do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African "snake king" thought he was immune to snake venom, but ended up being overturned. Why do these people who play with snakes always think that snakes will not hurt them? Is there really any way to control th

2024/05/2015:19:34 international 1236

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African "snake king" thought he was immune to snake venom, but ended up being overturned. Why do these people who play with snakes always think that snakes will not hurt them?

Is there really any way to control the behavior of snakes?

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

On May 14, 2022, in a village in western Tanzania, two cobras appeared out of nowhere. The villagers were afraid that they would harm the children in the village, so they quickly invited the famous local "Snake King" to help catch the snakes.

The name of the "Snake King" is James Henry. He is a nationally famous snake catcher and is known as the "Ace Snake Catcher". As long as he takes action, there are almost no snakes that he cannot catch.

Even though Henry is 60 years old this year, he is still in good health and can walk as fast as flying. He can catch poisonous snakes with ease.

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

The first cobra was quickly collected by Henry. It was a 1.2-meter-long cobra. It was not big, but small cobras were also fatal. The second snake was a little harder to find, but still I successfully found it. It was a 1.6-meter cobra. It was almost the top of the cobras and looked very attractive.

Since he successfully caught two snakes, it stands to reason that James should retire with success and enjoy everyone's praise. However, he happened to cause trouble and started to perform snake playing to the villagers.

He caught the cobra's tail and showed it to everyone, but he did not expect that the cobra attacked him twice in a row. In the end, James Henry died.

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

Someone who had the same experience as James Henry was Manmohan, a snake catcher from India. In order to celebrate the traditional festival, Manmohan caught two cobras with his bare hands. He was holding a snake tail in each hand and was chatting with relatives and friends. Unexpectedly, a snake quietly attacked him and bit his foot.

In this way, Manmohan died on the way to the hospital.

A snake bite incident also occurred in India, involving a snake catcher named Parma. The snake catcher even claimed that he was immune to snake venom.

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

Because in his 20 years of snake catching career, although he was bitten by venomous snakes many times, his life was never in danger. As a result, such a confident man coiled a snake around his neck and was bitten on his right hand by the snake.

However, Parma simply sucked the venom out with his mouth and spit it out. He was then taken to the hospital, but died soon after.

There are countless news about Indians playing snake games in . I believe everyone has seen it. But you know what? In fact, there is a reason why Indians like snakes.

India has a very rich snake culture. It worships snakes very much and even regards snakes as "gods". It is believed that cobras are the incarnation of the Indian main god Shiva .

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

Every year, many snake-related activities are held here, and there is even a special Snake Festival . Adults and children kiss the snakes face to face, wrap the snakes around their bodies and dance gracefully. Many snake dancers control the snakes to perform.

Sacrifice to the snake god is still a traditional religious ritual in India. This fanatical worship of snakes has lasted for thousands of years. So it is not difficult to understand why Indians like snakes so much.

Speaking of this, some people can't help but wonder, is it really because snake dancers can control snakes that snakes don't attack them?

It is worth mentioning that snakes do not rely on sound to determine their location. They cannot hear sounds conducted through the air and can only rely on the vibration of objects.

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

So, we see snakes swaying to the music, not because they hear the music, but because they feel the vibrations nearby.

In addition, the IQ of snakes is not high. Even if they can hear the music, they cannot understand the meaning of the music.

From this point of view, they cannot actually control the behavior of snakes. It can only be said that skilled people are bold and they dare to play with snakes.

Therefore, if we encounter a snake in the wild, no matter what kind it is, please keep a certain distance from the snake, do not anger the snake, and do not confront the snake head-on. Because no matter whether you encounter a venomous snake or not, getting bitten is no joke.

do you know? Just some time ago, something ridiculous happened. An African

Finally, after seeing so many cases of veteran overturning, we can also find that the reason why they overturned was because they were too conceited, and even after being bitten, they still wanted to save face and suffer. In fact, if you are bitten, you may not be unable to survive if you immediately seek medical treatment and receive professional treatment.

Therefore, don't be brave when you shouldn't be brave. It's not a big deal to bow your head and show weakness. After all, you only have one life and there is no chance to do it again.

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