On July 3, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama attended the 10th World Peace Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the first conference to discuss "Reshaping World Peace". At the meeting, he targeted the current Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in June. At the Sh

2024/05/1814:24:34 international 1797

On July 3, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama attended the 10th World Peace Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the first conference to discuss "Reshaping World Peace". At the meeting, he targeted the current Prime Minister of Japan. Fumio Kishida publicly advocated the statement "Today in Ukraine may be the tomorrow of East Asia" at the Shangri-La Dialogue in June, and publicly stated that this was "far from reality." He believes that one of the purposes of this statement is that Japan wants to improve its defense capabilities in order to obtain US weapons assistance.

This year coincides with the 250th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. At the meeting, Yukio Hatoyama also reiterated the statement about Taiwan in the " China-Japan Joint Statement ", "The Chinese and Japanese governments should once again reaffirm the general principle of Sino-Japanese relations this year, that is, the one-China principle."

In his speech, Yukio Hatoyama also listed five trends that may cause a world security crisis at this stage, including Sino-US conflict, NATO expansion, nuclear weapons threat, ideological conflict, and the negative impact of internal affairs on diplomacy, and pointed out that countries should Overcome conflicts of systems and values, brainstorm ideas, and combat these five security-threatening trends.

On July 3, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama attended the 10th World Peace Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the first conference to discuss

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama delivered a keynote speech.

The conflict between China and the United StatesThe primary cause is not values, but The conflict between existing powers and emerging powers

"World peace is facing a huge threat. It is a bit superficial to only think that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a challenge to world peace. This This crisis is the result of five major waves hitting at the same time and a variety of complex factors," said Yukio Hatoyama.

The U.S. and Japanese governments put the conflict of values ​​with China first, but Yukio Hatoyama does not agree with this. He quoted the research of American international political scientist Allison and said that existing and emerging powers Tensions often arise between them and even lead to war. Yukio Hatoyama believes that the conflict between China and the United States may become protracted. The essence of the conflict between China and the United States is a conflict between existing major powers and emerging powers. Sino-US relations rely on strength and head-on confrontation, which may last for decades.

In the 20 years since the beginning of the Cold War, differences in ideologies and values ​​have rarely appeared on the diplomatic stage. But Yukio Hatoyama discovered that conflicts of values ​​have made a comeback in international politics. "In recent international conferences, we can frequently see the formulation of dual oppositions such as nation and centralization, freedom and autocracy."

Yukio Hatoyama pointed out that the current domestic conflicts and polarization in the United States are intensifying, and populism is becoming popular. , politicians scramble to find external enemies to gain the support of voters. Previously, former U.S. President Trump used fake news to frame China every day on Twitter. This basic model has not changed much since the Biden administration came to power. Japan's economy has been stagnant for decades, which has also led to the accumulation of anti-China and anti-Korea sentiments. Politicians have taken advantage of such sentiments. The Wolf Warrior diplomacy that many people in China like to see has also led to growing hostility at the civil level in other countries, and the governments of these countries can take advantage of public anti-China sentiments. "This is not a good thing for China's diplomacy."

Will the conflict between Russia and Ukraine trigger a nuclear war crisis? China and Japan should join hands to establish a nuclear-free zone in Northeast Asia. At the meeting, Yukio Hatoyama even expressed his vigilance against the use of nuclear weapons. He believes that as the arms race intensifies on a global scale, the possibility of nuclear weapons being used cannot be ignored.

According to data from the Stockholm International Research Institute, since the beginning of the 21st century, military spending around the world has been rising almost continuously. Although the epidemic is still ongoing, military spending in 2021 will still exceed US$2 trillion. The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to an increasingly fierce world arms race.

Yukio Hatoyama said that in the past, we never thought that nuclear weapons would actually be used in reality. But now the situation has changed a lot. The progression of the Russia-Ukraine conflict may lead to Russia using nuclear weapons. The United States will never stand idly by if nuclear weapons are used. He reminded, “The crisis of nuclear war is already around the corner.

On July 3, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama attended the 10th World Peace Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the first conference to discuss "Reshaping World Peace". At the meeting, he targeted the current Prime Minister of Japan. Fumio Kishida publicly advocated the statement "Today in Ukraine may be the tomorrow of East Asia" at the Shangri-La Dialogue in June, and publicly stated that this was "far from reality." He believes that one of the purposes of this statement is that Japan wants to improve its defense capabilities in order to obtain US weapons assistance.

This year coincides with the 250th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. At the meeting, Yukio Hatoyama also reiterated the statement about Taiwan in the " China-Japan Joint Statement ", "The Chinese and Japanese governments should once again reaffirm the general principle of Sino-Japanese relations this year, that is, the one-China principle."

In his speech, Yukio Hatoyama also listed five trends that may cause a world security crisis at this stage, including Sino-US conflict, NATO expansion, nuclear weapons threat, ideological conflict, and the negative impact of internal affairs on diplomacy, and pointed out that countries should Overcome conflicts of systems and values, brainstorm ideas, and combat these five security-threatening trends.

On July 3, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama attended the 10th World Peace Forum and delivered a keynote speech at the first conference to discuss

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama delivered a keynote speech.

The conflict between China and the United StatesThe primary cause is not values, but The conflict between existing powers and emerging powers

"World peace is facing a huge threat. It is a bit superficial to only think that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a challenge to world peace. This This crisis is the result of five major waves hitting at the same time and a variety of complex factors," said Yukio Hatoyama.

The U.S. and Japanese governments put the conflict of values ​​with China first, but Yukio Hatoyama does not agree with this. He quoted the research of American international political scientist Allison and said that existing and emerging powers Tensions often arise between them and even lead to war. Yukio Hatoyama believes that the conflict between China and the United States may become protracted. The essence of the conflict between China and the United States is a conflict between existing major powers and emerging powers. Sino-US relations rely on strength and head-on confrontation, which may last for decades.

In the 20 years since the beginning of the Cold War, differences in ideologies and values ​​have rarely appeared on the diplomatic stage. But Yukio Hatoyama discovered that conflicts of values ​​have made a comeback in international politics. "In recent international conferences, we can frequently see the formulation of dual oppositions such as nation and centralization, freedom and autocracy."

Yukio Hatoyama pointed out that the current domestic conflicts and polarization in the United States are intensifying, and populism is becoming popular. , politicians scramble to find external enemies to gain the support of voters. Previously, former U.S. President Trump used fake news to frame China every day on Twitter. This basic model has not changed much since the Biden administration came to power. Japan's economy has been stagnant for decades, which has also led to the accumulation of anti-China and anti-Korea sentiments. Politicians have taken advantage of such sentiments. The Wolf Warrior diplomacy that many people in China like to see has also led to growing hostility at the civil level in other countries, and the governments of these countries can take advantage of public anti-China sentiments. "This is not a good thing for China's diplomacy."

Will the conflict between Russia and Ukraine trigger a nuclear war crisis? China and Japan should join hands to establish a nuclear-free zone in Northeast Asia. At the meeting, Yukio Hatoyama even expressed his vigilance against the use of nuclear weapons. He believes that as the arms race intensifies on a global scale, the possibility of nuclear weapons being used cannot be ignored.

According to data from the Stockholm International Research Institute, since the beginning of the 21st century, military spending around the world has been rising almost continuously. Although the epidemic is still ongoing, military spending in 2021 will still exceed US$2 trillion. The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to an increasingly fierce world arms race.

Yukio Hatoyama said that in the past, we never thought that nuclear weapons would actually be used in reality. But now the situation has changed a lot. The progression of the Russia-Ukraine conflict may lead to Russia using nuclear weapons. The United States will never stand idly by if nuclear weapons are used. He reminded, “The crisis of nuclear war is already around the corner."

In this regard, Yukio Hatoyama proposed that in order to overcome the crisis of nuclear war in Asia, Japan and China should work together to realize the concept of establishing a nuclear-free zone in Northeast Asia, specifically including Japan, South Korea and North Korea's commitment not to engage in nuclear development. China, the United States and Russia have promised not to carry out nuclear strikes and nuclear deterrence

"Insisting that Taiwan is part of China " can avoid the tragedy of the military confrontation between the United States, Japan and China

As the former Prime Minister of Japan, Yukio Hatoyama said. Sino-Japanese relations have expressed concerns and concerns. He believes that if Sino-Japanese relations can get out of the current vicious cycle and move toward improvement, this will be Japan's greatest contribution to world peace.

But in view of the current Sino-Japanese situation. Yukio Hatoyama also said frankly that Sino-Japanese relations have been cooling down in recent years. Politicians from the Japanese government and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party have used differences in values ​​to make a fuss and incited confrontation between the two countries. He believes that since the Trump administration. After the confrontation between China and the United States and the breakdown of the military balance between China and the United States in the Western Pacific, the security tensions between Japan, the United States and China have been "undercurrents."

Especially after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, many politicians and media in Japan have exaggerated it. , just like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, China will also unilaterally change the situation in the Taiwan Strait in East Asia. Yukio Hatoyama believes that the statement that "Today in Ukraine may be the tomorrow of East Asia" is "far from reality". He said. It is believed that one of the purposes of this statement is that Japan wants to improve its defense capabilities in order to obtain a large amount of weapons assistance from the United States.

In this case, Japan may revise its national security regulations in December this year. Yukio Hatoyama expressed concern about this, saying, “If this is true, it will add fuel to the already tense Sino-Japanese relations. "

The Sino-Japanese Joint Statement signed by China and Japan in September 1972 pointed out that the Japanese government recognizes the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and fully understands and respects China's view that Taiwan is the inalienable territory of the People's Republic of China Part of the position.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. Yukio Hatoyama said that the Chinese and Japanese governments should once again reaffirm the general principle of Sino-Japanese relations this year, that is, the Japanese government. Neither should Japan and the United States adopt rash words and deeds that promote Taiwan's "independence". "If Japan and the United States insist on manipulating values, if Taiwan takes inappropriate actions, the stability of East Asia will be destroyed." On the contrary, if the Taiwan issue is well managed, even if the tensions between China, Japan and the United States cannot be completely eliminated, the most serious tragedy of war between the United States, Japan and China can be avoided. " Yukio Hatoyama emphasized.

People-to-people exchanges between China and Japan should be quickly restored after the epidemic, and it is recommended to build a non-war community in East Asia.

Currently, many people in Japan and the United States regard China as a challenger to the international order. Yukio Hatoyama believes that This idea is extremely absurd. “Obviously, if China disrupts the current international order, it will lose far more than it will gain. "China is actually an indispensable non-member in maintaining and developing the current international order. Currently, China is an out-and-out major country in the world and should assume greater responsibilities in maintaining and developing the existing international system.

in In terms of Sino-Japanese exchanges, Yukio Hatoyama suggested that China and Japan should establish a communication mechanism at the level of foreign ministers every two to three months, and that the two countries should quickly resume non-governmental exchanges after the epidemic is over

as a basis for Sino-Japanese friendly relations. The promoter, Yukio Hatoyama, once visited the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invaders and apologized in public for the atrocities committed by the Japanese invaders. At this meeting, Yukio Hatoyama once again mentioned the spirit of friendship. , "This spirit has existed in China since ancient times. It is very close to the benevolence and skill in Confucius "The Analects of Confucius". "The reporter observed that behind Yukio Hatoyama, there was a calligraphy hanging on which the word "friendship" was written in Chinese.

Yukio Hatoyama also proposed the idea of ​​establishing a non-war community in East Asia. "Japan and China must With the spirit of friendship and skill, we will play a leading role in the construction of the East Asian community. We must stop the cooling trend in Japan-China relations in recent years, manage tensions, and achieve improvement."

Interview and writing: Intern Wang Wei, Nandu reporter Ding Jingxuan, Chen Qiuyuan, from Beijing


Interview and writing: Intern Wang Wei, Nandu reporter Ding Jingxuan, Chen Qiuyuan, from Beijing

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