Julian Paul Assange was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, the 16-year-old Assange became a hacker on the Internet under the name Mendax. In 1991, because Assange invaded other computers, the Australian police searched His residence in Melbourne.

2024/05/1901:36:33 international 1838

Julian Paul Assange was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, the 16-year-old Assange became a hacker on the Internet under the name Mendax. In 1991, because Assange invaded other computers, the Australian police searched His residence in Melbourne. - DayDayNews

Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom (August 2014)

Julian Paul Assange , was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, at the age of 16, Assange became known online as Mendax A hacker, in 1991, because Assange hacked into other computers, the Australian police searched his residence in Melbourne. Police discovered that Assange had used a modem to hack into the computer systems of an Australian university and Canada's Nortel Networks. In 1992, Assange pleaded guilty to 24 charges related to hacking into computer systems. Assange was released on bail after being fined A$2,100 for good behavior.

After creating WikiLeaks, Assange once mentioned: "(The media always mentions my previous hacking experience) is really a bit annoying. Just because I have published a book with others before (hacking experience), and there are also related documentaries, People talked about it, and the media tried their best to copy and paste it. People forgot that that was twenty years ago, and you can still see articles calling me a computer hacker. It pisses me off. Not because I think it's a disgraceful history; no, I'm proud of that experience, and I think it's just because I'm the spokesperson for WikiLeaks. The motivation behind it and the hints it is trying to give must be very clear.

Julian Paul Assange was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, the 16-year-old Assange became a hacker on the Internet under the name Mendax. In 1991, because Assange invaded other computers, the Australian police searched His residence in Melbourne. - DayDayNews

November 2009

Julian Paul Assange was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, the 16-year-old Assange became a hacker on the Internet under the name Mendax. In 1991, because Assange invaded other computers, the Australian police searched His residence in Melbourne. - DayDayNews

Assange in Copenhagen in 2009

On November 18, 2010, InterpolMember member Swedish The police issued a red notice level to Assange. The court issued an arrest warrant at the request of Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny, who wanted Assange detained for questioning. Assange's lawyer said the relationship between him and two women in Sweden in August 2010 was consensual. Assange said there was a campaign to defame his reputation and target him. The accusations were part of this attempt. But Claes Borgstrom, the lawyer for the two women, said Assange knew he was spreading a rumor that he did not believe. Borgstrom pointed out that Assange had no regard for the impact of this rumor on the two women. The Swedish coordinator of WikiLeaks said that the incident had nothing to do with the CIA (CIA), which was believed to be behind the scenes; he said that if Assange complied with the two women's request for an AIDS medical test, Assange might not Will face prosecution. Assange claimed that he and his friends had received multiple death threats from the U.S. military. In 2010, WikiLeaks released a series of articles by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. , Bradley Manning) provided declassified events that attracted international attention. Since its inception, WikiLeaks has published a considerable number of confidential documents, including a video about the murder of US troops in a Baghdad air raid (2010). April 2010), Afghanistan war actions, Kenya extrajudicial executions , US diplomatic cable incident (November 2010), Cote d'Ivoire toxic waste dumping incident documents, Scientology Manuals etc. Starting on November 28, 2010, WikiLeaks and other media partners began to release secret U.S. diplomatic cables . After the 2010 leak, the U.S. government launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks .

On December 7, 2010, Assange reported to the London police in the United Kingdom and was arrested; later on the same day, the court refused to release Assange on bail and temporarily imprisoned him in an undisclosed location. If the British authorities extradite him to Sweden for trial, he said he would fight to the end.

Sources in the Russian presidential palace once revealed that the Kremlin was considering suggesting that the NGO nominate Assange as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, which was later deemed a joke by the spokesman of the Russian presidential palace.

On December 14, 2010, Assange was released on bail after paying a bail of approximately US$315,000.

Before becoming the spokesperson and editor of WikiLeaks, Assange was a physics and mathematics student, programmer , and hacker. He has traveled to many countries with no fixed residence, and occasionally appears in public to express his views on press freedom, censorship and investigative journalism.

Julian Paul Assange was born in Australia on July 3, 1971. In 1987, the 16-year-old Assange became a hacker on the Internet under the name Mendax. In 1991, because Assange invaded other computers, the Australian police searched His residence in Melbourne. - DayDayNews

In 2012, Assange was at the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom

On April 4, 2019, WikiLeaks posted a message from a senior Ecuadorian government source on Twitter stating that Assange would be expelled on the pretext of scandal and reached an agreement with the United Kingdom. An agreement was made to arrest him.

On April 11, 2019, the Metropolitan Police said it had received approval from officials of the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom to enter the embassy and arrest Julian Assange. He was found guilty of breaching the Bail Act and sentenced to 50 years in prison. The U.S. government filed an indictment against Assange over the leaks provided by Manning. On May 23, 2019, the U.S. government further charged Assange with violating the Espionage Act of 1917. Editors at The Washington Post and The New York Times and press freedom groups criticized the government's decision to charge Assange under the Espionage Act, describing the decision as an infringement of the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of press freedom. First Amendment Attack.

On January 4, 2021, British District Judge Vanessa Baraitser dismissed the US request to extradite Assange, saying that this would be done in view of concerns about Assange's mental health and suicide risk. "Oppressive". On January 6, 2021, Assange was denied bail pending an appeal by the United States. On December 10, 2021, the British Supreme Court in London ruled that Assange can be extradited to the United States to face charges. In March 2022, the British Supreme Court rejected Assange's permission to appeal. Home Secretary Priti Patel approved the extradition on June 17, 2022. On July 1, 2022, Assange announced a formal appeal against the extradition order.

Since April 2019, Assange has been held at London's maximum security Belmarsh Prison (English: HM Prison Belmarsh).

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