Cats are very "homey" animals. They generally like to stay at home and hate going out. Especially these places are purgatory for cats, so try not to go there. 1. If you have ever raised a cat in a crowded place, you will know that cats are very afraid of strangers. They do not li

Cats are very "homey" animals. They generally like to stay at home and hate going out. Especially these places are purgatory for cats, so try not to go there.

1. Places with many people

If you have ever raised a cat, you will know that cats are very afraid of strangers. They do not like strangers and are even more afraid of places with many people. They may even have stress reactions when seeing many people. .

So whenever a cat goes to a crowded place, it will be a little shy and will always hide in the owner's arms or in the corner, hoping to go home quickly.

Places with many people are like purgatory for cats, so pet owners should try not to take them there.

2, bars, K-rooms, game halls, etc.

Cats' hearing is very sensitive. Even small sounds are deafening to them, so they are particularly afraid of noisy places.

Places like bars, K-rooms, game arcades, etc., where there are many people and noisy places, make them feel that their ears are deafened and they really cannot stay for a moment.

3. Places with strong irritating odors

Cats’ sense of smell is quite developed. Their sense of smell is more than 40 times that of humans, so cats are also particularly afraid of things with strong irritating smells, which will make them uncomfortable.

For cats, places with strong pungent smells are like purgatory. Pet owners should not let their cats smell oranges, grapefruits, perfumes, etc., otherwise the cats will stay away from you.

4, pet store

Some pet owners will take their cats to pet stores for bathing, trimming, etc., but in fact cats are very afraid of going to pet stores.

On the one hand, they are afraid of strange environments, on the other hand, they are not familiar with the employees in pet stores and do not like to have physical contact with them. In addition, cats themselves do not like bathing, so letting cats stay in pet stores is a good idea. It's like letting it stay in hell.

If you want to take your cat to the pet store, it is best to stay with it the whole time and divert its attention with some snacks.

5. Places with many similar species

Cats are solitary animals. They like to be alone and hate being around other similar cats. If there are other similar cats around, the cat will feel oppressed and threatened, and the cat will become particularly anxious. For example, when some pet owners raise a second cat, the indigenous people will be very hostile to the new cat.

Therefore, cats are particularly afraid of places with many similar species, which will make them feel insecure, which is also hell for cats.

6, pet hospital

When it comes to the most annoying places for cats, pet hospitals should be at the top of the list. After all, every time the cat goes to the hospital, the cat either needs an injection or undergoes various examinations, which will make the cat very painful.

Moreover, the smell of disinfectant water in pet hospitals is also very irritating and unpleasant to cats, which makes cats even more disgusted. Therefore, when cats are in pet hospitals, they feel like they are in hell.

Of course, if you want to reduce the number of times your cat goes to the hospital, you must feed your cat properly to keep your cat healthy and in good physical condition. If you want your cat to be healthy, the key is to pay attention to its diet. After all, this is the source of nutrients that cats pay most attention to. If a cat eats well, its resistance will naturally increase. It is recommended to choose a nutritious cat food as its main food.

Conclusion: Have you ever taken your cat to these places?

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