More and more people like dogs, but many novices don’t know which dog to choose. Below I recommend several dog breeds that are relatively easy to raise and have very light body odor. You can consider them~ 1. Raising local dogs is the most worry-free.

There are more and more people who like dogs, but many novices don’t know which dog to choose. Below I recommend several dog breeds that are relatively easy to raise and have very light body odor. You can consider them ~

1. Native dogs

Raising our local dogs is the most worry-free. Because native dogs generally have good physiques and rarely get sick, so you don’t have to worry too much about whether the puppies will survive. Even if the owner doesn’t raise them so carefully, the puppies can grow up healthily.

Moreover, native dogs basically have no body odor. They prefer to be clean. Perhaps many people have the impression that native dogs in rural areas are dirty and smelly. In fact, this is because in the past, dogs were mostly used to look after homes and were tied up in the yard, and their owners did not care about them at all. Haven't given them a bath.

As long as you bathe your native dog regularly and keep it clean, it will have no body odor at all! Keeping them in a building is not a big problem.

What issues should we pay attention to when raising native dogs?

① Native dogs can easily be stolen as meat dogs. Be sure to wear a leash when going out and don’t let the dog run around.

② Native dogs are energetic and need a certain amount of exercise. You should take them out for exercise every day.

2. Teddy

Teddy is a dog that is very suitable for novices to raise. It is smart, lively and easy to train, clingy and cute and easy to play with. Its physique is relatively good among exotic pet dogs, and you can get started quickly.

In addition, Teddy's body odor is very light, his curly hair is very comfortable to touch, and he sheds very little. Don't miss this worry-free dog!

What should we pay attention to when raising a Teddy?

① Teddy’s hair is curly and needs to be combed every day to prevent tangles.

② Teddy’s bones are very fragile, so avoid jumping from high places as it may break easily.

3. Papillon Dog

Papillon Dog has relatively long hair, but it sheds little hair, has very light body odor, and has a clever and cute personality that is very lovable. Many people fall in love with it as soon as they come into contact with it.

The Papillon Dog has a very good personality and is relatively stable. It likes to play with humans and will not bark randomly. Its smart head is very good at reading the owner's face. With a little teaching, it can be very obedient.

What issues should we pay attention to when raising butterfly dogs?

① The hair on the Papillon’s ears is relatively long, so you need to comb it more often to avoid tangles.

② Butterfly dogs’ gastrointestinal condition is not very good. In daily feeding, attention should be paid to feeding foods that are easy to digest and absorb to protect gastrointestinal health.

4. Schnauzer

Schnauzer is a terrier. It sheds very little hair and has a very light body odor. Moreover, Schnauzer used to be an expert at catching mice. It is energetic and has a very good physique. As long as it is raised with a little care, it is basically not bad. Get ill.

The Schnauzer is still very vigilant, and it is also very good to let it watch the house. It will definitely not let strangers approach the house casually.

What issues should we pay attention to when raising Schnauzers?

① The "big beard" is a characteristic of Schnauzers, but it is also easy to get dirty. You can wipe it after eating or drinking water.

② Schnauzers are bold and dare to provoke big dogs, but this is not a good habit. The dog owner should train the Schnauzer to prevent it from developing this bad habit of provoking dogs indiscriminately.

5. Bichon Frize

Bichon Frize has fluffy white fur, which is very comfortable to touch. With its sweet appearance, it can win the hearts of many people by just smiling.

In fact, the Bichon Frize is also a dog breed that is very suitable for novices to raise. It is easy to take care of and has light body odor. As long as you bathe regularly, it can always keep a good smell.

What issues should we pay attention to when raising a Bichon Frize?

① Bichon Frize is highly dependent on its owner and is prone to separation anxiety . Its independence can be properly cultivated.

② Most Bichons are born prone to tear stains. When raising them, you should pay attention to wiping around their eyes more and pay attention to their diet, because if a Bichon Frize eats too much oil and salty food, it is easy to get angry and aggravate tear stains. You can choose a Bichon Frize. dog food that is light, low in salt, and contains fire-reducing ingredients, such as the ones in the picture below.

Conclusion: Do you know which dogs are easier to raise?

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