Teddy dogs are a type of dog with a very high IQ in the pet dog rankings, and they are also a type of pet dog that many dog ​​owners choose to keep. But did you know? Incorrect feeding methods are also likely to cause these little smarts to become spoiled!

Teddy dog ​​ is a kind of dog with very high IQ in the pet dog rankings, and it is also a kind of pet dog that many dog ​​owners choose to keep. But did you know? Incorrect feeding methods are also likely to cause these little smarts to become spoiled! The editor is here to talk to you about Teddy Several symptoms of being spoiled:

Show 1: Barking

An obedient dog will not bark at will, but dogs like Teddy prefer to bark by nature. Especially spoiled Teddy. Screaming that is too persistent will cause a lot of trouble to the owner, and will also affect the work and rest of other people around him, which will inevitably lead to complaints.

Performance 2: Biting

If the owner pampers them too much, it is very easy to cause some annoying behaviors, such as jumping on people or even biting people. The editor has seen many poop owners saying that their dogs are like this. I wonder if your teddy is like this too?

Performance 3: Timid

Small breed dogs are relatively timid, and excessive pampering by their owners will make them even more timid. He becomes very clingy and becomes very sensitive when strangers appear in his home.

Manifestation 4: Excretion at will

I believe this is a situation that every poop scavenger hates. It is extremely unhygienic for your dog to excrete at will at home. Attention! This is very likely to happen to a spoiled Teddy.

Performance 5: Poor obedience

As mentioned earlier, Teddy is a very smart dog breed. Of course, they can understand their owner's instructions, but many spoiled teddy dogs will become grumpy and even ignore their owner's instructions. Over time, they may become more aggressive and bar their teeth at you even if they are not happy. This is a very dangerous behavior. If you are not careful, the owner will be accidentally injured. Therefore, you must correct it in time and train it appropriately. You can prepare some pet snacks that dogs usually like to eat to reward them. The effect will be better than giving orders with empty hands. Even better.

Performance 6: Picky eaters

The main reason why many Teddy dogs are picky eaters is that many owners switch to different brands of dog food when their dogs don’t eat. The more they eat, the better. This situation makes it easy for the dog to mistakenly think that he can get better food if he doesn't eat it, and gradually develops the bad habit of being picky about food. The editor here still suggests that this bad problem should be corrected in time. You can choose dog food with high meat content to satisfy the dogs' appetite for meat. The more expensive the better!

Conclusion: Is your Teddy spoiled? Let’s talk about education methods in the comment area!