It looks a little like a monkey, can fall asleep while eating, has legs but cannot walk, and is a good swimmer." Have you guessed who the new mysterious animal is in Zhengzhou Zoo? On July 7, the mystery was revealed, yes, it It's the sloth. Remember the "Lightning" in "Zootopia"

looks slightly like a monkey, can fall asleep while eating, has legs but cannot walk, and is a good swimmer." Have you guessed who the new mysterious animal in Zhengzhou Zoo is? On July 7, the mystery was revealed, no Wrong, it is sloth .

Do you still remember the " lightning " in " Zootopia " that made you laugh? Although it is called "Lightning", it is so slow that it makes people mad. But "Lightning" is the three-toed sloth , and the Zhengzhou Zoo introduced the two-toed sloth . As the brothers of "Lightning", they are also lazy and slow. Their laziness and slowness are definitely beyond your imagination. They are too lazy to do anything, even too lazy to eat or play. Even when being chased or captured, they crawl slowly and cannot escape faster than 0.2 meters/second. Although it climbs very slowly, sloths are good swimmers in the water. Although this speed seems very slow to everyone, it is very, very fast for sloths.

Why is it so slow? The swallowed sloth swims very fast? Because this is a necessary skill for survival. When surviving in the wild, the big tree where the sloth lives may be threatened by floods during the rainy season. Swimming is an essential way for sloths to survive all year round! They live in trees and are strictly arboreal. They spend most of their lives hanging in trees. They eat, sleep, mate, and raise children in trees, and rarely move on the ground. Therefore, although they have legs. , but they hardly use it for walking. They only crawl to the ground when they want to defecate or eat on a new tree.

Because they are too lazy to move and eat, they have to save energy, so they sleep for 15 hours a day. It only goes out for food at night. It follows a low-energy diet and eats plant leaves and fruits. This time, Zhengzhou Zoo introduced three two-toed sloths, two males and one female. These three cute sloths are as big as . Anteater has become a neighbor. Come take a look during the summer vacation. The sloth has also brought you many surprise benefits. (Reporter Zhu Chuanpeng, intern Li Chengyang and Dong Yuwen)
