When raising a dog, are you afraid that your dog will behave aggressively? But in fact, in order to avoid this behavior, the choice of dog is very important. The following 7 types of dogs are non-aggressive and can be raised with confidence. 1. Teddy dogs are one of the most comm

When raising a dog, are you afraid that the dog will behave aggressively?

But in fact, if you want to avoid this behavior, the choice of dog is very important.

The following 7 types of dogs are non-aggressive and can be raised with confidence.

1, Teddy dog ​​

One of the most commonly raised dogs by the public, you can see how popular Teddy dogs are.

is friendly to people, positive and enthusiastic, and will basically not attack others.

As a home-based puppy, Teddy dogs are particularly simple and convenient to raise.

Therefore, if you like Teddy dogs, you can keep them with confidence.

2, Shiba Inu

Although the Shiba Inu is a bit stubborn and often goes against its owner, it will not attack its owner.

Moreover, Shiba Inu's emotions are shown on the surface and will not get angry with you behind your back.

Therefore, when it is unhappy, you only need to play with it appropriately and coax it, and it will become happy immediately.

has no offensive power and is easy to coax. If you like it, you can still buy it.

3, Corgi

The Corgi has an eccentric personality and can be said to be one of the most popular dogs nowadays.

is not only friendly to people, but also likes to socialize with others, so there is no problem getting along with others.

Moreover, when raising a Corgi, you don’t have to worry about it getting along with people.

It is precisely because of this that the breeding rate of Corgis has soared in the past two years.

4, Labrador

As one of the recognized non-aggressive large dogs, Labrador is recognized as non-aggressive.

is positive and enthusiastic towards people. He is very affectionate to everyone he is with. He is simply too enthusiastic.

is simple and enthusiastic, making it one of the most suitable large domestic dogs.

is extremely trainable, so it can be said to be very worry-free in education.

5, Golden Retriever

The docile and sensible Golden Retriever can be said to be one of the best-behaved large dogs.

Whether it is dealing with small animals or other similar animals, golden retrievers will behave very friendly.

Moreover, it is also a guardian angel in front of children, so those with children can feel free to raise it.

6, Pug

As one of the cute dogs, Pug is very well-behaved. Even when facing strangers, you can feel the friendliness it expresses.

Let alone attacking people, even if it is bullied, it will not fight back. It's so stupid.

It is precisely for this reason that a pug with a pitiful appearance often arouses the owner's desire for protection.

7, French Bulldog

French Bulldog with full personality, although his personality is very arrogant, but he does not dare to do anything.

Even if it wants to fight, the timid one will be frightened and retreat, like a little coward.

Moreover, when facing people, French Bulldogs are more likely to please, so they are very popular with people.

is also a good choice as a family dog.

However, when raising a French Bulldog, you should pay attention to its gastrointestinal problems.

It has a weak stomach and intestines, so it needs to pay more attention to feeding, otherwise the digestive problems will become more serious.

If you want to effectively solve digestive problems, it is recommended to choose a dog food that is easy to digest and good for the gastrointestinal tract, and manage the gastrointestinal tract through diet.

Conclusion: Do you like any of the above dogs?