Introduction to the Fawn Dog Size: Small Dog Lifespan: 10-15 years Produced in: Germany I believe many people have heard of and seen the Fawn Dog. In recent years, the number of people raising Fawn Dogs has gradually increased because it has so many advantages. Got it! Many netiz

Fawn Dog Introduction

Size: small dog

Life span: 10-15 years

Produced in: Germany

I believe many people have heard of and seen Fawn Dogs. In recent years, the number of people raising Fawn Dogs has gradually increased, because of its There are really too many advantages! Many netizens said: After raising a fawn dog, they don’t want to raise other dogs. There are mainly the following reasons.

1. Does not require a lot of exercise

Although the Fawn Dog is quite lively and active, because of its small size, the amount of exercise will not be very large. Even if you just let it play at home, it can also consume its physical strength. .

is very suitable for 996 office workers who want to keep a dog. A 10-minute walk every day is enough.

2. Very enthusiastic about humans

Fawn Dog has a pretty good personality, very enthusiastic about humans, and especially likes to play with its owner. As long as it feels that the other person is not hostile, it will treat people well.

I believe there is no owner who doesn’t like warm and friendly puppies!

3. Very loyal to its owner

The Fawn Dog is a very loyal dog. Once it recognizes its owner, it will be particularly dependent on its owner. If the owner abandons it and gives the dog to others, the dog will feel particularly uncomfortable and will not compromise easily.

A fawn dog whose owner has changed will find it difficult to accept the new owner and his temper will become irritable.

4. Highly alert

Fawn Dog is friendly to humans, but its vigilance is not low and it knows how to distinguish. If the other person is malicious, the Fawn Dog will keep a certain distance and also knows how to bark to remind its owner. Despite its small size,

is also very powerful at housekeeping.

5. The hair is short and does not need to be taken care of.

The Fawn Dog is a short-haired dog and does not need to take care of its hair. You only need to bathe it regularly and keep it tidy. However, because the hair is too short, the Fawn is very afraid of the cold in winter, so you need to pay attention to keeping it warm.

6. High IQ, easy to train

Fawn Dog has a high IQ, ranking high in the dog breed world, and is relatively easy to train. You can talk to it more and train it some simple skills, and it can learn it quickly. When training

, you can use some delicious snacks as rewards to achieve better training results.

7. Small appetite, low monthly expenses

Because the fawn dog is small and has a small appetite, the monthly food expenses are not high, so it is relatively economical to raise it. But poop scrapers should pay attention to feeding the fawn dog some nutritious food that is good for the body, especially dog ​​food. The so-called " disease comes from the mouth." If the fawn dog is not fed well, the fawn dog will get sick. , then the expenses will be high.

Nowadays, many people who raise fawn dogs are office workers and do not have much time to cook for their dogs and feed them dog food. Therefore, it is very important to choose a high-quality dog ​​food. You can take a look at the following pictures.

Conclusion: Do you like fawn dogs? Do you know what its advantages are?

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