Many people think it is very embarrassing for dogs to often sniff human crotches! Come and take a look. In fact, the reason why dogs like to smell human "butts" is this. Some netizens said: I really wronged it! Want to know if the person in front of you is the owner. When the dog

Many people think it is very embarrassing for dogs to often smell human crotches! Come and take a look. In fact, the reason why dogs like to smell human "butts" is this. Some netizens said: I really wronged it!

  • Want to know if the person in front of you is the owner

When the dog is in front of several people, the dog cannot see very clearly. When it wants to identify who is its owner, the dog will smell the crotch. Because the taste of everyone's crotch is different, it wants to find its owner through this method.

This is not because the dog is "colorful", but simply because the dog wants to accurately and quickly find out where his owner is.

  • Want to say hello to each other

In fact, the greetings between dogs are not the same as humans. When they say hello, they will smell each other's butts. This is actually saying hello, just like humans' "hello".

So when a dog sniffs your crotch, it’s not because he wants to be lustful towards his owner, but actually because he wants to say hello to you! In the dog world, this is very normal behavior.

  • Want to know various information about the other party

The dog's sense of smell is very sensitive and powerful, and can smell many different things. When the dog wants to know various information about the other party, the dog will start to smell the owner's butt, and this smell can detect various problems.

When it is interested in you and wants to know you, it will smell like your butt. In fact, this is nothing.

  • Like the smell of each other

When a dog likes the smell of you, the dog will often smell you. Sometimes when a girl is on her period, she will emit a smell that dogs like very much, so they will keep smelling her.

This is not because of "color", it is because dogs are very curious about this smell and like it very much, so they will keep following you and smelling your butt.

  • Help the other person to check their body

The dog’s nose is very sensitive. When the dog smells what the other person may smell, it wants to know more clearly, so it will get closer, smell your crotch, and see Have you really noticed something strange?

In fact, this is to observe the physical condition of the other person. I care about you, so I will smell your little butt. I am afraid that you will develop some disease. When you meet a dog that loves you so much, you must cherish it!

  • Tell the owner that he is hungry

When the dog is hungry, the dog will come to the owner and tell the owner that he is hungry. But because the dog is not tall enough, it can only reach near the owner's crotch every time it raises its head, so it can only touch the owner's crotch, hoping that the owner will understand that he is hungry. The owner should feed the dog regularly. This is the most basic guarantee for the dog's health and will make the dog healthier. If you want your dog to be fat and healthy, the owner must feed your dog some nutritious dog food.

If you don’t like the dog’s behavior, the owner can usually train the dog more, educate the dog not to behave like this, and let the dog know that such behavior is wrong. When training, the owner can feed the dog more snacks, which will get twice the result with half the effort!

The editor has something to say, does your dog often sniff other people’s butts?