Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Somma Phonsena said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters that China's socialist construction has achieved world-renowned achievements, which has injected confidence into the vast number of developing countries, inc

2024/05/1802:42:33 international 1863

Xinhua News Agency, Vientiane, July 3 (Reporter Zhang Jianhua) Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Somma Phonsena said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from Xinhua News Agency that China's socialist construction has achieved world-renowned achievements, which has provided a solid foundation for The vast number of developing countries, including Laos , should inject confidence and strength into exploring development paths that suit their national conditions.

Song Ma said that the Communist Party of China adheres to the people-centered approach and unites and leads the Chinese people to achieve brilliant achievements. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to work hard and achieve major strategic results in the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, win an overall victory in poverty alleviation, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, which has strongly demonstrated the superiority of the socialist system.

Talking about the changes in China over the years, Song Ma was deeply impressed by China's perfect infrastructure and numerous high-rise buildings today. "We brothers and sisters lived in Beijing when we were young, and now we go to China every once in a while, and we feel (the changes) more clearly."

He is particularly concerned about China's comprehensive victory in its battle against poverty. "China has lifted nearly 100 million people out of poverty in a short period of time and solved problems that many countries have not solved. It is commendable and can be called a miracle!" He said, "I am very proud of China's achievements. Doctrine will surely succeed."

In Somma's view, China's experience is worth learning from. "Laos and China are connected by mountains and rivers, have a long history of traditional friendship, and have similar cultures. China's success has provided useful reference and inspiration for Laos to develop its socialist cause."

Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Somma Phonsena said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters that China's socialist construction has achieved world-renowned achievements, which has injected confidence into the vast number of developing countries, inc - DayDayNews

This is the Vientiane South Station of the China-Laos Railway taken in Vientiane, Laos on July 1. Tanaleng Dry Port where the dressing room is located (aerial photo). ( Xinhua News Agency photo, Keqiao photo)

He said that the action plan on building a community with a shared future between Laos and China signed by the leaders of Laos and China in 2019 is a document of historic significance, guiding the cooperation between the two countries in the future. In the future, we will continue to grow and develop and bear more fruitful fruits.

Songma said that the China-Laos railway is now experiencing smooth passenger and cargo transportation, driving development and exchanges between the two countries and helping Laos achieve the transformation from a "land-locked country " to a "land-linked country". The China-Laos Railway now also transports many commodities from regional countries, such as Thai durian and other fruits, and its role in serving regional economic development will be more obvious.

Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Somma Phonsena said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters that China's socialist construction has achieved world-renowned achievements, which has injected confidence into the vast number of developing countries, inc - DayDayNewshtml On June 14, Lao students practiced before the exam at the Vientiane South Station of the China-Laos Railway. (Xinhua News Agency, photo by Yang Yongquan)

He said that China promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and promotes high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", which reflects the international ambition of the Communist Party of China to seek happiness for the Chinese people and all mankind. Under the guidance of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, Chinese companies have gone abroad and invested in various countries, driving local economic and social development and improving local people's living standards.

"China has continuously made brilliant achievements in promoting interconnection and common development among countries, demonstrating the great advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics . China has become a role model for developing countries." Song Ma said.

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