"The next five years will be a critical period for Hong Kong to create a new situation and achieve a new leap. On July 1, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inauguration cer

2024/05/1704:08:32 international 1323

"The next five years will be a critical period for Hong Kong to create a new situation and achieve a new leap. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and the opportunities outweigh the challenges. The central government and people from all walks of life in Hong Kong have high hopes for the new SAR government. People of all ethnic groups across the country Full of blessings for Hong Kong." On July 1, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inauguration ceremony of the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, speaking highly of the successful practice of ", one country, two systems, " in Hong Kong. It raises ardent expectations for the future development of Hong Kong, points out the direction of efforts and provides fundamental guidance for the new SAR government to govern in accordance with the law, unite and lead all sectors of society to achieve good governance, and build a beautiful Hong Kong.

In the 25 years since its return to the motherland, Hong Kong has overcome various ups and downs and challenges, moved forward steadily, and made irreplaceable contributions to the motherland's miracle of long-term, stable and rapid economic development. The extraordinary achievements cannot be achieved without the full support of the central government and the mainland of the motherland, the efforts of all sectors of society, and the efforts of the SAR government. Since last year, under the new electoral system, Hong Kong has held elections for the Election Committee, the seventh Legislative Council, and the sixth Chief Executive, all of which were successful. The foundation of "patriots governing Hong Kong" has been further consolidated. Standing at a new historical starting point, the majority of Hong Kong compatriots are full of confidence in Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, and have high expectations for the new SAR government.

Currently, Hong Kong is in a critical period from chaos to governance to governance and prosperity. Whether we can seize the critical period, cultivate new opportunities and open new games will be crucial in the next five years. President Xi Jinping put forward four hopes - focus on improving governance levels, continuously enhance development momentum, effectively resolve people's livelihood worries, and jointly maintain harmony and stability. President Xi has a far-sighted vision and leads the way, and all walks of life in Hong Kong feel inspired and warm. The Hong Kong SAR Government must keep in mind President Xi’s important instructions, live up to the trust, work hard and make Hong Kong better and develop better.

To seize the critical period of the next five years, we must make good use of the "way of governance", be confident and self-reliant, check for omissions and fill gaps, improve the governance system, improve governance capabilities, and enhance governance efficiency. The Chief Executive and the SAR government must faithfully fulfill their oaths, shoulder the responsibility of being the "head of the family" of Hong Kong, be courageous in taking responsibilities, take active actions, and dedicate themselves to the SAR. President Xi used three "full supports" to guide Hong Kong to proactively align with national development strategies, intensify international exchanges and cooperation, actively and steadily advance reforms, give full play to Hong Kong's significant advantages of being backed by the motherland and connected to the world, and enhance its own competitiveness. We must adhere to the orientation of serving the people, regard the expectations of the whole society, especially ordinary citizens, as the greatest pursuit of governance, take bolder and more effective measures, and strive to solve problems in housing, employment, education, elderly care, etc., so as to allow development The results will benefit all citizens more equitably. It is necessary to unite and bring together the broadest possible force. Hong Kong residents, no matter what profession they are engaged in or what ideals they believe in, as long as they sincerely support the policy of "one country, two systems", as long as they love Hong Kong as their homeland, and as long as they abide by the Basic Law and the laws of the Special Administrative Region, they can all contribute.

Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. I believe that the new Hong Kong SAR government will be able to unite and lead all sectors of Hong Kong society to seize opportunities and meet challenges, work hard and work diligently, carry forward the fine tradition of inclusiveness and mutual help, seeking common ground while reserving differences, continuous self-improvement, hard work and dare to win, and show a new atmosphere of good governance. , create a new situation of governance and revitalization, and share the glory of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the people of the motherland!

CCTV commentator

(Source: CCTV Quick Review)

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