These 6 types of dogs can be said to be the most “understanding” dogs in the dog world. How you treat these dogs will be how they treat you. Come and see if your dog is on the list! Everyone knows that German Shepherd has a very strong working ability, and it is also very smart,

These 6 types of dogs can be said to be the most "understanding" dogs in the dog world. How you treat these dogs will be how they treat you. Come and see if your dog is on the list!

German Shepherd

Everyone knows that German Shepherd has a very strong working ability, and it is also very smart, but it does not only have these advantages.

German Shepherds are also very humane dogs. If their owners are unhappy, they will turn into big brothers and stay by their owners’ side, watching them and waiting for them to become happy.


Labrador is also one of the very tolerant dogs. Labrador is very tolerant of humans, especially children, even if they are hurt by Labrador It also does not attack small children.

Labrador is known as one of the least aggressive dogs. Labrador also has a very high IQ and is very loyal to its owner. It can tell whether the owner is happy, unhappy or angry, and thus Make a series of reactions.

Akita Inu

Akita Inu is known to everyone because it is the protagonist dog in "Hachiko". Everyone knows that its character is very loyal.

Akita dogs are also very humane. When you treat them well, they will treat you in the same way.

Butterfly Dog

Butterfly Dog is very smart. Among all toy dogs, its IQ is the highest and it is also very humane. Moreover, its appearance is also very beautiful and cute.

When the Butterfly Dog finds that you are unhappy, it will stay by its owner's side and wait silently.

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is also very humane. It likes to play with humans and has a very docile personality. It is a very humane dog.

Golden retrievers can be played in families with children and elderly people, because golden retrievers are very tolerant of them and like to play with them.

Golden Retriever basically has many good reviews and is liked by many people. When the owner is unhappy, it will even come to you and pet your head.

Chinese Garden Dog

Chinese Garden Dog is a very humane dog. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first humane dog.

The Chinese Garden Dog has always been used as a dog breed to help look after homes and homes in rural areas. Its adaptability is very strong. As long as the owner feeds it, it will always protect the owner and help the owner look after the home and yard.

In fact, the Chinese Garden Dog looks very cold and serious on the outside, but in fact it is very humane. It can tell when its owner is unhappy and will even stay by his side to comfort him.

The editor has something to say, is your dog on the list?