After Sweden issued a ban on Huawei, Ericsson stated that it has been in the Chinese market for 120 years and does not intend to give up easily

2021/09/0918:40:06 international 1591

As a world leader in science and technology, the United States has been a weather vane of international science and technology for many years. However, in recent years, Chinese technology companies have continued to rise. Feeling the crisis, the United States began to put pressure on Chinese technology companies, and even wooed allies to suppress China's high-end technology. The United States did nothing to contain Chinese technology companies.

After Sweden issued a ban on Huawei, Ericsson stated that it has been in the Chinese market for 120 years and does not intend to give up easily - DayDayNews

Sweden ordered the ban on Huawei, the Swedish enterprise Ericsson was implicated?

Previously, the Swedish government was pressured by the United States and decided to ban Huawei nationwide. Although Huawei’s equipment can provide them with more convenient services, Huawei’s 5G technology is already the world’s leader, and Sweden is still forced by political pressure and the United States. Stood together. However, the consequence is that the Swedish technology company Ericsson became the victim of Sweden's wrong decision. This year's China Mobile 5G construction contract share, Ericsson only allocated 1.9%, while last year Ericsson's contract share was 11%, and in the subsequent 5G construction project bidding of China Telecom and China Unicom, Ericsson also Only get 3% of the contract share.

After Sweden issued a ban on Huawei, Ericsson stated that it has been in the Chinese market for 120 years and does not intend to give up easily - DayDayNews

, which was also excluded last year Finland Nokia has overtaken Ericsson to become the foreign company with the largest share in this tender. Many people have speculated that this is because the Swedish government has improperly banned Huawei. Leading to China's revenge on Ericsson. It is important to know that 10% of Ericsson's total revenue last year came from China, and after the Swedish government heard the United States' ban on Huawei, Ericsson's sales in China plummeted, appearing for the first time in three years.

has entered the Chinese market for 120 years,Ericsson will not give up

Ericsson CEO Bao Yikang said that a small contract share is better than nothing. Behind the seemingly positive words, it reveals the sadness of being "dragged" by the Swedish government. Ericsson has been cooperating with China for 120 years. They are all foreign brands that are worthy of China's trust, and the wrong decision of the Swedish government this time directly caused Ericsson to be overtaken by Nokia and gain more shares in 5G construction projects. However, Bao Yikang said that Ericsson will not give up. China is the country with the most developed 5G technology, and cooperation with China can improve its own technological level.

After Sweden issued a ban on Huawei, Ericsson stated that it has been in the Chinese market for 120 years and does not intend to give up easily - DayDayNews

Bao Yikang bluntly said that although Huawei is a competitor, he has also lobbied the Swedish government to carefully consider how to deal with Huawei. For companies, profitability is the primary goal. The Swedish government and the Chinese side have issues with Huawei. The friction caused by the above has already caused Ericsson to lose some market share. Now only through the cooperation with China to build 5G projects to improve project construction capabilities, can it be able to restore sales around the world.

After Sweden issued a ban on Huawei, Ericsson stated that it has been in the Chinese market for 120 years and does not intend to give up easily - DayDayNews


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