Since the beginning of summer, the widespread high temperatures across the country have made many people feel confused, and the "North-South Exchange" has become the focus of heated discussion among many people. In addition to abnormal temperatures, many animals are also becoming

Since the beginning of summer, the widespread high temperatures across the country have made many people feel confused, and the "North-South Exchange" has become the focus of heated discussion among many people. In addition to abnormal temperatures, many animals are also becoming more active and weird, and "blatantly" entering areas where humans live. No, after the sika deer was washed downstream in a river in Chengdu, another mythical beast "four different" elk was discovered in Dongtan, Chongming Island, Shanghai. It crossed the river from Jiangsu and traveled south.

Many netizens expressed curiosity as to why they behaved so strangely despite being terrestrial animals. However, this is not all, because pythons that have long been considered to be widely distributed in Southeast Asia have also traveled to the Northeast! It is reported that Ms. Kang from Tonghua, Jilin, and her family were preparing to watch TV at the time. Unexpectedly, a "snake nest" suddenly fell down. Three big pythons crushed the roof and fell together.

Perhaps it is not uncommon to have snakes in the Northeast, but it is relatively rare to have so many pythons at home. So what exactly happened in this incident? It is reported that Ms. Kang already knew that there was a snake in her home, but because of the local saying that "pythons have good meanings", she never took care of it. So the question is, does it really mean anything when a python enters your home? There are many folk opinions about snakes entering the house, but are they spiritual and can they be killed?

The "python nest" of Ms. Jilin Kang's house collapsed the roof! Why does the python have a good meaning?

learned from Ms. Kang that she actually knew there was a snake at home a few years ago and had seen it with her own eyes a few years ago. However, because pythons are said to have good meanings in the local area, and the corn stacked on the roof of the house is often destroyed by rats, and pythons do not hurt people and usually eat rats, he keeps them at home.

However, it was not until the roof collapsed that Ms. Kang's family knew that the former python had now turned into a "python nest" of three, and it was not ruled out that there were other small pythons. This incident really frightened the family, so in the end Ms. Kang’s husband and friends worked together to catch the python and released it into the wild.

In fact, according to Rubik's Cube, the reason why there are more and more pythons in Ms. Kang's home is largely because of her tolerance and she believes that pythons have good meanings. It is precisely because of this mentality that I saw them a few years ago but still left them at home for the sake of good meaning, thus causing them to "settle" on the roof. So is there any scientific basis for the locally circulated meaning of pythons? And why do locals think pythons have good meanings?

In fact, from a modern scientific perspective, there is no scientific reason for the good meaning of python. However, in terms of historical origins, python worship has a long history. Pythons are considered auspicious omens, especially if a snake enters the house. There are also records in ancient books abroad that the ancients regarded snakes as the protector of the monarch, and even used gold and precious stones to shape the image of cobra and inlay it into daily decorations, becoming a symbol of power.

At the same time, the python is also considered to be the prototype of the dragon, the largest "sacred species" in our country, so the python is also called the "god with a snake body". The legendary goddesses such as Nuwa and Fuxi in Chinese history were all set with human bodies and snake tails. Therefore, under normal circumstances, many people think that having snakes, especially pythons, in their homes is a good thing.

For the local people in Jilin, there is a long-standing saying that "snake coiled land" and the gathering of snake nests have good meanings. According to some netizens, the original worship of snakes in some areas has not disappeared, and people in mountainous areas even The snake is respected as the "Old Immortal" and believes that if a snake appears on the ground, it must be protected by the gods.

What are the folk rumors about snakes? Are snakes really spiritual?

As far as modern science is concerned, many folk rumors can actually be explained. As a very representative species, snakes, coupled with the influence of history and culture, have many mythical legends about them. Let’s look at it in detail below.

1. Seeing snakes entangled together means that something bad will happen at home.

There is a saying in many rural areas, which means that if you accidentally see two snakes or even more snakes entwined together in the wild, It means something bad will happen in your home. Therefore, whenever they see this phenomenon, many people are not only frightened by the snake itself, but also troubled by this statement.

So what are the facts? In fact, there are two situations why snakes are entangled together. First, when two snakes are entangled together, this is actually a natural "snake mating" phenomenon. Second, when you see many snakes entwined together, congratulations, it means you accidentally discovered a snake nest. Combining these two situations will not have a substantial impact on human real life.

2. The snake that enters the house was changed by the ancestors, and it needs to be respectfully invited out.

In the area where Rubik's Cube grew up, the older generation has always had this saying: the snakes at home are not ordinary snakes; The ancestors changed. Sometimes there are even people in the local area who not only do not hurt them, but think that their loved ones miss them, so they burn paper money for their loved ones the next day. At that time, I would also talk to the snake, so that it would not come back, do not scare me, and let it go to the wild and live a good life on its own.

If the snakes are still unmoved, after observation, they will be picked out to the outdoor farmland with bamboo poles or other tools and released. Let it go and explain to it. From a modern scientific perspective, there are actually two main reasons why snakes enter the house. First, the environment is suitable. Second, there are ample food sources. And snakes are really just natural species, not the incarnation of ancestors.

Cobra basking in the sun at the farmhouse ancestral hall

3. Snakes are spiritual and can look after homes and homes without harming people.

It is worth mentioning that there are not just a few people who think snakes are spiritual, but many. Some of them believe that sometimes snakes can understand people's words and really go away when they are told to go. Some people believe that snakes can coexist peacefully with humans. In June 2021, the media broke the news that a woman in Heilongjiang had lived with 20 large snakes and countless small snakes under the same roof for 15 years.

There are also some people who believe that snakes are spiritual. They think this is based on their own experiences of hurting snakes, and the snakes will take the initiative to fight back, or even come to attack them in the same place or from other snakes. Therefore, many people believe that snakes are vindictive and will hold grudges. Others are based on some strange behaviors of snakes "basking in the sun". In February 2021, it was reported that a snake appeared in a village in Shangqiu, Henan, basking in the sun on a grave. As a result, many people gathered to watch, and some even burned incense and worshiped it. Are snakes really spiritual? Obviously wrong!

Rubik’s Cube’s view is that many of the above points that seem bizarre are actually normal natural phenomena, while others are more coincidences or artificial conjectures added to snakes. In winter, the temperature in some places is higher, so snakes end hibernation and bask in the sun simply because of the warmth.

In addition, snakes are very sensitive to sounds, so it does not understand human speech, but will stay away out of a natural reaction. Finally, revenge is even more nonsense. They are not the same group of snakes. When they are attacked by snakes, it must be because they sense a threat and act out of self-defense.

Therefore, in general, snakes are not spiritual. The "animism" we often say is more out of respect for the independent existence of life. They also have their own rights and freedoms to exist and should not be interfered with too much, rather than truly possessing human-like thinking.

Summary: Can you kill a snake that enters your home?

Fortunately, the python in Ms. Jilinkang’s home did not have any negative impact on her family.Pythons are also extremely aggressive to humans. Regardless of the local meaning, the most important thing is to ensure your own life safety. However, there is another extreme related to protection, which is the popular saying of "if you don't fight the snake when you see it, you will be punished three times." In fact, this is fundamentally wrong.

"All things have spirits", and their existence should not be determined arbitrarily. You should not hit a snake that enters your home, and you should not hit a snake that is not aggressive. First of all, most snakes are currently listed as three national protected animals, and it is obviously illegal to actively harm them. Secondly, the biodiversity of snakes is crucial to the balance of the entire biosphere and even the entire earth's ecology where humans live. Snakes have no good meaning, and there is no need to view snakes as the "source of all evil". Harmonious coexistence is the way to go! What do you think?