Some people say, "My dog ​​is really heartless and I can't feel its love. Is this dog a waste of time?" In fact, dogs are not that heartless. When a dog secretly likes you, there are signs, and there are many. The master didn't understand.

2024/06/0210:21:32 housepet 1123

Someone said, " My dog ​​is really heartless and I can't feel its love. Is this dog a waste of time? "

Many dog ​​owners hope that they are important to their dogs

In fact Dogs are not so ruthless. When a dog secretly likes you, there are signs. Many owners do not understand.

Some people say,

hiding in the corner and peeking at you

Dogs actually like to hide in the corner and peek at you, also because they like you

Maybe You are busy, and it doesn't want to disturb you.

So it will choose to watch you secretly, not to stay away from you.

Many pet owners don't understand, but this sign is not particularly obvious, and it is normal if they don't understand.

Some people say,

Likes to take the initiative to lick you.

A dog likes to take the initiative to lick you, which means it wants to express its love for you.

However, many owners think that the dog is just greedy and hints that the owner is giving it something to eat.

Then you have misunderstood it. It is following you. Your confession

is like a kiss between humans, do you understand now?

Some people say,

Likes to be next to you when nothing happens

Many owners think that dogs just feel comfortable when they are next to you

Then you are totally wrong. If a dog likes to be next to you, it must secretly like your behavior

Because if it If he doesn't like you, he will stay away from you.

Often the details can reflect whether the dog is sincere to you!

Some people say,

Roll over and expose its belly for you to touch

A dog’s abdomen is not protected by bones and is the softest part of the body

They generally don’t allow people to touch it. If it takes the initiative to roll out its abdomen and let you touch it, it means that it trusts you very much. Naturally, I like you very much.

Some owners think that the dog is acting bad, and the dog will want to cry after hearing it.

Some people say,

imitates your actions

If you suddenly find that the dog imitates your actions, don’t think that it is laughing at you

In fact This is also a sign that it secretly loves you, because it just likes you

so it will learn every move you make, and wants to become just like you

And such a dog is super smart, congratulations on finding a treasure

Some people say,

It will look back when walking. It depends on you

If a dog likes you, you will know if you take it out for a walk.

See if it will look back at you. If it does, that's right.

It actually wants to ask for your opinion on where to go. If you walk

and then go faster, it will stop and wait for you

Many owners may not notice it, but now you know it

Some people say,

If you touch its baby, it is not mean to you

It secretly likes your dog, but it is not Take the initiative to give you toys

When you touch its toys, it will not be aggressive to you, but will be happy to play with you

If it is a more blatant love, it must have shared it with you directly

If you touch its toys, it will It seems that it is eager to play with you.

Then you might as well play with it to enhance the relationship between each other.

Some people say,

Sleeping silently near you

A dog secretly likes you. One sign is that it likes to sleep near you

Sometimes, it will also go to sleep around you.

For example, if you are in the room, it will sleep behind your stool or next to the bed.

It just feels that you are around, which makes it feel more secure, but it will not be too clingy to you.

Some people say,

Conclusion: How will your dog show his love for you?

Some people say,

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