Elephant News Reporter Gao Junxiao Correspondent Ding Xiaoyang/Text and Photo On July 1, the reporter learned from the Human Resources Management Bureau of Pingdingshan High-tech Zone: As of June 30, the district had carried out various vocational skills training for 3,528 people

2024/05/2100:33:33 international 1431

Elephant News reporter Gao Junxiao correspondent Ding Xiaoyang/text picture

Elephant News Reporter Gao Junxiao Correspondent Ding Xiaoyang/Text and Photo On July 1, the reporter learned from the Human Resources Management Bureau of Pingdingshan High-tech Zone: As of June 30, the district had carried out various vocational skills training for 3,528 people - DayDayNews

html On July 1, the reporter learned from the Human Resources Management Bureau of Pingdingshan High-tech Zone: As of June 30, the district had carried out various vocational skills training for 3,528 people, adding new skilled talents. 2,452 people, 1,209 new high-skilled talents, all with high quality and exceeding the target tasks, and the construction of " everyone certificate, skilled Henan" achieved breakthrough results.

improves the mechanism and forms a synergy. The district established a leading group to promote high-quality construction of "Everyone Holds a Certificate and Has Skills in Henan", giving full play to the good organizational structure of the main leaders personally doing the work, the leaders in charge doing the specific work, the leading group coordinating the work, and the business departments working from the front; the relevant work was issued The plan clarified specific tasks such as key tasks, work goals, and funding guarantees, and achieved the "four implementations" of institutions, personnel, funding, and measures; it also issued a breakdown of the goals and tasks for the construction of "Everyone Holds a Certificate, Skilled Henan" in the High-tech Zone in 2022 schedule, promote weekly schedules, etc., further refine the work tasks of each member unit, consolidate work responsibilities, and form a work synergy.

focuses on industry and broadens training. The district closely focuses on the advantages of leading industries and rural characteristics, fully explores training projects, and has successively held various training (evaluation) projects in e-commerce, automobile maintenance, hand-knitting, electricians, fitters, security administrators, etc., and various types of training (evaluation) projects. ) started classes one after another, and the working mechanism was initially sound. So far, the district has evaluated 260 junior workers, 317 intermediate workers, and 1,209 senior workers.

improves performance and tracking services. Combining the characteristics of rural revitalization and development needs, the district has created a special ability training brand of "e-commerce, hand-weaving", that is, a model of planting (weaving) + online sales, achieving "doorstep" employment and "without leaving home" entrepreneurship.

Based on skills improvement and ability improvement, skills-based employment and skill-based wealth, the district urges all training institutions to carry out training in accordance with the principle of recruiting students and recruiting workers, and provide no less than three employment and entrepreneurship tracking services within 3 months after the training, to effectively Improve the employment conversion rate, ensure that there are jobs before training, content during training, and services after training to ensure the effectiveness of training.

"In the next step, we will continue to take corporate training (evaluation) as the main body, social training as the supplement, and brand building as the breakthrough, and strive to build three major systems: lifelong vocational skills training, skilled talent evaluation, and full supervision of skills training evaluation. ', give full play to regional characteristics and advantages, use brand building to promote standardized training and large-scale output, and continuously improve workers' ability to maintain stable employment and continue to increase income," said the relevant person in charge of the Human Resources Management Bureau of Pingdingshan High-tech Zone.

(Elephant News Pingdingshan Center News Hotline: 0375-3880000 Submission Email: [email protected])

Elephant Editor: Xu Xianyou

Source: Elephant News

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