades, Japan has been committed to "joining the permanent membership", and the only reason they can come up with is that they are an economic power.

However, as a defeated country in World War II, Japan not only refused to admit its war crimes after the war, but also continued to expand its armaments with the improvement of its economic strength, stirred up the regional situation, and repeatedly had territorial disputes with Russia, South Korea, and China. A country like

, even if it has strong economic strength, has no qualifications to become a permanent member of the Security Council. Not only that, such former fascist countries that attempt to challenge the fruits of victory in World War II should become the focus of supervision by the Security Council.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

But now, in order to draw Japan and India into its own small anti-China circle, the United States supports their "Permanent Membership"; while Russia, in order to avoid being isolated in the Security Council, has also extended an olive branch to Brazil and India and distributed "tickets" to the United Nations Security Council. .

This kind of discussion due to conflicts of interest will not only not help the reform of the Security Council, but will deepen the internal contradictions of the Security Council, and the real purpose of the reform will not be realized.

Generally speaking, it is unlikely that the permanent members of the Security Council will be expanded in the short term. Many major countries regard supporting a certain country's "Meeting of the United Nations" as a means to win over people's hearts, rather than actually supporting other countries' "Meeting of the United Nations".

In addition, from a procedural point of view, reforming the Security Council requires amending the United Nations Charter. This is also a natural chasm that other countries cannot overcome.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

And judging from the current international situation , it would be a good thing for small and medium-sized countries if the Security Council does not carry out reforms rashly.

In the past 20 years or so, the United States and its allies have bombed Yugoslavia and Syria and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq without authorization from the Security Council, which has greatly damaged the authority of the Security Council.

Now in order to isolate Russia, they have taken up the banner of the Security Council and tried to bring allies such as Germany and Japan into the Security Council to confront China and Russia.

If such a "reform" takes place, Western countries will become more unscrupulous and the world will become more turbulent.

The UN Security Council is the only body authorized to take enforcement action under the UN Charter and can conduct peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action. - DayDayNews

On the other hand, if other countries want to safeguard their international status and interests, they do not necessarily have to enter the Security Council.

Moreover, even if they enter the Security Council, with the "treaty abandonment spirit" of Western countries, they will still ignore relevant resolutions and carry out wanton aggression against small and medium-sized countries.

In this case, other countries might as well join with China and other peace-loving countries to fight against Western hegemony in all aspects including economy, politics, diplomacy, and military. This will be much more reliable than forcing their way into the Security Council.

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