If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The

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If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog?

In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves.

Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to get them to recognize their master.

Moreover, when girls raise dogs, they will pay special attention to the dog's loyalty, and male dogs may not be able to count on it.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

2. Male dogs are highly aggressive.

Fighting and yelling are the most obvious personality traits of male dogs.

Whenever they want to cause trouble, they will explode with strong attack power.

Therefore, girls may not be able to control them and may be harmed instead.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

3. Male dogs have mood swings, especially irritable.

Male dogs are very decisive in handling things and do not care about the consequences.

has great mood swings and is irritable and irritable.

Faced with such a violent temper, it is generally difficult for girls to subdue them.

Because it is really not recommended for girls who do not have certain dog training abilities to keep one.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

4. Male dogs are very excited when going out, and they will lose their temper if they let go.

Male dogs are relatively more playful, because they start to let themselves go every time they go out.

A dog that disappears as soon as it is let go is simply out of control.

Moreover, under the brute force of the male dog, even if the girl has a dog leash, she may not be able to drag them in time, but will be dragged away in turn.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

5. Male dogs don’t like to be clean, and they especially like to roll in mire.

When taking a male dog out, you should never see a quagmire.

Because whenever he sees a quagmire, the male dog will be very excited and want to roll in it several times.

Girls will feel disgusted if they make themselves dirty.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

6. Male dogs are very vengeful.

Male dogs are relatively arrogant in character, so they cannot be scolded by their owners.

Whenever they are scolded and feel very unhappy, they will have a revengeful mentality.

tear down the house, cause trouble, and cause a little trouble for the owner. Girls may not like a stingy male dog like


If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

7. Male dogs are not very obedient

When faced with training, many male dogs are arrogant and uncooperative.

Because they will feel that girls are not majestic enough to subdue them, so their obedience will be very low.

So, if a girl keeps a male dog, she must be more aggressive.

Furthermore, in order to improve the obedience of male dogs, it is recommended to add some snack rewards during training, so that they will be more obedient.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

8. Male dogs are rich in food and cannot afford to eat.

Because it is needed for body development, male dogs can eat relatively well.

Moreover, girls have relatively high expenses in life. It may be a bit difficult to raise a male dog with a strong appetite.

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

Conclusion: If I give you a male dog, would you dare to keep it?

If you are a girl, when raising a dog, would you choose to raise a male dog? In fact, most male dogs are not popular with girls for these 8 reasons. 1. Male dogs are white-eyed wolves. Male dogs are famous for being heartless. Whoever treats them well can become their master. The - DayDayNews

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